Thursday, July 29, 2010

Split In Feet And Toes

Fewer traffic deaths, but more bicycle accidents

Although the number of road deaths in Germany decreased continuously, but the number of bicycle accidents in the past twelve years has increased by twelve percent. This label indicates motorists in Moers before turning to cycling.

Never has there been fewer deaths than in 2009, but the number of bicycle accidents is increasing. Particularly at risk are children.

The number of bicycle accidents in road traffic has increased over the past twelve years at twelve percent. As the Auto Club Europa (ACE) now tells, last year 82 520 cyclists involved in accidents with injuries, representing about 14 percent of all road traffic casualties.

This is the proportion of heavy Radu happiness in children is relatively high: One in three deaths in road traffic accident boy under 15 years old was riding a bicycle. The highest wounded were in the age group between 45 and 55 years. While men were more often involved in serious accidents. Particularly dangerous pensioners live - every second on a bicycle was killed in an accident over 65 years old.
About 42 percent of serious accidents were the fault of the cyclists themselves: The most common cause is the wrong road (36%), followed by wrong turn (16.2%) and right of way violation (14.5%). A disproportionately high number of drunken cyclists: One in eight cyclists, who was involved in an accident in 2009, was intoxicated or had taken other drugs. In comparison, the car accident was every 22 result on the influence of alcohol back.

gives the regional distribution of the accidents there are strong differences, especially cyclists often came in the northwest of the Federal Republic of damage: In Bremen, 187 cyclists per 100,000 people were injured or killed, it was 155th in Berlin Well above the national average of 97 per 100,000 inhabitants were also casualties in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.

was relatively low, the risk of being involved in a serious car accident, for cyclists in Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse (both 64), Thuringia (56) and Saarland (51). There is the risk of being harmed by bike, less than a third of that in Bremen.

The number of deaths total with 4152, however, continued to decline in 2009 - the 18th Consecutive year. The high of 21 332 deaths had been reached 1970 - the beginning of the nineties there was a slight but, by the reunion of Germany-related increase, since then the number decreases continuously.

first to comment on this article:

Source: original message under www.

bicycle accidents - A study of ACE Auto Club Europa "(in text)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Diagnosing Depression Blog

in doubt for the leader Storch

process to "Thor Steinar" spoof

(Social Democrat Mathias Brodkorb, co-founder of "stork Heinar" must be in court defend themselves against accusations of "Thor Steinar" company Mediatex: The company sees itself in its trademark rights violated and the satire "denigrated" )

"Thor Steinar" is a popular fashion labels in the extreme right - "Stork Heinar" the. satirical-animal response. Now a lawsuit against the parody figure is actually failed. A Nuremberg Richter tore the same essential allegations to trial.

Nuremberg - The initiative "last stop right" must sell is likely to continue T-shirts with the satirical figure "Storch Heinar. Although the sentence until 11 August said, waving the presiding judge Horst Rottmann already starting to process beginning on Thursday in Nuremberg.

The board can see neither the lens nor the word sound as confusing. "The similarity is too low," said Rottmann and recommended that the "Thor Steinar" Mediatex manufacturer, its injunction against the Rostock SPD member of parliament Mathias Brodkorb drop. This is behind the satire, "Stork Heinar. Mediatex went to the call by a judge not and insists on a verdict. Chance of success in the major impacts, the company could hardly have more.

That is what the dispute: The brand theme of "stork Heinar" is a plucked so-called "leaders Stork" with a severe side parting and Hitler mustache. The initiative "last stop right" from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, is one of the Brodkorb, sells clothing through the Internet with the subject and financed with the proceeds to detail their own educational work about right. The Brandenburg Company Mediatex contrast, the printed T-shirts, sweaters and sweatshirts to their brand Thor Steinar with runes, skulls and old German script. Her fashion is frequently worn by followers of the extreme right.


The cause ...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Acrostic Poem Generator Acrostic Poem Generator?

Right attack on the leader-Storch

The product of the imagination "Stork Heinar" has again become the focus of the clothing manufacturer Thor Steiner. The label "Thor Steiner ', marketed by the Mediatex company, supplied his own words completely unknowingly the far-right scene recognition mode. Brandenburg's constitutional protection is the fashion even as "identity-identification mark" the extreme right.

missratener A bird with side parting and Hitler mustache adorns the clothing brand Storch Heinar. The popular fashion brand in the right scene Thor Steinar kidding feels heavy and the bird will now be forbidden. Today, the process begins in Nuremberg.

Heinar stork, a bird with a slender, well, little sense. The other storks tease him and pluck out his feathers. As if Heinar plagued not enough, it also punishes a frog meat intolerance. The results in the slender guy with cramps and foul smelling flatulence. And so before each meal Heinar must again ask the nagging question: Your varicose or no Mampf. Thor Steinar

finds the satire project naturally less funny - right and humor get along so well known as combat boots and Birkenstock sandals. The current process is not the first attempt to do away with the moronic bird. A day after the satirical project was started, the company tried to secure the German Patent and Trademark Office for the Rights Storch Heinar. But the lawyers' terminus law "laid Filed a notice and kept Thor Steinar Sun puts in front of "self-denigration," as it Brodkorb.

Whether the stork now allowed to continue to take the right scene for a ride, must decide by the court. But no matter how the process starts, "last stop right" to fight against right will not give up easily: "We will have something come up, so it definitely goes any further," said Brodkorb with a wink.

Source: be


step out appeal for donations - 3 € * for leaders Heinar!

Storch Heinar burns the designer pants. Or rather, feather boa leader is on fire. Whatever! Who is fighting upright, not only has friends. So are we: The company "Thor Steinar" has sued our stork Heinar of "trademark" reasons. Now it goes to court.

