Saturday, November 27, 2010

Kelly Erickson Online

Snow is falling, all around me...

Hello my friends!

Yes, I know I have my promise is not met, but the school and the learning marathon me back.
I wanted now that I'm still a little time before I begin to learn, etc. to report shortly, so you know, that I still live!

Sun and now a small update to all that is happening lately with me:

I have my entire fall break to spend this "wonderful" work to end. It prepared me not only my last nerve, no, it is only in the evening was finished before the levy. Well since I probably still should start sooner rather what I had done so well and what I really felt also had been recommended 500 times. So you should ever write a professional business, then begins soon enough , it annoys you or you yourself afterwards about it, but hey, I can understand it even if you do it at the last minute. I've also done and done! : D
The presentation is also to run quite well, but I get my score until January / February, ie, continue to wait.

Au Pair preparation:
am with my documents, I then start the holiday was well done, they've sent me and then right after that was already sent everything else for the hotkey press!. I had then on the weekend after the holidays and it was really good. Have also also already made a step to my Au Pair year. Now is the wait for me first - to February - to my birthday, because only then can I send the contract and my real driver's license and only then will my entire dossier sent to America. However, I was told that it is then unlocked fairly quickly, that is for me that the first families could sign as early as February. I am so excited and at the same time I am so very much. My earliest departure date will probably be the 4th Be July and I hope very much that I can go so soon because I really can not expect's.

The school currently runs, I would say on average, could be better, but I 'm never happy with me that most people know, yes. Damn perfectionism! Two examinations of eight I've now already behind me and they're both gone better than I had thought. This weekend I will content myself now with geography, but I'll do so gladly! :)

a babysitting job I have now also been found for me in the street. The two are so sweet. Have a small 5-year-old and a 1 1/2-year-old. We were already walking together, feed the ducks and on the playground. I've bathed, played with them, ate together and I'm just a lot of fun. Children are simply something terrific. Alone when the little me smiles, all is forgotten and others I have to smile. I'm looking animal on my time with the kids in America! :)

falls the more I now no longer.
've probably something I forgot, but then I add just one day when I get time again to blog.

And because it has snowed the last day with us so much, I was made shortly before time out and took a few photos, but it was soo cold that have not become the best, because I am such a hurry: D
As you know, I'm not a fan of snow, but for those who would like to have snow and not as much as we have here in Bavarian-Siberia, ein kleiner Vorgeschmack:


"Advice is like snow - the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper in sinks into the mind. "
Samuel Taylor Coleridge


Ultimately, I like the winter pictures actually quite good!
As long as there are only pictures and it's not cold outside, not covered in snow and gray.
Summer is just me rather than the winter!

So, that's about it for today.
See you soon! :) Xoxo



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