Saturday, September 11, 2010

Time Warner Telephone Digital Phone Hook Up

Eid-ul-Mubarak Fetr

the name of Allah the Merciful
Praise the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon Muhammad and his family Alotaibin Alothreinn

be a feast for us and we delay Oolna
"... daß er ein Fest für uns sei für den Ersten von uns und für den Letzten von uns ... " (5:114)

01. Schawwal 1431 nH

Im Namen Allahs des All-Erbarmenden

according to precise astronomical calculations and taking into account the Fatawa of those scholars who regard the principle of local moon sighting as the crucial factor for the start of an Islamic month, is now 11th September 2010, the first day of breaking the fast in Germany and surrounding regions.

For this reason we celebrate our blessings Imam of the time, Al-Mahdi (afs), all of our legal minds in imitation of the entire Muslim world and all of you. May Allah hear our prayers and answer our prayers.

The Eid prayer is performed today at 9 clock in "Khane Iran" on Park Road 5 in Köln Marienburg.

Zakat-ul-Fitra per person is € 9.00 .

with Islamic greetings


Islamic Youth Cologne


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