Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Best Push Up Bra For Small Breasts

You don't take a photograph. You ask, quietly, to borrow it!

Hello! : ')

After today it was finally warm and sunny again, I have directly used the opportunity in the garden and have a few pictures taken. 'Unfortunately, I had "only as a' low-clippers'" - like my art teacher would say seminar - but I think the pictures are still become very beautiful. I have never doubted it at any rate, my teacher, however, already, because he thought they could make all the settings so anyway, and so on. I have changed nothing on most images, - That depth of field, shutter speed, ISO, etc. I have set on my camera - had increased only in some images in hindsight the contrast a bit because my camera in too much light, unfortunately, sometimes tends to leave everything seem a little pale.

All in all, I am completely satisfied with the result I got from my seminar course that is ever forget anything on camera settings!

So and now I will talk over you no further, are curious about the result. :)


Photos ©: Nathalie G.

Should you use a photo do, please ask me before. Thank you!


"A good photo is a photo, you look to the longer than one second."
Henri Cartier-Bresson


"I give the moment of time. "
Manuel Alvarez Bravo


"It's not the camera but who is behind it."
Author Unknown


"It's weird that photographers spend years or a lifetime so , capturing moments, which result not even put together a couple of hours. "
James Lalropui Keivom

"Being prepared is much to be able to wait more, but first: use the right moment is everything."
Arthur Schnitzler


"photography is more than pressing the shutter button."
Bettina Rheims


"photography, which is a kind of screaming to get rid ... It is a way of life."
Henri Cartier-Bresson


"Make visible what might have been perceived without you before."
Robert Bresson


"Nature photography is experiencing first hand. "
Fritz Pölking


"Who can see can take pictures. learning to see, however, can take a long time."
slogan of Leica AG


"Photography teaches that how well you see nothing to do with how well you see."
Author Unknown

** *
"The eye makes the picture, not the camera. "
Gisèle Freund


"The fact that one eye of the photographer looks wide open through the viewfinder, the other, the closed, looks into his own soul. "
Henri Cartier-Bresson


" A picture should look at it - do not talk about it, "
. Elliott Erwitt


"The use of a camera is similar to that of a knife: One can thus peel potatoes, but also carve a flute. "
Erich Kahlmeyer


" A picture makes us feel, to hold the whole world in his hands. Photos are documents of the moment, of life, of history. The photograph turned the world into an eternal continuance of offer to fly out of reality into the realm of fantasy, from sorrow to joy - through the windows of the soul; the Eye - Mario Cohen

Camera: Panasonic DMC-TZ2 EC-K Digital Camera
editor: Photoscape


So, I hope you's have persevered this far and still manages to give me some feedback
I'd be very happy about it. ')



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