Monday, September 27, 2010

Gpsphone Cheat List For Pokemon Emerald

Christl-Marie Schultes. The first Bavarian aviator

Christl-Marie Schultes (1904-1976, née Maria Rosalia Schultes, was the first Bavarian pilot. Because of their origin from a forester's family she was "Ranger Christl" called. were in their adventurous flying life is ups and downs.

Maria Rosalia Schultes came on 6 November 1904 by one of four children from the second marriage of the Bavarian Forester Otmar Schultes peace rock with Theresa Schulte, nee Koller, in the case of forest Geigant Munich (Upper Palatinate) world. From 1907 the family lived in Schultes Oberenzenau in Bad Heilbrunn (Upper Bavaria), where the father had been transferred.

learned in 1928, the adventurous Christl-Marie without the knowledge of her parents in Berlin-Staaken flying. Under the so-called A bill she received soon after the aerobatic certificate. With a borrowed engine from its flight school, she performed at air shows in the province and was cheered as the first Bavarian aviator.

In March 1929, Christl-Marie bought with the financial support of the city and their parents in Tölz England, a private plane, they should fly for Bad Tolz and its operating baths advertising. This machine was on 4 August 1929 in the name of "Bad Tölz" baptized. So they stepped up to the German air idols Ernst Udet and Gerhard Fieseler, both at home and abroad. Solely with the air show in Munich, estimated admired 50000-150000 viewers inside their flying skills.

In the summer of 1930 the aircraft was "Bad Tölz" during a flight over the Fichtelgebirge of a Gewitterbö thrown to the ground and crashed. Christl-Marie and her passenger escaped unhurt. Soon after, she received a second plane, called "Bad Tolz.

The crash of Christl-Marie in the Fichtelgebirge prevented their planned participation in the Europe-flight in the summer of 1930, where she had been the only German pilot. Was not achieved after a long flight scheduled for November 1930 Japan.

In the spring of 1931 Christl-Marie wanted to achieve together with the young pilots Gustav Sackmann from Cannstatt the bold plan for a flight around the world. But the two fell on 21 May 1931 during a storm in an attempted emergency landing in Schaibing near Passau (Niederbayern) and was seriously injured. In this accident lost her left leg Christl-Marie and had to wear a prosthetic leg now.

was from April 1933 Christl-Marie his own magazine called "German Flugillustierte" out. Because they are not the "Nazi" and had joined a Jewish fiance, she was confiscated by the Nazis. In the following years she was monitored by the "Gestapo."

After the death of German President Paul von Hindenburg, who had been their patron, emigrated Christl-Marie in August 1934 in Switzerland, in 1936, first to Spain, where soon civil war broke out, then to Portugal and finally to France .

In France Christl-Marie helped poor children and the persecuted, until they are arrested and brought to the internment Brens. After 14 months in this camp, she was deported in 1942 to Germany, came to the Ravensbrück concentration camp, but was due to the help of an apparently released in SS man she fell in love again. Her work in the aircraft industry, they lost in March 1943 for "political unreliability."

In spring 1944, Christl-Marie criticized in the post office in Bad Tolz and then when driving from Bad Tolz in Bad Heilbrunn in a packed bus, the "Nazis" and called for soldiers to not to go to war. Then they wandered in Germany before she voluntarily to the authorities in October 1944 presented.

That Christl-Marie was not executed for military morale, she owed the Americans, who on 1 May 1945 with tanks in the prison yard of Munich-Stadelheim rolled. Christl-Marie has used even after the Second World War and over again for other people. For example, for German prisoners of war or for earthquake victims in Morocco.

On 9 March 1976 died Christl-Marie Schultes at the age of 71 years impoverished and forgotten in Munich. Her life would offer ample material for novels or movies. So far, however, not even a road or a way to honor the first Bavarian aviator been named.


literature on Christl-Marie Schultes

Ernst Probst: queens of the skies from A to Z, Munich 2010
Ernst Probst: queens of the skies in Europe, Munich 2010
Ernst Probst : queen of the skies in Germany, Munich 2010
Ernst Probst / Josef Eimannsberger: Three queens of the skies from Bavaria, Munich 2010
Ernst Probst / Theo Lederer: Christl-Marie Schultes. The first Bavarian aviator, Munich 2010

