Saturday, December 4, 2010

Blondor Bleach Technical Support


... Weekend! Or working period!
For me, the weekend lately only make or anything that I have not done during the week and / or learn for the next exam.
The geography exam, I've more or less survived unscathed, I'm not somehow so optimistic about my grade, but maybe. Well next week is so in math and I have a terrible fear. I usually can mathematics yes, at least when it comes to Infini, but I am a stochastic absolute zero!
also have our teachers once again they thought we could just give up on the weekend even more than usual already, because we have to do anything anyway. Has always been beautiful, yes ...
Well is all this so soon over. Only 26 weeks! Then, both the written and oral Abiprüfungen over and it is finally relax again! :)

've Yesterday I tried again the way to create a new layout, but I failed miserably trying.
I get no picture in the header, the title did not want to go where I wanted and still many 'other things have not worked the way I wanted, so I've given up's. Maybe I try it again another time! : 'D

Oh and because I' has brought a girlfriend to the taste.
I am, as some may know, a person who drinks a lot of terrible coffee, latte macchiato, cappuccino, etc., and, as I carry from home unfortunately can not because the cold is so fast and I have no thermos for I've after advice from 'nervous friend, then another bought one:

the first one just shakes and then drink the cold. But tastes totally delicious, so I's can only recommend it! :)

Have you all been for the trailer of the new film seen in the Channing Tatum plays along
I'm actually not that the boyfriend of action movies, but Chan looks as so damn good? that I would even hurt the movie.

xoxo, Nathalie


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