Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Painting Woman In Red Dress

The Dirty Dozen

Hehe, since should I apply it once right?
at least, empty, abandoned suitcase I could have somewhere to deposit at a station about video editing looks slightly worse. How

at least those that know me personally know I am sometimes a bit paranoid, but then when I read how far the various technical developments (such as in this article ) at least I know: to right!

Fefe reveals: "The probability to get a body scanner cancer is about as high as that blow up terrorists the plane. "
Sun, and I can now ask ANYONE explain why I have fear of the evil terrorists, but should our politicians also should be thankful? ? The logical consequence from the perspective of the United States would actually be a preventive war against the manufacturer of the body scanners are, drone attacks on politicians, secret special forces to switch off targeted lobbyists ... think
I hear because someone "Now he is exaggerating, but" - ACH JA ? Are you sure?

On this action on December 7, I want to point you all yet!
More infos here and here.
the more people join the better, because we are the people we are the power!

Does anyone remember to Ms Malmström? That was the strange with the views of what a child is (according to the statement submitted by their EU policy at any person in the younger than 18 years). It is precisely this policy has now a lawyer closer look, and drawn a similar conclusion from it as I :
The 19 year old who makes a 17 year old Webcam, or the 18 year old, his 16 year old wife on the beach in skimpy bikini photographed, for example, are the future with (at least) one foot in Crime. They are only spared from punishment if the judges assigned to them a "similar age" and a "comparable mental and physical development and maturity" and also does not see (but given) abuse "indexed". In fact, such basic realities of young people under the general crime suspect identified and provided impunity in free judicial discretion, which can all too easily tip into arbitrariness.

Good news there from Berlin, where the prosecution has to the police attacks on the "Freedom not fear" demonstration in September last Year brought charges. Kongret it comes to the two policemen have fired all the time. The question is, of course, whether resulting from this charge and consequences ...

New forms of direct democracy are being tested in Iceland.
is there not the new constitution written by politicians but "ordinary" citizens.

After I have just been called the "war against body scanner now" politicians are terrorists !
And not just because of the reasons mentioned in the linked article, because who in this day in Europe spread fear and terror? Exactly, they are not the idiots who are in Afghanistan or Iraq every day even blow up, it is the army of politicians, "terrorism experts", intelligence people and the media constantly tell us how we are not gefärdet. Just look a little bit let's back:
mid-2007, "Schäuble keeps suicide attacks in Germany for possible "
Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) considers suicide bombings by radical Islamists in Germany "for possible". He said on Friday corresponding to a question. One can see that people in the border region between Afghanistan and Pakistan to travel to training in terrorist camps. The risk of attacks in Germany was "serious".

Germany was, as other states also, for quite some time "in the crosshairs of Islamist terrorism." That is why it is so important to get as much information as possible, "said Schäuble and reiterated its call to quickly create a legal basis for online searches of computers. "The interception of communications is vital."

early 2008 were "? attack on synagogue in Berlin planned "
The Israeli embassy and Jewish community was warned of assassination, said the "Focus". State Guards were concerned that a van should be used as a rolling bomb.

basis the alarm messages are clues that have the Federal Criminal Police (BKA) was obtained from an informant, told the news magazine "Focus", citing Berlin's safety circuits. Then be in Berlin-Mitte four Arabs in several objects have been caught spying. Three suspects have been released, the fourth man remained in custody for other offenses a BKA spokesman declined to comment on the report on Saturday on request.

that the comment I will accept with joy: WTF? As well, the professionals at work, 4 and no arrests could be something Accused in relation to the bottom of the arrest? This is what truly made of good police work! Well, continue as planned:
summer 2009: " fear of attacks "
Stadler criticized the constant terror warnings from the CDU - just at the same time explained the deputy chairman of the CDU parliamentary group, Wolfgang Bosbach, he saw "no reason to panic, but to" increased care "for possible terrorist attacks in Germany before the election. The "Ruhr Nachrichten" said the politician, that concern was well founded, terrorists might try "by attacks impact on the German contribution to participate in the Afghanistan mission.

as demanded by the Union's constitutional amendment to the armed forces in an emergency at home use to fight terror to be able to Bosbach deems just finished. "The constitutional amendment is urgently needed."

autumn 2010: "Germany is bracing itself for attacks "
Fearing a bloody terrorist attack by Islamists before Christmas Germany tightened its security measures. Federal Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere (CDU) in Berlin on Wednesday warned of an attack in late November and called for the first time a specific date. To protect the public armed police patrolling at airports and train stations. At borders is strictly controlled. Experts fear that Christmas markets could be target of an attack

If somebody something? So aside from appearing almost monthly intervals with the warnings? For example, that have not yet announced the attacks was carried out. Or that there are state representatives are here to stir up panic.

match: (potential) terrorist who is now the wrong music stops !
I mean WTF? Belongs to such basic rights as freedom of speech and the freedom not to listen to what I want? We live in a society which, instead of enjoying themselves at the now possible cultural diversity, responding with prejudice and suspicion.

So, enough for now, but in the end I still have 2 links:
Addendum ambassador's interview last time
We have no fear!


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