Monday, October 25, 2010

Who Did Patricia E Bath Marry And When

A tragic heroine of the 20th Century

Bad Heilbrunn (christl-marie-shoulder blog) - A tragic heroine of the 20th Century in a paperback "Christl Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria "(GRIN) of the author Ernst Probst from Wiesbaden and the aviation historian Theo Lederer from Bad Heilbrunn in words and pictures presented. Christl-Marie Schultes (1904-1976), born in Munich forest and raised in Bad Heilbrunn, was in the 1930s one of the most famous female stunt pilot in Germany. Because the profession of her father she was called "Ranger Christl. Her star faded in the sky flying in 1931 after a crash near Passau at the beginning of a world flight in which she lost her left leg. In 1933 she founded the "German flight magazine," but was quickly expropriated and then emigrated 1934th In France, they helped many children and victims of persecution and came to an internment camp. In 1945 it was threatened because of courageous political statements in Germany, the death penalty. In 1976 she died penniless and forgotten in Munich. So far, no streets or squares named after her. The adventurous life of the "Ranger Christl" would provide material for novels and movies.
orders "Christl Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria "at:
\u0026lt;a href =" > \u0026lt;/ a>

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cube Field Fir Ipod Touch Free

pocketbook on the adventurous life of the first female aviator in Bavaria

Munich / Wiesbaden (christl-marie-shoulder blog) - In "GRIN for academic texts" is the title of "Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria, "an e-book in PDF format and available as a printed Paperback. lavishly illustrated biography of the authors are of the journalist Ernst Probst from Wiesbaden and aviation historian Theo Lederer from Bad Heilbrunn. This book comprises 256 pages and is in "grin" at the address ordered be. Over time, this biography in more than 1,000 online bookstores as well as in any good bookstore will be available.

Ernst Probst has published in 2010 with "GRIN" numerous paperbacks and e-books about famous pilots inside, balloon racers, balloon inside, parachute jumpers and astronauts: queens of the skies from A to Z, queens of the skies in Germany, queens the air in France, queens of the skies in England, Australia and New Zealand, queens of the skies in Europe, queens of the skies in America, women in space. With the aircraft historian Joseph Eimannsberger from Munich, he published the paperback "three queens of the skies in Bavaria."


content of "Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria "

Christl-Marie Schultes (1904-1976) was a tragic heroine of the 20th Century. She came in 1904 in Geigant Waldmünchen (Upper Palatinate) to the world and grew in 1907 Oberenzenau in Bad Heilbrunn (Upper Bavaria). In 1928 she became the first Bavarian aviatrix, lost in 1931 in the crash at the start of a planned world flight, her left leg, founded in 1933 in Berlin, "German flight magazine" and was by the Nazis confiscated because it was brave of her Jewish fiance. As an immigrant, she founded in France the "International pilots help," became a benefactor of children in Nice, Jewish camp supplied in France, the persecution brought across the border, was arrested in Nice, imprisoned in the internment Brens, in Paris, deported in Germany sentenced to death and 1945 free at the last minute by the Americans in Munich. Christl-Marie had dealings with many important personalities. Their great courage, selfless aid to people in need and their "active imagination" they brought into trouble. An important role in the lives of childless "Ranger Christl" played her fox terrier, which she sat in her pocketbook "concentration camp dog Muggi" a literary and moving memorial. Authors of the pocket book "Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria "are the journalist Ernst Probst from Wiesbaden and the aviation historian Theo Lederer from Bad Heilbrunn .. The work is Christl-Marie Schultes and two of her relatives live in Schongau dedicated. Her nephew, Otto Bauer sen. and her young great-nephew Otto Bauer. have with valuable information and numerous illustrations significantly contributed to the success of this biography.


The Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst has more than 100 books, paperbacks, published pamphlets, museum guides, and e-books. He wrote popular scientific works, especially from the fields of paleontology and archeology as well as biographies about famous women and men.

Paleontology: Germany in the primitive times, records of prehistoric times, dinosaurs in Germany (1993 with Raymund Windolf), Archaeopteryx, dinosaurs in Germany. Of Compsognathus to Stenopelix (2010), Germany during the ice age, the great-Rhine, the Rhine-elephant, cave lions, The Mosbacher lion, saber-toothed cats, cave

Archaeology: Germany in the stone age, records of early man, Germany in the Bronze Age, The Bronze Age, The Unetice Culture, The Straubinger Culture, The Eagle Mountain Group, The Barrow-Bronze Age, The Lüneburg group in the Bronze Age, The Stade group in the Bronze Age The Nordic Bronze Age urn field culture, the Lusatian culture

cryptozoology: ape-man, Nessie. The monster book, monsters on the track, sea monsters

