Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Flight Simulator X Product Generator

Beginning is easy - continuing hard!


In recent weeks I have not noticed how fast time flies and how quickly is approaching the first day of school again, but today he was then: The first day of school after the summer holidays!
For many children it is now the very first day of school, they come in the Grunschuloe, for others it is the first year in high school or secondary school and me it is my last school year. Unbelievable how time flies. I can still remember my first day at high school and now I will have to enter the school only a few months and then never again. Then I finally made it! This all sounds terribly so ... well Taurig same time!

So and now but for now this morning. My Mom is just totally sweet because it came today 'pure and had a small cornet for me in the hand. And the sweetest because the inscription is on a small table top of the cornet, "Your aim + hard work = 1.7. For this I must say that I am a very ambitious person and my goal for the school repays ever 1.9, is because I'm lazy but also occasionally times, the goal is not higher. My Mom, however, is of the opinion that I would make it even better if I would reduce the laziness even further, so the saying it! : ')

So and now to school. This morning was really nice to see them all again, but I am not at all more accustomed to getting up so soon. I had my alarm clock today kicked tomorrow favorite against the wall. Well in any case have been resolved today tomorrow first, some organizational matters and felt 100 years later we get then finally handed our schedules and I must say that I'm really totally satisfied. Have a whole afternoon and even less in 12 / 2 then be another four hours, that is my seminar courses on Monday 10 & 11 Hour and Tuesday 10 & 11 Hours eliminated. So this year I had finally lucky! : ')

After school, I was driving directly or was actually quite good, but I had to today for practice again, take the motorway and I hate driving highway . That's just not my thing, or the up and down is not my thing, so the rest is easy. : 'D

Thus the
's it again for today. I am now waiting only for my Mom is ready and then we go there again soon in the city. Need a new folder, fact sheets, a timer, ...




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