Saturday, May 1, 2010

Differemce Between White Xanax Bars And Green/

All good things, and so

First, I want you now the new video by MIA recommend, but beware, it ABSOLUTELY nothing for the faint hearted!

Now that probably some stomachs were empty I will recommend you to loosen up two delicacies of Fefe: first, a Chinese human rights report about the U.S. and the other a incredible report on the Texas justice system.

But now to more serious issues that the defense industry can not be impressed by "small" economic crises in times of "global struggle against terrorism," most have probably already rhymed together. Quite the contrary who enjoy not only a good order, but also have great new developments, better, more lethal!
A little quote from the second Article complacent?
The older generation of bunker busters was some time ago in the fight against Osama bin Laden used. Bin Laden was suspected in an extensive cave system on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. With the help of the bunker busters, the U.S. wanted Bin Laden killed at that time.

The bunker busters, however, can just as well massively against built nuclear power plants or are used in construction equipment, such as in Iran.

moment, bombs against nuclear power plants? What was that again with the fear terrorists could hijack a plane and guide it in such a plant?
terror is probably only if the Others do, I'm sure we will then re-sold as a "preemptive strike". What is to be prevented with such bombs then but is (apparently not) I do not understand!
Oh, just so on the side: although the weapons systems will rise more "intelligent" with any conflict, the civilian casualties in relation to fallen fighters! And
nochwas, bombs should only be called intelligent if they refuse to explode!

are news it by the Content Mafia ", he should have when it comes to the French, EU-wide Internet censorship on the" Three Strikes Out "principle will be introduced, something is natural," only "the Pöser pirates take that make the professional basis, whosoever believes ...
the way, the Austrian ISPs (internet service provider) do not (yet fortunately not implemented) retention from closed! My plea to our leaders: listening but also this time to the industry, it is rare enough before something sensible from there. Oh
respect and pirated software, has anyone ever actually made a pirated copy / steal / hold hands? I for one can deny that in any case, I have never forced anyone from a disk to create a copy and he / she then steals it. I make it clear why that ANYONE should, because it is easier to rob the original ...

news of concern have also reached me from northern Germany.

profile news Buwog in the scandal surrounding former minister Grasser that was the pattern son of the nation, at least when we had a black and orange-blue government were: young, stylish, successful. Today he is mostly
asoziiert with other terms, as more traditional concepts such as corruption and cronyism so ... Well, times change.
Between 25 September 2009 and 3rd February 2010 were Meischberger and Hochegger four times each by the prosecution at Vienna for their alleged role rigged sale of Federal housing associations (Buwog) to a consortium led by the listed real estate finance company in 2004 interviewed. The two were then on the road as a "lobbyist" for the real estate finance, and therefore part of that rope team, which is now the focus of official Investigations is: the long-term real estate finance chief Karl Petrikovics, the Vienna real estate agent and former Buwog-Chairman Ernst Karl Plech, but also a certain Karl-Heinz Grasser, who is responsible from February 2000 to January 2007 Federal Minister of Finance of the Republic of Austria and, as such, for the sale of federal housing associations. The judicial investigation for secret treason, abuse of office and incitement. The defendants deny any misconduct. Pending any final conviction without exception, the presumption of innocence.

somehow already striking how often explicit in this respect the presumption of innocence it is mentioned only because of the number of allegations against Grasser believe it is somewhat difficult to hold on innocence. Of course it is possible that these are all just unfortunate coincidences , but whether that is really believable, everyone should decide for yourself!

The Verfassungsschutzbericht for 2009 has also been published in the last week, the accompanying headlines Austria would have been to sink into chaos (caused by terrorist attacks, all the rest can not sell so well anyway). Of particular interest is the statement perfectly in relation to left wing extremism:
a "huge increase" Fekter recognized in left-wing extremist crimes. In fact, the number of reports increased year on year from 64 to 90,

compared to 791 crimes right, but yes, if we do nothing against the left-anarchists and violent offenders of the Soviet Union, Austria will rise from again! And once again, that's not all:
but reassure the details. This development is in fact almost exclusively due to increased lubrication action.

No more comment!

The Freedom Party has said the party academy amendment , basically, I'm not sure whether those changes are not actually more risks than benefits, but I come here primarily the saying "made dogs bark" in the sense why should the FPÖ complain when someone else suggests something like this:
funds for the party academies will in future have to be repaid in certain circumstances: namely, when the means for hate speech, vilification of religious teachings, Libel or reactivation be abused.

One feels drawn?

should already be more than enough, so now the rest very briefly
was assassinated the occasion of the 84 year old this week, the ORF even drawn up a list with all " deadly firearms operations by the police "
this article the press, I want to comment not at all, it's just sad.
And for all who are interested here you can read the Austrian Constitution!


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