Bios: 14 paperbacks on super women, Chris-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria, three queens of the skies in England (along with Joseph Eimannsberger), women in the universe, queen of the skies, queens of the skies from A to Z. biographies of famous pilots inside, balloon racers, balloon inside, parachute jumpers and astronaut, queens of the skies in Germany, queens of the skies in France, queen of the skies in England, Australia and New Zealand, queens of the skies in Europe, queens of the skies in America, Theo Lederer. An aircraft collector from Upper Bavaria, queen of dance, super women from the Wild West, Black Peter. A robber from the Hunsrück and Odenwald, My words are like the stars. The speech of Chief Seattle and other American Indian wisdom (together with Sonja Probst), Elizabeth I Tudor. The Virgin Queen, Mary Stuart. Scotland's tragic queen, Pocahontas. The Indian princess from Virginia, Machbuba. The slave and the Prince, Julchen Blasius. The Robber Bride Schinderhannes, about 70 short biographies about famous female pilots, balloon racers, inner balloon, parachute jumpers, while women and female cosmonaut

aphorisms: The ball is a bastard. Wisdom and follies of football, Words are like weapons. Wisdom and folly of the media (both together with Doris Probst, silence is not always gold. Quotes from A to Z

Most of these items are in GRIN Verlag for academic texts and in more than 1,000 online bookstores and available in all good bookshops.

GRIN, with offices in Munich, has since its inception in 1998, specializes in the publication of academic texts. The publishing side is for students who High school teachers and other academics the ideal platform for their technical texts, research papers, theses or dissertations a broad audience.

Chester's Flamin' Hot Fries Halal

Ten little Fledergeister??

to set the mood I have none now even a video.
This is explained very clearly what exactly ACTA and why (except that ACTA eye is in secret), it must be stopped! Spread the word!
"No one messes with the internet!"
BTW: Something that is not explicitly mentioned in the Vidoe is to be adopted at that ACTA should be allowed to shine through law enforcement and customs authorities at border crossings including MP3 players and hard drives to track down copyright-protected files. In short: if you can not prove us in the customs office that he / she for all relevant files, a use permit (eg, accounts of the CD / DVD, approval letter from the author or licensor) has reckoned with probably the worst ...

few days ago there was some excitement because a "fight mutated Trojans" had attacked (word creation by the author) was almost unnoticed many computer networks, particularly in India and Iran. Frank Rieger from the CCC has written to the FAZ a detailed article for too lazy to read (or interested) are also NEN Podcast (because of the medium with less technical terms).

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation is following the attacks of 11th September 2001, the environmental organization Greenpeace and other activist groups for terror suspect wrongly be targeted .

Mhhh have, can be inspired as our "Friends & Helpers" about? Or am I
since the only which the sounds familiar?
Reminder in Austria is:
welfare = Mafia
Students = terrorists

Oh yes before I forget, today's good news:
There are good people!
And what did our leaders? They locked up of course.
Why the hell one is arrested for something like that, if the flow of funds is not sufficient in the other direction? Please answer in the comments with a logical explanation (of course! Not legally).

to the Israeli attack on Gaza auxiliary fleet there is now a first report of the UN. Predictably actually was noted that Israel has overreacted and to see how well it was there, of course, no consequences / sanctions / whatsoever ...

ORF has even recently got a new law (you can get to read here if someone has too much time), which has already fallen victim to the Future Zone. And the part about the online content is there something ... well, moronic ...
The reporting must not in depth ... and shall include no news archive. Separate summary reports at the provincial level is allowed, but up to 80 days per state to restrict messages per week. Updates from daily reports during the day are not as a new daily headlines. Local coverage is only in the context of federal and state reporting only to the extent permitted and local events of nationwide or in the case of countries reporting on country-wide interest. A comprehensive local coverage is inadmissible.

Actually, the censorship is pretty close but then when a news organization is required to report what it should NOT ...
Well, Martin Blumenau has made to the new ORF Act also thought, and they also kindly written up and published .

The U.S. has threatened us for Austrian citizens, the visa exemption repealed if they do not have access to police data. And what do you do when one is threatened?
Right. Will not negotiate with terrorists! (But succumbed)
From Ö1 :
The problem is also in the Austrian system of suspects are stored that are not yet convicted. In the case of a discharge, the data subject in Austria claim that all data is deleted. In the United States is not the case, privacy advocates criticize. Once the data in the hands of American authorities have no access to it.

's great when you know that our leaders EVERYTHING to do to the reputation of our state in all the (Western-Christian-civilized) world to preserve, is just still based on a bit of law, is but anyway have care because the other pulling your leg you fare on a trip to the United States allegedly on the must leave.

