Monday, July 19, 2010

Sansha Soft Tip Pointe Shoes

maintenance of the Siegen cycle network

swept out of 5 days, a thunderstorm over the winning country. Unlike some other regions in North Rhine-Westphalia stayed with us the damage to happiness within manageable limits. If some sections of road in part by falling trees were not accessible, a trouble-free travel for motorized traffic within the next day was made complete again. On the cycle paths in the winning country the broken branches are still visible today. For Cyclists are these barriers a nuisance but not insurmountable. Driving this way with liner is to date not only restricted to all possible. The A40 in the cycle paths in the winning country is in itself a passage for cyclists only partially navigable. Some branches have the track completely blocked, cyclists and pedestrians have been away on its own. The Path leaders apparently hope the city wins at the prompt decay of the remaining biomass and care in any way to solving the fallen tree.

Another annoyance is an up to last year barely perceivable intersection marking a cycle path that has now vanished almost completely. A single check ride would have to uncover the vulnerability.
My own fall flat on several occasions to the authorities concerned-looking information for years in the void.

Said cross section at 16.08.2008:

The same section at the crossroads 19/07/2010

The homepage of the city wins this sounds quite different:

"The promotion of cycling is an important task within the transport planning of the city of Siegen. The importance of the bicycle as everyday transportation has increased significantly in recent years. The city of Siegen offers good conditions for cycling in everyday life and in leisure time.

also the comfort and safety of bike paths, our cycling coordinator at a glance. For example, lowered curbs, refreshed or re-applied markings, surface renewal of bike paths and - where necessary - dyed red "


When I read that, I think every day to be traveling in another city or another time period on these bike paths.

We'll see ... ?


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