Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Intervention Caylee 2010

Winning Eleven


A good example of new quality journalism I have this week at the levels found:
Addendum: Later on "Call of Duty: Black Ops" turns out that the character is not a virtual Castro, but a doppelganger was killed. As participants in the SPIEGEL ONLINE Forum this surprising turn have now disclosed, the reader should be denied here either.

has an editor, since it seems not even played the game for about to write ... There we go!

climate change? but there is no problem, God has already promised to save humanity !
Exactly, and then comes over and plays the Easter Bunny brings us beam technology and the hypocrisy of Mr. Bush Jr. will be resurrected after his death and continue with all its wisdom (and enough people Kawumms) provide eternal world peace, or what? If any rednecks to believe something in the Texas desert, the already bad enough, but in reality these politicians should be strictly on the basis loss ...

had almost exactly a year ago Heise an interview with Michael Moore because of his (then) latest film, "A-Kapialismus Love story "in the course of which he was questioned over the Internet.
It is the greatest invention in my life. We can communicate across continents. I can quickly search online a lot. Before, I would have had months to travel through the archives to to find what I find today in a single day online research. I think the internet is great. We just have to make sure that in the hands of citizens remains.

nothing to add.

From the category "security arrangements" without need and sense : An Australian school wants to introduce fingerprint scanners to absenteeism control better. Apart from the fact that in my view, is deviant and perverse to take fingerprints of children in the devices are thought to be far from being truly secure. As with most similar advances the actual benefit is negligible, the damage to such technologies in the everyday life can cause it not even be estimated.

And if we are so here, the superintendent of the police department for "professional standards" in Liverpool hints at :
However, I would like to stress that CCTV images can never show the whole story.

Och ne, non-true until all explain how great because everything is, but as soon as time police officers acting like the same (some, containing reminds <100% der) Polizisten benehmen dann zeigen die Kameras natürlich nicht die ganze Wahrheit...
Somehow me to the action film official in demos , and of course the handling with the evidence .

There is indeed the saying that the NPD would no longer ban if all the V-men would be deducted perhaps take this reflects on the German Al-Quaidaableger to !

And small update Gibts also to get the thing with Stuttgart21.

a (somewhat) objective picture of our society, it is quite helpful to foreign media reports to heart, and it shows not all that great moment from "The amateur draft to a savings budget, the government gambled their reputation !

For this has caused great excitement interview with the Turkish ambassador. So completely do I understand this (excitement), however, and if so then get some Politkaschperln and the severance of diplomatic relations with Turkey ask me if I ask those who are upset as this have actually read the interview itself. This requirement can not otherwise be explained, however, the ambassador does say in the first sentence that everything which follows his personal Opinion. If it comes along, however, a Mr Strache and diplomatic consequences demanded it means nothing more than that, according to this interpretation, someone with a public office (as ambassador) no one can have private opinion, someone with a different public office (eg, party leader of the ( unfortunately) major parties in Austria) but may secrete any nonsense, we ham since then A freedom of expression. Well, obviously this is not freedom of expression for people who do not take minorities with their statements.
Edit: Robert Misik seems to look very similar , and has some of the highlights in the same packed with the video.

And finally, a warning: Beware Nazi !
And yes, that agrees exactly with the Skins!


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