An Abnormally High Rate Of Respiration

The "Christl-Marie Schultes blog"

Waldmünchen / Bad Heilbrunn (christl-marie-shoulder blog) - The "Christl-Marie Schultes Blog" reports on the first Bavarian aviator Christl-Marie Schultes (1904-1976), actually Maria Rosalia Schultes. She came in 1904 in Geigant Waldmünchen (Upper Palatinate) to the world and grew from 1907 in Oberenzenau in Bad Heilbrunn (Upper Bavaria). In 1928 she became the first woman to fly from Bavaria. Because she does from a family of foresters she was often "Ranger Christl" called. The life of Christl-Marie was adventurous and provides ample material for novels and movies. She was one of the first female pilot in Germany.



Ernst Probst: queens of the skies in Germany, Munich 2010

Ernst Probst: queens of the skies in Europe, Munich 2010

Ernst Probst: queens of the skies from A to I, Munich 2010

Ernst Probst / Josef Eimannsberger: Three queens of the skies from Bavaria. Thea Knorr - Christian-Marie Schultes - Lisl Schwab, Munich 2010

Ernst Probst / Theo Lederer : Christl-Marie Schultes. The first Bavarian aviator, Munich 2010 (in preparation)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Uc Supplemental Questionnare To Enhance

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies

Hello, my friends!

It's the weekend, and, actually, it's almost over. If yes again Sunday, and tomorrow starts the new school week or for one or the other, the new work week again.
I ask myself really often where you goes time only, and how, as people can withstand a constantly running everyday but must have. Soon changed for me and others this year Secondary School graduate make a lot:
I will leave in any case was dark for a year in Germany, if everything goes the way I imagine me. I'm looking forward to my animal Au pair in the States and now slowly begin the hot phase, since my deadline for submitting documents and filling in the online environment is already on 27 October.
Unbelievable that not even a year of my school until I finally turn their backs and Germany would leave first.
In case anyone is interested to collaborate with any agency, I, here again the Left . This agency provides to an American agency, and supports in preparing for the au pair year.
If someone has already made experience with these or have heard about whether positive or negative, or questions for me to have, he can be happy in the shoutbox, write me an e-mail, Twitter, on Facebook or anywhere else out. I would be happy! :. ')

So and now to my last week
you run is actually still quite relaxed, on Friday I had in English is an oral presentation on a chapter from our book "A Passage to India" hold and then got right by 13 points, so a 1 - to get. And this is a really a good start to the new school year! :) And a former math, we have also written and I'm actually quite optimistic about that. I expect I really an 1, ie 13/14/15 points. If I have not forgotten anything in particular - I am no longer sure - I should really get together for 15 points. Well, now wait!

So and now to my Saturday.
times I really sat down all day Saturday and have been working on my professional work. I'm on vacation does not matter, for it made me even though I've made. The only thing I've done then towards the end, was to write down key points for each point and then I was already leaving the air.
And so you at all times know what is going on my professional work, here is my issue:
"Mandala - a very versatile mathematical structure. Today's use, construction and calculation "
satisfied I am with the topic name yet, but well
Yesterday I did then that is my introduction that definition, the complete structure drawn into steps and first 2 1 / 2 figures formulated, for tomorrow I've already trade talks and for that I must, of course, what can show
Lest you think of my mandala and the construction of what you can, I have the time photographed.

Oh and it has only as 'a funny color because I darkened the image, have sharpened and deepened, so that the pencil drawings just to see better,' D.

What do you say to that? So I'm actually quite happy. White is just not how I calculate it all or what I should charge at all, but I'm so tomorrow the trade talks!

So and I'll start my homework and Effi Briest share, for the book I still have not fully read. 'm Only at page 120 of 320th

And finally a picture of the France trip in July 2010.
It was nice and warm's was. I want to go back! : 'D

Arles - Blue Note


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Multiplication 1000x1000

A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway

Hello dear ones! :)

Here I am again.
I know that it has once again gedaurt little longer until I blog again, but - and no, now is no excuse regarding the school - I was just quite simply not in the mood blogging. Time I had at the weekend and I've even considered blogging, but then I have yet released, but now I'm back here.