Already gehörrt Stuttgart 21?
This is a project of Deutsche Bahn, the railway station in Stuttgart will be placed underground, and besides, nearly 60 km of track systems need to be tunneled across the city. The cost for this amounts to official figures, just over 4 billion, according to estimates by critics at up to 18 billion.
in particular, are these two arguments now, the critical point why in Stuttgart back in the population was formed. The end of September was held on a Friday morning, a student demonstration, just this morning the police should be a part of, to the station area adjacent park sealed off to make a part of the sometimes over a hundred years old trees, a further point of the project. When this was known to tens of thousands of people gathered around (as so often in recent weeks) to make known their displeasure. Other than as so often in recent weeks but this time it was not very peaceful, after some time the police began to evict the demonstrators (including many elderly and children are still many) with violence. Long story short, within a few hours it was thanks to the massive use of pepper spray and water cannons over 400 injured.
Why do I have now declared that so long? Well, some of the policemen present there also seem to be of the opinion that this story does not match up with the image of a democracy and have to respect position and divulged some "nice" Details. save

New methods to our welfare state are being tested in Vienna , there should be disenfranchised Namely a man because he makes too many requests.
A lawyer and an officer were only concerned with Jenike applications, according to the Office. This returned the favor by - depending on the version - "inspired" (Pommerening-Schober) or "applied" (Jenik) to place him under Sachwalterschaft to incapacitate ergo. "If one of 1,000 applications per year brings, one can already ask if he can raise three children"

An incident in the local elections in Burgenland, Austria confirms my theory that no one but Demolratie cronyism beautiful.
was in the small-town Unterrabnitz Schwendgraben it some irregularities in the postal vote, shortly after the mayor has Heiss (ÖVP) been requested several electoral maps for other people and to have filled out. And here is the really crucial point: In a democracy, of course, also fraud only if it blows up this fraud will be consequences, not us. On the one hand, there will be no correction of the election results and other there was no immediate resignation of the mayor ...

refuses the insurance payment, the patient must pay the use of the helicopter itself. This would be anything but a minority issue. In fact, the Social Security refused to pay for every third flight. affected by this year would be 4000-5000 people who agree today often generous with the operators.

sooo great! Man is in hospital and may also ask you how to pay the damned rescue flight.

I do not hear anymore! Our Justice Minister Claudia Bandion-Ortner calls again Internet blocking, again because of the child porn. First: That's nothing! The locks can be scheduled as they are easy to deal with change of the DNA server, or directly entering the IP address. Second: For the vast majority of server operators submits e-mail (an individual) and corresponding offers are withdrawn from the network, therefore the "Delete instead of lock" principle shall apply. Can third parties with an established infrastructure and blocking each other undesirable Website (eg neo-Nazi sites, illegal gambling, information or opposition ...) are blocked because these lists (as veständlicher) secret.

the Telepolis article on RTL series "Tatort Internet ebpfehlen I would definitely read to the bitter end!

And finally there is the great Simpson Intro of Banksy!

Free Online Henti Games

Artdeco Eyeshadow Base

If you look around the blogosphere, you often feel that there are almost only beauty blogs with fashion and makeup tips and gaaaaaaanz many swatches and Hauls. Also I have been following this blog at the edge, but I rather not, makeup freak.

mascara is for me is a must, eye shadow and blush when I have time and inclination, make up clapping in the face simply does not work, then I have a feeling aufzuhaben a mask.

Anyway, I had the eye shadow is always the problem that this after a few hours in the crease and collected from the actual Geschminkse not much was left. On various beauty blogs I read is always something of primer or base, which told me absolutely nothing ... at some point I was just curious and have been investigating what lies behind these concepts and then had to try it right once. :)

quick to Douglas (I do not know why but I always get lots of birthday vouchers Douglas), the Eyeshadow Base artdeco purchased for € 6.80, and tried at home.

The eye shadow primer is a finger applied to the eyelid to the brow, which I do not really particularly hygienic think, but I always wash my hands before and after. The base has a slightly sour smell (which will vanish, however, direct) and is shining a little. The creamy texture is very rich and is quickly absorbed. Then just put the eyeshadow, the color looks much tougher than without base, blind and do not worry anymore. Because the product delivers what it promises, it prevents the settling of color in the crease, the eyeshadow makes water-resistant and lasts all day into the night! :)

Conclusion: I am very inspired!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Do You Do At Sorority Initiation

Upulupu - Cocktails for spooning

I love cocktails, I love ice cream.

When I in the consumption of goddesses Upulupu read, I was blown away: frozen cocktails? How cool is that?

