Saturday, September 11, 2010

Disability And Emigrating

Whenever you fall, pick something up

Hello my friends: ')

Have you seen it? My blog has a new layout and I've added the Google Translator, because I've seen that even have viewed people from the USA, China or Russia on my blog and to understand precisely this to allow my blog entries, must now Google ! serve :)

Actually I wanted to blog yesterday evening, but our sample for the wedding day has taken longer than I thought and this morning I was totally stressed out, so the journal is only now. So again from the beginning. Starting in Munich.

on Wednesday even as I half had overslept, I had to take the train, I arrived at 17:15 clock in Munich main train station and after I've taken this time not the S-Bahn, but the underground, it has directly taken up again more I was finally at my sister. So I made nothing and then I went to bed relatively soon.

The next day I drove into town to shop around a bit. Ultimately have a sweater in Orsay and a sweater, a long sleeve shirt, a hair band and found the H & M underwear. Image I have now made none, had no desire / time anyway, but a picture to follow designed yet!
Oh and I like shoes again from H & M, but they did not buy it, otherwise I would have been a head shorter, and Mom would tell me crazy. Here they are:

H & M boots, 39,95 €

Also, I'm in H & M found my dream man # 3, next Channing Tatum & Tom Kaulitz times a Normalo, neither famous nor anything else, but incredibly attractive. I saw him and was immediately blown away. We also had a couple of times eye contact with each other, but I'm not just dare to speak to him, would have been funny too, because he is an employee level, but maybe I see him so the next time: I 'D

After shopping I was in the day care center went and got my babies and the staff there to visit. Was really nice to be back there and I also think it's really a pity that the internships rumgingen so quickly. My little Wutzi is now so grown up that she is all alone in the garden and sometimes faster, than what are already older than her. She is now just 1 year old. Madness to evolve so quickly as small people.

And I'm looking forward now so excited the year that I can spend in America as an au pair, because I have a year such a little thing around me and can take care of the children.

My perfect chaos in Munich: ')

evening I'm not much made then, have only the first Season Gossip Girl looked over and I think it is so bad that Serena is no longer together with Dan. I think that was a totally nice couple. I also realized that I both Nate Archibald (Chace Crawford) and Chuck Bass (Ed Westwick) damn hot find. Whom do you find better? : 'D


And yesterday I am then around 15:00 Clock went home, I have a vanilla latte before or got at Starbucks - by the way is my favorite drink 'n Starbuck's here is not, unfortunately - and I will be so arrived at 18:00 clock here. After that, I still had the dress rehearsal for the wedding today and then I have the evening even the pop stars looked a result of Thursday. was

morning then chaos Pur, because I did not know what should I wear and my mom was then suddenly disappeared, although I would have gemusst long been to church because we had to sing yes and yes, with some delay I've also done it then.
The wedding itself was really nice to us No errors happened and we had a lot of fun. We were then even mentioned a few times that it was so beautiful, yes. Was really totally beautiful once again to sing with the choir together, even after we had resolved 2 years ago.

And now I have to read some times my reading for English and later to take care of our foster dog we have between now and Monday here. Such a sweet dog, but I could not imagine himself to have one. My dogs are just too dependent on humans, but that for 'n few hours / days they are very nice:')

So, that's about it for today.


The voting, which I started regarding the Zoeva pallets ends so that the metallic Stones won range and I therefore set this range as soon as I recover a bit have more money: D


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