Friday, September 17, 2010

Kitchen Danger Worksheet

special edition: Observations by the National Congress of the Pirate Party of National Organization of Upper Austria

well short of the LPT PPOÖ.

I was before yesterday (09/15/2010) as independent observers during the LPT PPOÖ.
After a brief round of introductions and review whether any non-party members were also involved in the voting so far the only transitional restrictions on board with no abstentions or votes against relieved.
was then elected the new board also is 100% of those present.

led Following is still a thoroughly interesting discussion in the ACTA, among other things, the stewards of the city of Linz GMBH (aka city guard) and INDECT were discussed.

It is hoped that the pirates will get in future, the (Upper) Austria some fresh air into the dusty political landscape.

Update: The official minutes 's Online


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