Sunday, January 2, 2011

Upper Dull Back Pain During Pregnancy

The standard is published at the end of a great series of pictures with some beautiful space images! I could watch for hours so such images, especially impressed me the colorful nature of some galaxies and nebulae.

Well, we turn to more earthly matters. And there is probably getting out in the new year, enough to Wikileaks, so the CIA has established a working group the beschäfftigt with the Wikileaksveröffentlichungen and listen to the (truly taken) Names WTF! I assume that my audience at this abbreviation is mostly just "What the Fuck?" thinks, but the CIA is meant by including more recently would be "Wikileaks Task Force" if plans for this similarity, I would grant them even creativity, but that unfortunately has to be assumed to be given.
The Berliner Zeitung published an appeal against the attacks on Wikileaks, together with the newspaper, the Friday and the Frankfurter Rundschau.
In as much as the reality of the grim scenarios of cyberpunk has approximates TAZ author Daniel Schulz was thinking ! Basically he has in my opinion right, even if he underestimated the Gefärdung Assange possibly because the U.S. is dealing with opponents of all kinds not just squeamish not exactly something new now. And also that in Europe before the access of CIA or similar organizations not sure we know at least since the cases Khaled El-Masri and Murat Kurnaz !
And Michael Moore has a written open letter to the Swedish government in which he appeals to some important and right points.

Whenever more than good or particularly embarrassing stumble examples of journalism I share them here together with that yes, with the latter, although I can not serve this time, but the TAZ had led a remarkable interview with Seymour Hersh, investigative journalism I will every try.

looking Apparently after several banks / in the new fields of economic crisis, it opens up the German banking a casino in Las Vegas. I have to admit as much honesty to admit that their business model for the most part is scattered from gambling bankers, I would not have expected. And as if that was not enough to deter any Währe:
124 banks have, through loans, investments, stocks and other financial services in total around 175 billion euros placed in the nuclear industry - from uranium extraction to final disposal.

rare but there are also positive to report: a Nepalese teacher has built right in the Himalayas a wireless network on the 70,000 people now come to the Internet! Please copy anywhere!
falls more into the category of curiosities the arrest of a Mafioso s: he had the police found him as the constant life became lonely on the run!

Sleep Talkin 'Man is a Blog I can smile again and again (and yes, the name says it all!), But for not more obvious reasons, some Arabs seem to have a problem with dream conversations, at least, the United Arab Emirates to access this blog have blocked: A reader emailed
to let us know that STM has been banned in the United Arab Emirates!

Mhhh, hardly a post in which I have to report anything about Israel but it is not so stirred that I am looking to report as more and more desperate. But after all this time with mixed feelings ...
is a supplement it to attack on the auxiliary fleet in late May last year : Israel apologizes for attack on Gaza is not liquor.
Israel will if Turkey is not for the bloody attack on a flotilla to the Gaza Strip apologize. This made the Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman clear on Sunday. "There will be no excuse. Who should apologize, the Government of Turkey for its support of terrorism," Lieberman said. The demand of Turkey called for an apology from the ultra-nationalist politician, "daring".
What I think of the whole action need mention I do not well, but there are also from this area still (more or less) good news: "kill protester in Bilin After using tear gas,"
Why is that good news is? Because I (and probably the most readers) would not otherwise know that there is a Palestinian village where apparently the majority of residents are reasonable! Although already the second death during demonstrations in the town was the Community has been a pacifist approach, so there are just too excited people summarily expelled from the Demo! Again, please copy! Please treat

the following message carefully: In Frankfurt
were apparently members of a film crew in the middle of the night in a bar by a group of police officers absolutely wrongly beaten hospitalized . I have to unfortunately no confirmation (but not a denial) was found, and although I of Police men do not all have too high an opinion (and confirm it regularly), I come before this incident incredible. Because when police officers is to begin to beat on a demo so at least to some extent clear why, but here ..? When problems do still details I will pass the course to you.

Maschek I think so, unlike a lot of my acquaintances, rather unwillingly, but none the less I can with some statements in interview with the standard do something, the highlights:
Sometimes he goes [the abuse] from already . When I read through some of the monitoring protocols former political big shots, I'm confused, how close the Reality of the world, of which we have accepted so stupid policy could never be in life. And the bad thing is: It's still stupid. It is primitive, it is cunning, it is inhuman.
Austria is slowly developing country status - poor developing countries do not want to. Well below any level that you should take in Europe. It's about the ethics of politicians, which in my opinion is not to exist.

[...] In reality, the policy is much worse than most can imagine. The television gives the impression: "He's cute anyway." One is it a bit thick, the other smiles a little something stupid.

[...] They [the Austrian policy] is unfortunately predictable, because Austrian politics for the most part stand still, you may not have any great expectations. Everything is worn out - it does not help to despair, because unfortunately it is used that way.

[...] The basic rule should in principle have to dig a satire. The more taste boundaries or social taboos violated a joke, the better it must be.

[...] I wish you personally, say that politicians who simply do a poor job of himself: I have lost nothing in this profession, I will leave, because I, for example, a pharmaceutical company anyway heard or I sit on the supervisory board of an energy giant. Or politicians who do not necessarily have to step down because they are simply great.
in particular reference to the last paragraph I can only agree totally! I wish also (for years, unfortunately so far in vain)!

And finally, what is again a bit of fun:
More Happy new year (tenth) (note the title!) And to (each other) politicians Wife beaters.


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