Monday, May 31, 2010

How Much Does A Tm Dirt Bike Cost

Special Issue: Israel

the subject in Israel has indeed gathered together a lot lately and I really wanted to just Fefes link summary, but then I got this morning as the first THE here on the radio. So, there's a special edition. But after the other.

story so far: Last week came the message that the Israeli air force has bombed the (still lying) Yasser Arafat International Airport in the Gaza Strip. And then on Sunday that three Israeli nuclear submarines be deployed against Iran. Both are very peaceful steps or acting?

leap this morning: half-asleep, murmuring FM4 news: ... Israeli forces attaked "Help Gaza" ... killed at least th ... not the best way to start a day.
Sunday has been (called solidarity fleet) from several existing aid convoy ships from Cyprus on the way to the Gaza Strip made to various medical and other needed goods to deliver. Israel threatened to use force if I am tempted to break the blockade the Palestinian territories.
This morning was against 5 clock it then so far, Israeli special forces attacked one of the ships, killing at least 10 people, the exact number of victims is not known, however, reach up to 20 are
Among the supporters of this relief effort are also a number of European politicians, right on board the ship are attacked is also the author Henning Mankell and three politicians of the German Left Party.

Sounds have not even good, but if you look at the details it is (literally) criminal: This attack took place in international waters, so it was actually a textbook example of state piracy in the best British tradition! (May be worded slightly exaggerated, but in essence applicable)

as 2003, the Americans include support of the British in Iraq marched in, while Russia, Germany, France and many others saw it as a violation of international law, I was honestly afraid of the third world war could start if at that time as Russia supported Iraq would ...
these days is coming back this fear, because what Israel withdraws in the Middle East IS NOT GOOD!

If all this is too alarmist and make yourself a picture here wants the links to the reporting:
And by the ORF there is a collection of the first reactions

You'd think a people that the (hopefully) are worst to the people able to go through had to know better ...


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