Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pictbridge Compatible Printers

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can make a new ending!

Hi, everybody!

I just wanted to touch again to tell you that I am the circumstances actually doing quite well. Because after 1000 defeat felt it must now yes someday go back uphill. Since I am sometimes very optimistic!

Otherwise, I just wanted you today times my wonderful essay shows that I have written about G8.
Enjoy reading and I would appreciate comments on it, of course, very! :)

xoxo, Nathalie


G8 - curse or blessing?

Source: http://www.stmwfk.bayern.de/

It's finally ready. The graduation of the first year of the G8 in Bavaria is at the door. And I, as one of the lucky chosen ones may experience this first hand. It is not just that we have a year less in the school had to - what luck - no, we can even as a mass movement - because the G9 school graduates also are still there - the universities and colleges storm in the winter semester. This will be fun!

course, the Ministry has also made it thought and produced a very good idea elaborate. Their statement on the result the G9 graduates so the great and unique opportunity for studying the two weeks to begin after her graduation. Anyone who is already "no" ? Say - All natural! Although we live in times of automation but we humans are to my knowledge no machine that can work without rest. So it turned to a double rush to the universities in the winter semester.

Fits to I found on the side of the Bavarian State Ministry for Science, Research and a newly designed traffic signs. At the meeting, two arrows each other from different sides and blend into an arrow that leads in one direction. Think of times this situation: cars from different sides, rights of way, there are no and then it is probably: the strongest wins! Transferred to the high school does that mean for us now so more to learn, or rather have a worse average than high school 1.0, otherwise we will probably always remain available on hard shoulders.

has also eased my G8 my life really significant, because I had as opposed to the G9 take much less decisions. A competency that I could possibly be missing in the work world, but that's a different track. While the students of the G9 still had to think about it, in which subjects want to make high school, math and German, were with us before duty, whether one can or not. It is also not unusual that we are told that we in our high school math will not make anyway - I call that motivation!

But who am I that I allow myself the omniscient State Department criticized, because the leaders are there, it was so, the system of the G8 as well have developed, that appeared in the introduction are no more questions. And it is they who have plenty of care in advance to double the crowds at the universities have.

would be surprising it now so no longer when the State Department would provide as a last resort to ensure that enough high school graduates fail the test, so finally have enough space in the lecture hall remained. Probably there are those of the G9 - Long live the G8!

(c) Nathalie (http://thepreciousjewel.blogspot.com)


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