Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sasha Monet Perfect Slave

Beeeeeestanden! :')

Hello my friends!

My first week was actually quite okay, although I would have thought that we could not do so much. So I am probably mistaken, for we have already started in each subject directly. However, nothing beats maths! The first two lessons for this year and I have written directly by 3 1 / 2 pages. Well you notice however, that this is the last school year: D.

Sunday and yesterday was finally the day on which I've been waiting forever: My practical driving test!
I was in the morning sooo extremely excited when I was picked up by my driving instructor and to reassure myself we went a bit through the city and are practiced to park, so I was unable to pick me a bit.
I When at last turn was, I first went to start the car out, because I was so excited, but after a few minutes it went really well and then I finally PASSED! :))

So, today I have to spent my whole Schulkram and finally do something with my professional work! And tomorrow's then likely to Cynthia to the application video for my Au Pair Agency to make.

That's it for now again!



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