Sunday, September 19, 2010

Myammee Flavor Of Love Hair Shop

nine Ringwraiths

Welcome back to the still relatively (much to MMN) long summer break!
in autumn now I will post something more often then again, at least every 2 weeks.

Well, to start something entertaining: there are a "proof" for the saying "The dumbest farmers have the biggest potatoes."
Wohler I am not, however, when intelligence and success are diametrically opposite ...

Now for something more serious topics: The Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace Although a bit dated (1996), yet it is still at least as current. Cyberspace is the network, cyberspace is the matrix, cyberspace, we all are. Or as William Gibson once put it: "Cyberspace is where the bank cancels my money."

has the Chaos Computer Club this summer 11 theses for the future of the Internet worked in many aspects similar explanation of the authorities ...

Although most like me pretty well on my nerves but I must go and bring again to what our great crisis. First, an American economist researcher has somehow calculated (black magic?) That collapse in the next few years the international stock market will finally and reasonably durable . Why am I such a "nightmare scenario" to mention here? Apart from that I certainly am of the opinion that he might be right its previous forecasts speak for him:
Prechter has his critics but a huge advantage: In several decades of consulting experience he has only one time a wrong forecast delivered.

Second, Heiner Flassbeck a very "nice" analysis about the errors of the characters written on the financial markets, and I would say he's right:
have before the big crisis across many gamers with lots of borrowed money to play zero-sum games to earn the famous 25 percent return. But as you can achieve zero-sum games or 25 percent, or any other return, it had to go wrong. Something else was logically impossible.

Again a case of the category WTF? court bans sale of used software !
What I always wonder since then believe (= "rights holders" with their own arguments? one hand claim to have all the rights to the software / the film / music / whatever the other hand I have as a client, any right, this is true (as in this case) often both before after acquisition of the product, so why should I pay for their products at all if I lose money anyway attain any benefits ...
Fefe on this topic has recently dropped.

As some probably know already I have indeed the fear that Iran could attack Israel (see also here ), with this view, I am certainly not alone, but now has anyone even thought about what consequences could have such an attack.

Oh, and where we are on Israel: Israel wants tougher action against Gaza fleets proceed !
What now? If since then the ships will be sunk just once? Will now focus on every shot that dares to go on deck? Is it really a crime to defend themselves against piracy? (And if so, then what about the EU anti-piracy operation? The would have to yes in The Hague will be handled in court or something.)

contrasts (Berlin restaurant Fernsehn) has even made a broadcast about unjustified police violence . Even if the entire mission suspended only in one case, and thus gave the impression that aside from Olaf H. actually everything is OK, it is still important that this issue is at least addressed.

And while we're at our friends and supporters (this term probably comes from the demo saying "Just you wait my friend, I'll help you"), the Ministry of Interior will continue fingerprints and DNA samples take from police.
And the union wants to prevent that. But with the fingerprints of the entire population (with the new passport), they have no problem ...
background of the claim is that is wanted again by people whose traces were found at crime scenes and later turned out to be investigators.

Can anyone still remember the "Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the prevention of the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography and for the abolition of the Framework Decision 2004/68/JHA" the I here times closer look? Where can I find out about the somewhat strange definitions, among others, child (each / r under 18) have wondered? And then had meant only partially seriously as one could be shown because of child pornography as a Teenager for homemade pictures / videos? You remember? Good, because exactly happened!
When the term "youth pornography" included in the penal code found critics expressed concern that it might come by to pursue young people to discover their own sexuality. These concerns were allayed by the proponents of the law changes quickly - but a case of Kempten currently shows that the fears were not far-fetched. A 14-year-old had made of himself nude pictures and they allegedly passed on to young people confidence.

Very aptly, the closing sentence of the article is:
A logical consequence would be that even if no photos or videos be prepared to be naked and provocative clothing equated with pornography and banned for youths would have. course, only for their protection.

And as a useful link to the end of this time I have an (incomplete) list of fairly strengthens called Freedom Party members condemned


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