First a bit about my weekend. My sister and my brother were here for a long time again, so I did most of the week spent with my sister. Drove a car I am of course every day, but I've always been a constant exchange between Dad's and Mom's car, so I switch constantly has to, because Mama's car containing partially correct Macken has and you do things need to be in another car do not need and dad's first car was totally a lot of horsepower and a lot easier ride,. By car, you may drive and just in second gear, which I personally find very cool, if I'm too lazy again in the first to switch response: 'D.
Otherwise, I really wanted on Sunday for Cynthia, but I fell asleep after lunch and then came my aunt and uncle for a visit and then I got it not anymore done, unfortunately ...
But my aunt and uncle gave me this totally cute gift for passing driver's license. The car can go and falls down, because it knows when the table is over. My brother and my dad liked it almost more than me: D. Btw, so my car once look 8 ')

And to school yesterday and today there's not really so much to say except it vieeeeeeeel too long. I get up, go to school, come home, do homework and show me the stuff sometimes and then I go back to sleep. That's not a life! : D
But I may even complain really, because my seminar on Monday afternoon comes up off to the Fall Break because I write in the discipline my professional work must and my teacher said that we better the time at home be able to use just to write the technical work rather than at school . Sit So I got up to the autumn holiday Mondays only until 3:30: ').
Apropo skilled work. That I should really sit down, because I have not really started yet, admitted to a few key points and as long as it is now no longer up to the deadline on November 9, otherwise I will not after the high school!

And Apropo school, my high school coaches are now also now arrived at last
math, bio, German, French, and now lacks only geography, but that's not live!
I ordered the books at all Jean de if still interested. I find it built up really great and I'll soon will look at a few exercises.

Otherwise there's not really so much to tell. In school is not so much going on that could be because more who are in Greece on a school trip and that they want to give us time for our professional work. Supposedly the right exam stress go after the autumn break, then it's time once every week at least one exam. Juhu: '/!

Oh and my mom is totally sweet. She bought me a timer that is really totally beautiful. It's kinda simple, but beautiful. It comes as every few pages even a picture with a saying to the division and is also great. Unfortunately this is not a student-friendly calendar and begins before the end of Dezemberg / early January. Until then, I have to just take another timer, but I found it to love yet completely from it (:.

That's it for now for today
Maybe I will blogging again any time soon cosmetic product and write my views - if I have time and feel like it.



The two hours I discovered by accident. I find it great and the cover is totally successful in my opinion, but do yourself a picture of times: ')

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Myammee Flavor Of Love Hair Shop

nine Ringwraiths

Welcome back to the still relatively (much to MMN) long summer break!
in autumn now I will post something more often then again, at least every 2 weeks.

Well, to start something entertaining: there are a "proof" for the saying "The dumbest farmers have the biggest potatoes."
Wohler I am not, however, when intelligence and success are diametrically opposite ...

Now for something more serious topics: The Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace Although a bit dated (1996), yet it is still at least as current. Cyberspace is the network, cyberspace is the matrix, cyberspace, we all are. Or as William Gibson once put it: "Cyberspace is where the bank cancels my money."

has the Chaos Computer Club this summer 11 theses for the future of the Internet worked in many aspects similar explanation of the authorities ...

Although most like me pretty well on my nerves but I must go and bring again to what our great crisis. First, an American economist researcher has somehow calculated (black magic?) That collapse in the next few years the international stock market will finally and reasonably durable . Why am I such a "nightmare scenario" to mention here? Apart from that I certainly am of the opinion that he might be right its previous forecasts speak for him:
Prechter has his critics but a huge advantage: In several decades of consulting experience he has only one time a wrong forecast delivered.

Second, Heiner Flassbeck a very "nice" analysis about the errors of the characters written on the financial markets, and I would say he's right:
have before the big crisis across many gamers with lots of borrowed money to play zero-sum games to earn the famous 25 percent return. But as you can achieve zero-sum games or 25 percent, or any other return, it had to go wrong. Something else was logically impossible.

Again a case of the category WTF? court bans sale of used software !
What I always wonder since then believe (= "rights holders" with their own arguments? one hand claim to have all the rights to the software / the film / music / whatever the other hand I have as a client, any right, this is true (as in this case) often both before after acquisition of the product, so why should I pay for their products at all if I lose money anyway attain any benefits ...
Fefe on this topic has recently dropped.