More info about the indictment:

in their own right: Thor Steinar sued Storch Heinar

Heinar, the Weltkriegsverliererbesieger


Monday, July 19, 2010

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The tree is gone

Yesterday bitched and today the tree has vanished. Thank you to all involved in the campaign for responsible and executive powers. Thus, the A40 has been defused by the victorious countries to bicycle paths, a critical point. When one of municipal side as has repeatedly shown that seeks to promote cycling in victories, have the bike paths and thus the cyclist inside more in the public consciousness shifted be. For only there can you find safe and secure ride a bike, which were previously undecided, the alternative movement, more and more integrated into their everyday lives.

We'll see ... ?

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maintenance of the Siegen cycle network

swept out of 5 days, a thunderstorm over the winning country. Unlike some other regions in North Rhine-Westphalia stayed with us the damage to happiness within manageable limits. If some sections of road in part by falling trees were not accessible, a trouble-free travel for motorized traffic within the next day was made complete again. On the cycle paths in the winning country the broken branches are still visible today. For Cyclists are these barriers a nuisance but not insurmountable. Driving this way with liner is to date not only restricted to all possible. The A40 in the cycle paths in the winning country is in itself a passage for cyclists only partially navigable. Some branches have the track completely blocked, cyclists and pedestrians have been away on its own. The Path leaders apparently hope the city wins at the prompt decay of the remaining biomass and care in any way to solving the fallen tree.

Another annoyance is an up to last year barely perceivable intersection marking a cycle path that has now vanished almost completely. A single check ride would have to uncover the vulnerability.
My own fall flat on several occasions to the authorities concerned-looking information for years in the void.

Said cross section at 16.08.2008:

The same section at the crossroads 19/07/2010

The homepage of the city wins this sounds quite different:

"The promotion of cycling is an important task within the transport planning of the city of Siegen. The importance of the bicycle as everyday transportation has increased significantly in recent years. The city of Siegen offers good conditions for cycling in everyday life and in leisure time.

also the comfort and safety of bike paths, our cycling coordinator at a glance. For example, lowered curbs, refreshed or re-applied markings, surface renewal of bike paths and - where necessary - dyed red "


When I read that, I think every day to be traveling in another city or another time period on these bike paths.

We'll see ... ?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Best Of The Best Racquet Tennis 2010


Almost unlaublich, but I still exist, and because it's has taken a relatively long time too much to report today.

Well, it was G8/G20 Summit Toronto, like any of these meetings was also accompanied the current edition of protests. And as elsewhere, there were some "violent riots" and shortly afterwards, of course, appropriate Poizeigewalt against seemingly randomly selected demonstrators and journalists.
But this time seems the rioters by the police at least tolerated if not to have been employed ...
results were not really surprise anyone now why?
Oh, was favorable necessarily the whole course not , but I'm confident that the money was being applied correctly, after all, the the wisest men World .

After Holland already has identified some other ways to tackle the economic crisis, is now investigating the California State Treasury to replenish advertising (digital) number plates . So to my mind as spontaneously several reasons why one is THE well be a good idea ...

If anyone is interested: program of the Belgian Presidency of the European Union .

Do you remember the proposal of Mrs Malmström the times I have looked at more closely ? Well, now it has Julian Assange (co-founder of Wikileaks) also expressed a who finds the similarly great as I:
With the advance of EU Justice Commissioner Cecilia Malmström for a policy that would require all EU states to set up net barriers against child porn sites, would lead Europe in danger of setting up an uncontrollable secret censorship system, Assange .

Great news are from Sweden, the local pirate party is now hosting The Pirate Bay (TPB), and if she will be elected to parliament in September TPB operated in the future of the Swedish Parliament! How cool is that
then? Do not fuck the system, hack it! Yeah! :-)

" Rating: Hotel NPD chief may house ban issue "
And it needs a court? If someone is behaving not to know then a house ban is well justified, and I have sometimes some doubt go together like good manners and decency with extremely right ideology should.

How I've already mentioned in the last post on 1 October, the Future Zone of ORF concluded that "time" was a nice obituary it.

Great Cinema offered the Freedom Party in recent weeks.
First Republic that they have apparently Walter Meischberger paid for his resignation . And this week, the Freedom Party members FOR the Guaranteeing voted, although it somehow but then all the more likely are against:
Kickler regretted shortly after the "vote margin. He reiterated that the FPÖ was clearly continue to oppose the minimum income that such errors could, however, "sometimes" occur.
just gaze dear reader, it does seem our competence in leadership ...

Oh yes, our friend and helper (no, I do not mean dog) gets it in the war on terror and law and order and to do so with more cunning disguises. Meanwhile, shy away from this chaotic linxlinken not even hesitate to attack disguised as a retired police stations!
Or has much lighter but all played quite another?
Makes you just ne opinion itself: Here and Here!

And finally something funny .

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Monster Gauges For Ears

Paris - winning 0-1

now I moan long been over 3 years on the ruthlessness of the winning car driver and disdain towards the beleaguered cyclists. By chance, I now have a video blog stumbled. There, a French cyclist traffic madness of his experiences in Paris for a year recorded with an onboard camera and edited into a short film. Here, the cyclists even uses mostly the word bicycle facilities, improving its chance of survival but not significantly.

The video shows in 8 minutes, the constant threat of a cyclist on the Parisian roads. For me, it broke then do one not ending very much, but to drive in winning bike. But your love car drivers in the winning country, so I will not issue a clean bill you for your often contemptuous attitude towards me. Rather, this is a His appeal to reconsider your sometimes reckless and thoughtless behavior towards the vulnerable road users. After all, who wants PARIS-situation here on the street.

Angles Mort