Thursday, November 11, 2010

Herpes Foreskin Penis

The parameters of Bell Fischer

order to shorten time to wait until the next regular review a little history, the very nice for (Un) sense in capitalism shows

An American businessman makes on the orders of his doctor in a small Mexican coastal village holidays. On the very first morning he gets up early in a hasty phone call from the office. Because he can not sleep more then he comes down to the pier, to regain a clear head. A small fishing boat with one fisherman creates it. In the boat are some large yellow fin tuna. The Americans congratulated the Mexican on the quality of his catch.

"How long did it take you to catch her?" He asks.
"Not so long," replies the Mexicans in surprisingly good English.
"Why do not you stay out longer and catch more of it?" Asks the American.
"I have enough to feed my family and some friends to give something," says the Mexicans, while transhipment, the fish in the basket.
"But ... what do you do with the rest of their time?"
The Mexican looks up and smiles.
"I sleep long, then I fish a little, play with my children, do siesta with my wife Julia - and every night I go to the village where I drink my wine and play guitar Amigos. I have a full and busy life, senor. "

The American laughs and is directed to its full size.
" My Lord, I'm an economist, I have done my degree at Harvard. I can help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat. Of the larger catches, then make regular basis, you could buy several boats in no time. . You will soon have a whole fleet of fishing boats "He continues:" Instead of selling your catch to middlemen, You can offer it to consumers directly and offer some point your own cannery. You will control product, processing and distribution then himself. Of course, you have to leave this small fishing village behind and move to Mexico City to Los Angeles and finally to New York, from where you will lead their expanding Unternehmnen with the right management. "

asks the Mexican fisherman," But ? Senor, how long will it take for all this "
replied the American," Maybe 15 to 20 years. ? Very most 25th "
" And what then, Senor, "laughs
The Americans and says:" This is the best of it. When the time is is right, you go public, sell your shares and get really rich. They will make millions! "
" Millions, senor? And then? "
" Then you sit down to rest and repair to a small fishing village. You sleep late, fish a little, play with the children, a siesta do with your wife and go in the evening to the village where they drink their Amigos wine and play guitar ... "

found out not Have the author, unfortunately, text is from here. tach


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