Thursday, April 22, 2010

Launch Options Css Normal -high

first 2.0 ;-)

Actually I wanted to write not again, but the reality leaves me really no choice. may

first time in a variety of copier manufacturers "a Gsund Hauswatschn" pickup possible, as I know still do not even have that is large copier hard drives, save the time by the way everything is copied.
If you then bought a used copy you may receive a lot of sensitive data .
might also Wikileaks another source of information.

But it goes even further with the "good" news : In Philadelphia, a school built on the webcams of the student laptops (including home) Photos taken of the students, without whose Consent or even inform them about it. Which is then leaked the fact that they have addressed a student for drug use because he hand on one of the images in a candy stops.

But is there yet to report even "positive", Google times the Government has now published inquiries regarding removal of search results or for release of user data.
Why then is positive in quotation marks? Well, while there is a good Schitt this data is available to all, but especially these numbers are not encouraging ...

course I'm still more, for example, the "Proposal for a DIRECTIVE THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the prevention of the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography and for the abolition of the Framework Decision 2004/68/JHA "It
find some great passages:
The provision requiring new forms see the abuse via the Internet a criminal offense are 1

abuse via the Internet? Would be great if that were defined in more detail.
second, if it is something illegal, it is already liable to prosecution if not why it should be criminalized be?

• Collection and use of expertise
external expertise was required.

clearly yes, but barriers find meaningful ... This video explains
very nice (and quite accurately) how to help DNS blocking NOT.

• the principle of proportionality
The proposal for the following reason, in accordance with the principle of proportionality: the Directive limits itself to the achievement of these objectives at European level minimum necessary and does not go beyond what is necessary measure, having regard to the need for precise criminal law bill.

Oh, the proposal is therefore in line with the principle of proportionality because those responsible (without "expert") say that this is so ... really great reasons, I must remember this!

The EU should, in particular by strengthening cooperation with third countries and international organizations to help ensure that the competent authorities of third countries to child pornography websites, which are distributed from servers in their territory, remove. Since the removal of child pornography content on the source, in spite of such efforts, however, is proving to be difficult, if not the original material is in the EU, procedures should be introduced to Internet access or from the territory of the Union, containing child pornography to spread or disable.

Mhh, soso, and what "third countries" are there? USA? Australia? should include the fact the states with the most child porn offers, but there is something forbidden, and the EU is in a position to determine the local authorities on any offers made aware of and thus reach a deletion.

especially "liked" have me yes, the definitions:
the purposes of this Directive, the expression:

(a) "child" any person under eighteen years ;

(b) "child pornography"

(i) any material depicting a child who is involved in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or

(ii) any representation of the sexual organs of a child for primarily sexual purposes, or

(iii) any material depicting a person with a childlike appearance, which is involved in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or any representation of the sexual organs of a person with childlike appearance for primarily sexual
purposes, or

(iv) realistic representation of a child in sexually explicit action is involved or realistic representation the sexual organs of a child, regardless of the actual presence of the child for primarily sexual purposes;

If that is ever adopted in this form, this means that when making films, for example, two 17 year olds having sex because of production-offense of child porn (sic) no matter what happens to the recordings. A little later, just such cases although some perspective, the absurdity of this reduces the definitions, however.

way, of ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) now the first official draft was published . In short, these are to an agreement to fight So piracy counterfeiting of products, should by persistent lobbying on the part of the music / film industry but also file sharing and the like fall under it, the connection with counterfeiting has so far produced no one ...

yet to remember: Sunday elections, all going away (and choose what you think is right) are!


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