Unfortunately I have not made it into the circle of select testers, so I've just now ordered myself some. I very much hope that the things taste, I've ordered that is directly a 15 Pack:)

soon as I have tried the three flavors, I will tell the tale.
for consumption goddesses there this week by the way 20% discount on Upulupu sorbets.

Monday, October 4, 2010

How Many Minutes Do We Gain As Days Get Longer

Best Of Songs 2010


! Today is really not 'my day. wanted
I think it's always horrible when you notice things you never really notice. How many people are hypocritical and yet how sick we are people to put up with something.
Is it kind of sad and funny at the same time, do not you?
How stupid we humans are about? Or do we do it on purpose? I can not understand and I will probably never ... Well no matter, changing the subject!

First to my remaining weekend.
On Sunday, my aunt and uncle were there and we have eaten lunch together and then made music together. Was so funny and has made really great fun. We will then probably the new Newcomer Family Band! Haha: ')

school today was as usual not' so intoxicating, but I always say: You have not even hold out a year and then you can finally do what you want, what you fun!
My decision is that is now set really right:
After school I go first, a year after America as an au pair, what you have by now all have noticed, after I apply to hotel chains around there a 3 years make training as hotel management, then I would like there to make even my studying business administration and hotel management and then still make so my bachelor's degree.
I so totally out, especially since I really do all that I want to do:

work in different countries / travel
Organize (Hotel Events)
contact with people (not an office job)

So and now, before I I dedicate my school things, first you go on with my Best Of series and today then turn
the Best of 6 (Summer) Songs 2010
Have fun with it.)

Best Songs of 2010

# 1
Lady Gaga "Alejandro"


B.o.B feat. Hayley Williams "Airplanes"


Jason Derulo "Ridin 'Solo"


# 4
Ne-Yo "Beautiful Monster"


Miley Cyrus "When I look at you"


# 6
Julie Sheer "The Photograph"

So, that's it for now for today.
Someday, when I once again find the time, of course you go on with the Best Of series!


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Clear Puss Bubble In The Mouth

Best Of Man 2010!

Hi, everybody! : ')

Here I am again with taking my allergy, which has combined with a severe cold taken root with me. Wednesday night I had a sore throat, Thursday, they were worse and yesterday I had almost none at all, but a real nice head cold. I have to constantly sneezing and my eyes water like crazy also. With what I've just earned. Did anyone but what harm done: (

Accordingly, I have today not really good night sleep and today I am also sucks right. Good thing nobody can see me except my family, that one can do to otherwise none. As my little mouse said so lovingly, "Well, hopefully we win a Meet and Greet in the fall or spring, if you have your allergy then I know you do not need.." If it is not scary nice to me? : 'D

The only thing I have done today was to see "She's the Man" and fill in a bit of an au pair forms, otherwise I'm good for nothing. I wish I could go right back to sleep.

like Sun and now I zujammern you nowhere with my illness, but you my first best of series . Present
The next time I will always post a list in which I mean 6 most popular ... imagine.
Let me start with the best of Man 2010th
Here we go:

Best of Man 2010

# 1
Channing Tatum, 30 years, actors, USA

As you already may have noticed a few times already, my favorite actor. I just can not get enough of him. Each time when I turn it in movies, in pictures or elsewhere on the web can see, I'm blown away. He is and remains simply my dream man # 1 :)


# 2
Tom Kaulitz, 21, musician (guitarist), Germany

He is well-Chan's greatest competition because he has accompanied me since I was 12 Of age.
Among other things, he is probably the one, the most hated and most popular men in Germany at the same time and he does not often the girls to angle his smile on his finger.


# 3
Christopher John Thomason, 27, model & actor USA

For all the have seen Harper's Iceland, he is perhaps better known as Jimmy or else you get to know him now. I think he's incredibly good looking and I've already been on the show terribly sympathized with him if anything happened. So definitely a deserved 3rd place.


# 4
Ashton Kutcher, 32, Actor, USA

Hm, I think about just what to say to him is to except that I find him incredibly attractive and would like to meet him again: D Well, next year's is even in the U.S., we'll see who you so everything is on the way, perhaps the love Ashton is here too! :)


# 5
Jesse Metcalfe, 31, Actor, USA

This man is most of you probably also known by the series Desperate Housewives. He was the sexy gardener with Gaby then has an affair.
I personally liked him totally in the series and like it has to this day nothing changes.


# 6
James Denton, 47, actor USA

Another man from the series Desperate Housewives, and probably much better known under the name Mike Delfino. I like his character in the series totally easy. Such a man can do only if he were a few more years younger!

So that's it for now for today.
goes in the next week's will continue with my Best of 6 ... Series:)
Stay tuned!
