Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Multiplication 1000x1000

A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway

Hello dear ones! :)

Here I am again.
I know that it has once again gedaurt little longer until I blog again, but - and no, now is no excuse regarding the school - I was just quite simply not in the mood blogging. Time I had at the weekend and I've even considered blogging, but then I have yet released, but now I'm back here.

First a bit about my weekend. My sister and my brother were here for a long time again, so I did most of the week spent with my sister. Drove a car I am of course every day, but I've always been a constant exchange between Dad's and Mom's car, so I switch constantly has to, because Mama's car containing partially correct Macken has and you do things need to be in another car do not need and dad's first car was totally a lot of horsepower and a lot easier ride,. By car, you may drive and just in second gear, which I personally find very cool, if I'm too lazy again in the first to switch response: 'D.
Otherwise, I really wanted on Sunday for Cynthia, but I fell asleep after lunch and then came my aunt and uncle for a visit and then I got it not anymore done, unfortunately ...
But my aunt and uncle gave me this totally cute gift for passing driver's license. The car can go and falls down, because it knows when the table is over. My brother and my dad liked it almost more than me: D. Btw, so my car once look 8 ')

And to school yesterday and today there's not really so much to say except it vieeeeeeeel too long. I get up, go to school, come home, do homework and show me the stuff sometimes and then I go back to sleep. That's not a life! : D
But I may even complain really, because my seminar on Monday afternoon comes up off to the Fall Break because I write in the discipline my professional work must and my teacher said that we better the time at home be able to use just to write the technical work rather than at school . Sit So I got up to the autumn holiday Mondays only until 3:30: ').
Apropo skilled work. That I should really sit down, because I have not really started yet, admitted to a few key points and as long as it is now no longer up to the deadline on November 9, otherwise I will not after the high school!

And Apropo school, my high school coaches are now also now arrived at last
math, bio, German, French, and now lacks only geography, but that's not live!
I ordered the books at all www.amazon.de Jean de if still interested. I find it built up really great and I'll soon will look at a few exercises.

Otherwise there's not really so much to tell. In school is not so much going on that could be because more who are in Greece on a school trip and that they want to give us time for our professional work. Supposedly the right exam stress go after the autumn break, then it's time once every week at least one exam. Juhu: '/!

Oh and my mom is totally sweet. She bought me a timer that is really totally beautiful. It's kinda simple, but beautiful. It comes as every few pages even a picture with a saying to the division and is also great. Unfortunately this is not a student-friendly calendar and begins before the end of Dezemberg / early January. Until then, I have to just take another timer, but I found it to love yet completely from it (:.

That's it for now for today
Maybe I will blogging again any time soon cosmetic product and write my views - if I have time and feel like it.



The two hours I discovered by accident. I find it great and the cover is totally successful in my opinion, but do yourself a picture of times: ')


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