Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sims 3 Skins With Nipples

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try

Hello Love!

I hope you all have spent a great Santa Claus, and perhaps one or the other get paid. I've also got really cute stuff. But had no time / desire to photograph it, so you've got to wait until the weekend! :)

school today was modest.
had only two hours while math, two hours and two hours of bio art, but today I was so tired that I fell asleep in the afternoon half of art.
I've also written math today.

Accordingly yesterday was my day to learn from math. I had such a panic over stochastic, because I had understood that in recent weeks in the classroom never really. 've Got it then after much back and forth but finally understood.
Today when I got the words, then I have seen just the first page and I thought: Well first make Infini, which you can and understand?
Well went stupid, I'm already failed at the first task , while it was sooo easy - well you all know hindsight is always wiser! Well at least I was totally desperate because nothing has it worked and I was afraid that I have the second page, so that the Stochastic hinbekomme not, but on the contrary: I'm in the stochastic part of almost any task and I get out there with security and much more points. Ultimately, it was actually quite okay, but bad for my math relationships, I think. I reckon there with a three, like this 8 / 9 points.

Have I already told you also that I get back last week, the art exam? - I do not think so. I have no fewer than 13 points, so 'ne 1 -. I am totally satisfied and I like my picture, exceptionally times
The exam consisted of two parts, 50: 50 - Theory (about architecture): practice.
One should be in practice part of a pond and a tree inspiration for an organic house can be. And here is my result: Drawing in approximately 35 minutes)
I feel I bring more beautiful drawings into being when I am pressed for time: 'D

Oh by the way I was today again to form Spring! Did I somehow
and then I totally forgot the "pennant" back on it landed.
you can continue the course, like to use for asking the questions:)

So that's it for now for today.
Werd me now probably time to put my German essay I have to give on Friday.
And then I'll me the story about Bill Kaulitz and Wolfgang Joop look of yesterday and then tonight, so time for Desperate Housewives and Vampire Diaries!

xoxo, Nathalie


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