As some probably know already I have indeed the fear that Iran could attack Israel (see also here ), with this view, I am certainly not alone, but now has anyone even thought about what consequences could have such an attack.

Oh, and where we are on Israel: Israel wants tougher action against Gaza fleets proceed !
What now? If since then the ships will be sunk just once? Will now focus on every shot that dares to go on deck? Is it really a crime to defend themselves against piracy? (And if so, then what about the EU anti-piracy operation? The would have to yes in The Hague will be handled in court or something.)

contrasts (Berlin restaurant Fernsehn) has even made a broadcast about unjustified police violence . Even if the entire mission suspended only in one case, and thus gave the impression that aside from Olaf H. actually everything is OK, it is still important that this issue is at least addressed.

And while we're at our friends and supporters (this term probably comes from the demo saying "Just you wait my friend, I'll help you"), the Ministry of Interior will continue fingerprints and DNA samples take from police.
And the union wants to prevent that. But with the fingerprints of the entire population (with the new passport), they have no problem ...
background of the claim is that is wanted again by people whose traces were found at crime scenes and later turned out to be investigators.

Can anyone still remember the "Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the prevention of the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography and for the abolition of the Framework Decision 2004/68/JHA" the I here times closer look? Where can I find out about the somewhat strange definitions, among others, child (each / r under 18) have wondered? And then had meant only partially seriously as one could be shown because of child pornography as a Teenager for homemade pictures / videos? You remember? Good, because exactly happened!
When the term "youth pornography" included in the penal code found critics expressed concern that it might come by to pursue young people to discover their own sexuality. These concerns were allayed by the proponents of the law changes quickly - but a case of Kempten currently shows that the fears were not far-fetched. A 14-year-old had made of himself nude pictures and they allegedly passed on to young people confidence.

Very aptly, the closing sentence of the article is:
A logical consequence would be that even if no photos or videos be prepared to be naked and provocative clothing equated with pornography and banned for youths would have. course, only for their protection.

And as a useful link to the end of this time I have an (incomplete) list of fairly strengthens called Freedom Party members condemned

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sasha Monet Perfect Slave

Beeeeeestanden! :')

Hello my friends!

My first week was actually quite okay, although I would have thought that we could not do so much. So I am probably mistaken, for we have already started in each subject directly. However, nothing beats maths! The first two lessons for this year and I have written directly by 3 1 / 2 pages. Well you notice however, that this is the last school year: D.

Sunday and yesterday was finally the day on which I've been waiting forever: My practical driving test!
I was in the morning sooo extremely excited when I was picked up by my driving instructor and to reassure myself we went a bit through the city and are practiced to park, so I was unable to pick me a bit.
I When at last turn was, I first went to start the car out, because I was so excited, but after a few minutes it went really well and then I finally PASSED! :))

So, today I have to spent my whole Schulkram and finally do something with my professional work! And tomorrow's then likely to Cynthia to the application video for my Au Pair Agency to make.

That's it for now again!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Kitchen Danger Worksheet

special edition: Observations by the National Congress of the Pirate Party of National Organization of Upper Austria

well short of the LPT PPOÖ.

I was before yesterday (09/15/2010) as independent observers during the LPT PPOÖ.
After a brief round of introductions and review whether any non-party members were also involved in the voting so far the only transitional restrictions on board with no abstentions or votes against relieved.
was then elected the new board also is 100% of those present.

led Following is still a thoroughly interesting discussion in the ACTA, among other things, the stewards of the city of Linz GMBH (aka city guard) and INDECT were discussed.

It is hoped that the pirates will get in future, the (Upper) Austria some fresh air into the dusty political landscape.

Update: The official minutes 's Online

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Flight Simulator X Product Generator

Beginning is easy - continuing hard!


In recent weeks I have not noticed how fast time flies and how quickly is approaching the first day of school again, but today he was then: The first day of school after the summer holidays!
For many children it is now the very first day of school, they come in the Grunschuloe, for others it is the first year in high school or secondary school and me it is my last school year. Unbelievable how time flies. I can still remember my first day at high school and now I will have to enter the school only a few months and then never again. Then I finally made it! This all sounds terribly so ... well Taurig same time!

