Friday, December 24, 2010

How To Connect Honeywell 20p

It's Christmas time

Merry Christmas, my dears!

Actually, I would have long ago to be with my grandma, but I'm just not 'managed to cope.
So now just put a small Christmas greeting.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful evening with your family and / or friends. Let you give presents rich and enjoy the holidays.

It's Christmas time
There's no need to be afraid At Christmas time we let
in light
And we banish shade

Here's a video of a song that each of you is probably known, but of great importance. This song was recorded with various artists in 1984 to help the people of Ethiopia who have just suffered a famine. Bob Geldof was the founder of this group called Band Aid and, with this song millions of euros earned by those coming to Ethiopia to be good.

xoxo, Nathalie


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