Thursday, July 29, 2010

Split In Feet And Toes

Fewer traffic deaths, but more bicycle accidents

Although the number of road deaths in Germany decreased continuously, but the number of bicycle accidents in the past twelve years has increased by twelve percent. This label indicates motorists in Moers before turning to cycling.

Never has there been fewer deaths than in 2009, but the number of bicycle accidents is increasing. Particularly at risk are children.

The number of bicycle accidents in road traffic has increased over the past twelve years at twelve percent. As the Auto Club Europa (ACE) now tells, last year 82 520 cyclists involved in accidents with injuries, representing about 14 percent of all road traffic casualties.

This is the proportion of heavy Radu happiness in children is relatively high: One in three deaths in road traffic accident boy under 15 years old was riding a bicycle. The highest wounded were in the age group between 45 and 55 years. While men were more often involved in serious accidents. Particularly dangerous pensioners live - every second on a bicycle was killed in an accident over 65 years old.
About 42 percent of serious accidents were the fault of the cyclists themselves: The most common cause is the wrong road (36%), followed by wrong turn (16.2%) and right of way violation (14.5%). A disproportionately high number of drunken cyclists: One in eight cyclists, who was involved in an accident in 2009, was intoxicated or had taken other drugs. In comparison, the car accident was every 22 result on the influence of alcohol back.

gives the regional distribution of the accidents there are strong differences, especially cyclists often came in the northwest of the Federal Republic of damage: In Bremen, 187 cyclists per 100,000 people were injured or killed, it was 155th in Berlin Well above the national average of 97 per 100,000 inhabitants were also casualties in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.

was relatively low, the risk of being involved in a serious car accident, for cyclists in Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse (both 64), Thuringia (56) and Saarland (51). There is the risk of being harmed by bike, less than a third of that in Bremen.

The number of deaths total with 4152, however, continued to decline in 2009 - the 18th Consecutive year. The high of 21 332 deaths had been reached 1970 - the beginning of the nineties there was a slight but, by the reunion of Germany-related increase, since then the number decreases continuously.

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bicycle accidents - A study of ACE Auto Club Europa "(in text)


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