So and now but for now this morning. My Mom is just totally sweet because it came today 'pure and had a small cornet for me in the hand. And the sweetest because the inscription is on a small table top of the cornet, "Your aim + hard work = 1.7. For this I must say that I am a very ambitious person and my goal for the school repays ever 1.9, is because I'm lazy but also occasionally times, the goal is not higher. My Mom, however, is of the opinion that I would make it even better if I would reduce the laziness even further, so the saying it! : ')

So and now to school. This morning was really nice to see them all again, but I am not at all more accustomed to getting up so soon. I had my alarm clock today kicked tomorrow favorite against the wall. Well in any case have been resolved today tomorrow first, some organizational matters and felt 100 years later we get then finally handed our schedules and I must say that I'm really totally satisfied. Have a whole afternoon and even less in 12 / 2 then be another four hours, that is my seminar courses on Monday 10 & 11 Hour and Tuesday 10 & 11 Hours eliminated. So this year I had finally lucky! : ')

After school, I was driving directly or was actually quite good, but I had to today for practice again, take the motorway and I hate driving highway . That's just not my thing, or the up and down is not my thing, so the rest is easy. : 'D

Thus the
's it again for today. I am now waiting only for my Mom is ready and then we go there again soon in the city. Need a new folder, fact sheets, a timer, ...



Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Best Push Up Bra For Small Breasts

You don't take a photograph. You ask, quietly, to borrow it!

Hello! : ')

After today it was finally warm and sunny again, I have directly used the opportunity in the garden and have a few pictures taken. 'Unfortunately, I had "only as a' low-clippers'" - like my art teacher would say seminar - but I think the pictures are still become very beautiful. I have never doubted it at any rate, my teacher, however, already, because he thought they could make all the settings so anyway, and so on. I have changed nothing on most images, - That depth of field, shutter speed, ISO, etc. I have set on my camera - had increased only in some images in hindsight the contrast a bit because my camera in too much light, unfortunately, sometimes tends to leave everything seem a little pale.

All in all, I am completely satisfied with the result I got from my seminar course that is ever forget anything on camera settings!

So and now I will talk over you no further, are curious about the result. :)


Photos ©: Nathalie G.

Should you use a photo do, please ask me before. Thank you!


"A good photo is a photo, you look to the longer than one second."
Henri Cartier-Bresson


"I give the moment of time. "
Manuel Alvarez Bravo


"It's not the camera but who is behind it."
Author Unknown


"It's weird that photographers spend years or a lifetime so , capturing moments, which result not even put together a couple of hours. "
James Lalropui Keivom

"Being prepared is much to be able to wait more, but first: use the right moment is everything."
Arthur Schnitzler


"photography is more than pressing the shutter button."
Bettina Rheims


"photography, which is a kind of screaming to get rid ... It is a way of life."
Henri Cartier-Bresson


"Make visible what might have been perceived without you before."
Robert Bresson


"Nature photography is experiencing first hand. "
Fritz Pölking


"Who can see can take pictures. learning to see, however, can take a long time."
slogan of Leica AG


"Photography teaches that how well you see nothing to do with how well you see."
Author Unknown

** *
"The eye makes the picture, not the camera. "
Gisèle Freund


"The fact that one eye of the photographer looks wide open through the viewfinder, the other, the closed, looks into his own soul. "
Henri Cartier-Bresson


" A picture should look at it - do not talk about it, "
. Elliott Erwitt


"The use of a camera is similar to that of a knife: One can thus peel potatoes, but also carve a flute. "
Erich Kahlmeyer


" A picture makes us feel, to hold the whole world in his hands. Photos are documents of the moment, of life, of history. The photograph turned the world into an eternal continuance of offer to fly out of reality into the realm of fantasy, from sorrow to joy - through the windows of the soul; the Eye - Mario Cohen

Camera: Panasonic DMC-TZ2 EC-K Digital Camera
editor: Photoscape


So, I hope you's have persevered this far and still manages to give me some feedback
I'd be very happy about it. ')


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Disability And Emigrating

Whenever you fall, pick something up

Hello my friends: ')

Have you seen it? My blog has a new layout and I've added the Google Translator, because I've seen that even have viewed people from the USA, China or Russia on my blog and to understand precisely this to allow my blog entries, must now Google ! serve :)

Actually I wanted to blog yesterday evening, but our sample for the wedding day has taken longer than I thought and this morning I was totally stressed out, so the journal is only now. So again from the beginning. Starting in Munich.

on Wednesday even as I half had overslept, I had to take the train, I arrived at 17:15 clock in Munich main train station and after I've taken this time not the S-Bahn, but the underground, it has directly taken up again more I was finally at my sister. So I made nothing and then I went to bed relatively soon.

