Friday, December 10, 2010

How Long Before A Trip Should You Tan?

Open my eyes, it was only just a dream!

Hello my friends!

Finally, a more stressful school week is over.
Only two more weeks, with 3 exams, it sounds ever for a bright spot, do not you also ?

Somehow I'm looking forward to Christmas right now, not only because I've got holidays, but because the whole Family is together again.

After I had during the week not feel like doing some pictures of my presents to Santa Claus, I'm now at least once the gloves, which I have spoken in Twitter, photographed. Otherwise, I'm actually really get a lot: care products, chocolate, money, a necklace, gauntlets and gloves.

I really like, above all, they are really warm, even if the fingertips are covered, the hands are not cold. But they are fed too much inside.

also I have to imagine a really great YouTube Künslter.
I've yet heard a cover of him that I did not like the very first time.
I find it really very good. He also has recorded a song with Christina Grimmie also a great singer.
's Just listen to it!

artists: Christina Grimmie & Sam Tsui
section and produced by: Kurt Hugo Schneider
original: Nelly

Sun that's about it for today.
must still the same matter now and then I have to share time with my German essay, I have not done yesterday, because I'm asleep, 'D.

you soon!
xoxo, Nathalie


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