Sunday, December 26, 2010

Angelfire Ap Biology Lab 5

The sky's the limit!

Hello my friends!

Now I'm back to blogging and sometimes you can tell by the last two days.
Christmas was really like with us always as traditional. Afternoon there was coffee, bars and cookies at grandma, then we all went to church and then to our home. There was then goose, dumplings and sauerkraut. Then we have then all assembled in the living room and unwrapped gifts. It was really a nice evening with vieeeeeelen gifts for all:)

On 1 Christmas Day we went all went to grandma for dinner. There was also very traditional marinated beef or duck with potato dumplings or bread dumplings and red cabbage. Thereafter, then my aunt and my uncle and my cousin and her boyfriend have been with us for coffee. Then there was again a little mess between our two families, because we do not celebrate Christmas together so have. And in the evening we played a few games together.

Those were actually my two holidays so far. Papa's parents still come to drink coffee, and tonight there's still a second round of games with my grandma and my great-aunt. Then the holidays are over already.

So and now I will show you even a few gifts that I received:

books for small children care of Mom & Dad
New Chucks from my great aunt
John Frieda Shampoo by Grandma & John Frieda Sprühkur from my aunt & my uncle
book on the Properties / species "of the U.S. with the first dollar slips from my Great Aunt
Electronic Dictionary of Mama & Papa

Moreover, a huge blanket with the words "frost protection" and a hot water bottle from my sister and my brother in law - with the comment: "For the small frostbite! :). Heaps of DVDs, including Gossip Girl Season 1, She's the Man and The Dear John & my brother's girlfriend, Gossip Girl Season 2 of my aunt and my uncle and with you by my side, Ronja Robber's Daughter (my absolute favorite childhood film) and Eclipse from my mom & my dad. And many other beautiful things like candles, a calendar, earrings, a clock, etc.
Thanks also again to everyone for the lovely gifts! :)

Sun and now I will make myself ready first, that I this afternoon not too late to get coffee.
Oh here's a picture of my hair, I've been at Christmas.
Mom's commentary was, "I liked it plain better!" : 'D What say you?

So, that's about it again.
Enjoy the last holiday still and all pupils have a nice holiday! :)

xoxo, Nathalie


You got it, what I want,
Give it up, shawty,
Step it up, for me, And I'll give you
All my life, All my love.


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