The next day I drove into town to shop around a bit. Ultimately have a sweater in Orsay and a sweater, a long sleeve shirt, a hair band and found the H & M underwear. Image I have now made none, had no desire / time anyway, but a picture to follow designed yet!
Oh and I like shoes again from H & M, but they did not buy it, otherwise I would have been a head shorter, and Mom would tell me crazy. Here they are:

H & M boots, 39,95 €

Also, I'm in H & M found my dream man # 3, next Channing Tatum & Tom Kaulitz times a Normalo, neither famous nor anything else, but incredibly attractive. I saw him and was immediately blown away. We also had a couple of times eye contact with each other, but I'm not just dare to speak to him, would have been funny too, because he is an employee level, but maybe I see him so the next time: I 'D

After shopping I was in the day care center went and got my babies and the staff there to visit. Was really nice to be back there and I also think it's really a pity that the internships rumgingen so quickly. My little Wutzi is now so grown up that she is all alone in the garden and sometimes faster, than what are already older than her. She is now just 1 year old. Madness to evolve so quickly as small people.

And I'm looking forward now so excited the year that I can spend in America as an au pair, because I have a year such a little thing around me and can take care of the children.

My perfect chaos in Munich: ')

evening I'm not much made then, have only the first Season Gossip Girl looked over and I think it is so bad that Serena is no longer together with Dan. I think that was a totally nice couple. I also realized that I both Nate Archibald (Chace Crawford) and Chuck Bass (Ed Westwick) damn hot find. Whom do you find better? : 'D


And yesterday I am then around 15:00 Clock went home, I have a vanilla latte before or got at Starbucks - by the way is my favorite drink 'n Starbuck's here is not, unfortunately - and I will be so arrived at 18:00 clock here. After that, I still had the dress rehearsal for the wedding today and then I have the evening even the pop stars looked a result of Thursday. was

morning then chaos Pur, because I did not know what should I wear and my mom was then suddenly disappeared, although I would have gemusst long been to church because we had to sing yes and yes, with some delay I've also done it then.
The wedding itself was really nice to us No errors happened and we had a lot of fun. We were then even mentioned a few times that it was so beautiful, yes. Was really totally beautiful once again to sing with the choir together, even after we had resolved 2 years ago.

And now I have to read some times my reading for English and later to take care of our foster dog we have between now and Monday here. Such a sweet dog, but I could not imagine himself to have one. My dogs are just too dependent on humans, but that for 'n few hours / days they are very nice:')

So, that's about it for today.


The voting, which I started regarding the Zoeva pallets ends so that the metallic Stones won range and I therefore set this range as soon as I recover a bit have more money: D

Time Warner Telephone Digital Phone Hook Up

Eid-ul-Mubarak Fetr

the name of Allah the Merciful
Praise the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon Muhammad and his family Alotaibin Alothreinn

be a feast for us and we delay Oolna
"... daß er ein Fest für uns sei für den Ersten von uns und für den Letzten von uns ... " (5:114)

01. Schawwal 1431 nH

Im Namen Allahs des All-Erbarmenden

according to precise astronomical calculations and taking into account the Fatawa of those scholars who regard the principle of local moon sighting as the crucial factor for the start of an Islamic month, is now 11th September 2010, the first day of breaking the fast in Germany and surrounding regions.

For this reason we celebrate our blessings Imam of the time, Al-Mahdi (afs), all of our legal minds in imitation of the entire Muslim world and all of you. May Allah hear our prayers and answer our prayers.

The Eid prayer is performed today at 9 clock in "Khane Iran" on Park Road 5 in Köln Marienburg.

Zakat-ul-Fitra per person is € 9.00 .

with Islamic greetings


Islamic Youth Cologne

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Febreze Plug Runs Of Quickly

Hello Munich! :')

way you love, then I am now times up Friday in Munich.
This morning I slept while already, because I was on the phone yesterday / today again forever with Denise and Mandy, but then I'll have to now take the train: 'D

Bis Bald!
