Thursday, December 2, 2010

Woman Sudden Pain And Numbness In Right Arm

One kind word can warm three winter months.

a very good evening, my friends!

Did you all have your first two advent calendar door open?
That is for all of us really now that Christmas is just around the corner. I'm kind of at the moment at all in the Christmas spirit. Time went by so fast that I can not believe that in three weeks' time are Christmas holidays and thus the new year is also not far away.

However, I am already on the Christmas season, as the first means for me less stress. Do the holidays get only for the French exam and an estimated the model for the project seminar build done, so sometimes less stressful than it otherwise.

also glad I am animal on New Year's Eve, for there I will finally meet for the first time Denise and Mandy and celebrate with them purely in the new year 'and spend a few days together!

Today I had fortunately not in school because it snowed yesterday so much that this morning a total chaos reigned on the streets and community workers to clear snow does not come afterwards are.
my day I could enjoy, however, as I write geography exam tomorrow, and thus the day was then run again. On the other hand, I'm really happy that I still had the time to do!

Here are some "snow" impressions! :)

xoxo, Nathalie


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