Monday, May 31, 2010

How Much Does A Tm Dirt Bike Cost

Special Issue: Israel

the subject in Israel has indeed gathered together a lot lately and I really wanted to just Fefes link summary, but then I got this morning as the first THE here on the radio. So, there's a special edition. But after the other.

story so far: Last week came the message that the Israeli air force has bombed the (still lying) Yasser Arafat International Airport in the Gaza Strip. And then on Sunday that three Israeli nuclear submarines be deployed against Iran. Both are very peaceful steps or acting?

leap this morning: half-asleep, murmuring FM4 news: ... Israeli forces attaked "Help Gaza" ... killed at least th ... not the best way to start a day.
Sunday has been (called solidarity fleet) from several existing aid convoy ships from Cyprus on the way to the Gaza Strip made to various medical and other needed goods to deliver. Israel threatened to use force if I am tempted to break the blockade the Palestinian territories.
This morning was against 5 clock it then so far, Israeli special forces attacked one of the ships, killing at least 10 people, the exact number of victims is not known, however, reach up to 20 are
Among the supporters of this relief effort are also a number of European politicians, right on board the ship are attacked is also the author Henning Mankell and three politicians of the German Left Party.

Sounds have not even good, but if you look at the details it is (literally) criminal: This attack took place in international waters, so it was actually a textbook example of state piracy in the best British tradition! (May be worded slightly exaggerated, but in essence applicable)

as 2003, the Americans include support of the British in Iraq marched in, while Russia, Germany, France and many others saw it as a violation of international law, I was honestly afraid of the third world war could start if at that time as Russia supported Iraq would ...
these days is coming back this fear, because what Israel withdraws in the Middle East IS NOT GOOD!

If all this is too alarmist and make yourself a picture here wants the links to the reporting:
And by the ORF there is a collection of the first reactions

You'd think a people that the (hopefully) are worst to the people able to go through had to know better ...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Swollen Paratid Gland And Swollen Gland

Still Alive

The family of Internet censorship is once again increased: Pakistan because of a cartoon competition (for now) may end up locked Facebook. should
background are once again the Danish Muhammad cartoons as inspiration for this Facebook group are ... Butterfly on a wheel and so on ...
Um, I remember now, I do not know whether Pakistan had been free Internet

Google may now no longer flash, but unlike Apple will also not h264. What makes a company wants to use the almost all areas of modern life in such a situation? Man tinkering just its own video codec for HTML5 (or much more simply buying a company has done something like this) is then called WebM.

climb into the car, strapped on the radio and suddenly heard in a deafening volume. The air conditioning heating to the highest level and the doors will not open anymore. What sounds like a bad horror movie, in rebelling against their car owner, is a demonstration by researchers at U.S. universities, Washington and San Diego.

Yes, it's so far we have (software) hack customizable cars! It is alleged that their software can delete after an accident even itself, which brings natural light into the darkness surrounding the death of the notorious Joerg Haider everyone ;-)

With a new strategy wants the U.S. military to stop their soldiers to to think first and then shoot first:
The U.S. military considered a completely new form of distinction for her soldiers: So it could be soon - as for soldiers, in Afghanistan or Iraq in use - a bravery medal given for that they do not fight.

Again, Facebook, and to link not only as "radical leftist" media such as the ORF this time "powered by Crown":
Hezbollah listened soldiers via Facebook Flirt from
Sowa By the way, (almost) accessible and is called social engineering division. Ne really quite nice and pretty embarrassing story for the Israelis.

How could it be otherwise in these days, even now you can get here a little economic crisis for all. On this week zurPolitik
was an interesting article on "Globalization of thought .
An idea not unknown to me, in one aspect of this representation, however, is missing and which I think is very important is that every person, every organization, every region should have the greatest possible autonomy of.
Does that mean that while some (and really only the main ones) have rules and laws globally, but each "administrative level" is just as powerful as necessary.

clear words on the crisis by Karl-Heinz Brodek (Professor of Economics, Economic policy, business statistics and creativity techniques at the Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt):
If I were once somewhat speculative, as many bankers say: That was the shot across the bow of the policy, could document the financial institutions their power and wanted . If you like, was the message: You can not control us. If you tried, we ruin the market. You always fear of terrorism. But that's just a different and quite more dangerous form of terrorism, which moves in financial markets. The politicians must understand and take action at last.

an independent path from the crisis strive to the Dutch!
There is considering the legalization of various drugs on the one hand, to save money in the prosecution of drug offenses, but while contributing with new tax revenue. Such a discussion (at a high level), we could do here.

9 years after the G-8 protests in Genoa this week several (senior) police officers were in 2nd Instance sentenced because they were in a school that served as a camp for protesters and demonstrators injured, some seriously ill and filed false evidence.
The sharpest punishment, five years' imprisonment was imposed Vincenzo Canterini, the first instance already been sentenced to four years imprisonment was. The judge assumed that the senior police officials had been severely beaten about the fights at school Diaz, the protesters were informed. In the first instance verdict in November 2008, only 13 of the 29 defendants were convicted. It consisted of police officers who harassed globalization opponent, and not the tip of the forces that had been acquitted.

there yet och something like justice? And just in Italy? I'm surprised. There

Good news from the EU Data Retention Front :
The Supreme Court the Republic of Ireland has officially asked the ECJ to rule whether the event-free storage of telephony and Internet data is generally consistent with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

Sure, that must mean nothing, but at least a small step in the right direction.

to domestic policy today I will even say anything except: "Typically F P Ö .

already last week after an e-mail the Salzburg Unirektors has surfaced in which he reports that, according to Science Minister Karl 2015 Unibudgets at best be frozen this week Rectors' Conference chief Sünkel announced it was embarrassing for him (?!?) that may study in Austria each.
In view of such developments is to burn only a matter of time until the re-Unis ...

2 small pieces of Volker Pispers I've found that I will not hide from you:
A forecast of the economic crisis and a report on my "colleagues" .

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mudroom Locker Storage System

Jo May, schee is

Quiet wars this week, even the 1 May passed relatively peacefully, apart from smaller incidents .

Dusseldorf Higher Regional Court has ruled that Rapidshare not as a provider for copyright infringement the customer is liable .
Wen wonder at missing part, applicants: The Düsseldorf
judges give in principle to remember "that one attributes to a movie file can not see that it is a movie file". The applicant's argument that the extensions "rare" is an important indicator of a movie file, the judge dismissed as "inaccurate" back: "RAR is a general file format for data compression to reduce memory usage of files for archiving and transmission. Movie files has nothing to do directly. "

heat but great if I could make simple (empty) text files with compression and proper naming movies ;-)

have some I already told them: In the spring of last year regensburg police shot dead a student.
The determination of jurisdiction is clearly : Eisenberg was on 30 April with a knife threatened his roommate. This alerted the police. The officials could not be the young man with pepper spray or a baton overwhelm - so they shot. Eisenberg was seriously injured by a total of twelve balls.

The important question I think is how can it be that 8 police officers despite baton and pepper spray use is not in a position to a student a knife to take off.
More info: 1 2

In Salzburg, it seems a / n Artist give the / creative way to draw attention to the ever increasing surveillance in public spaces!

Do you remember the high frequency sounds in Attnang-Puchheim ? This is now a new version: pink light.

And at the end still good news: students are well (the state)!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Differemce Between White Xanax Bars And Green/

All good things, and so

First, I want you now the new video by MIA recommend, but beware, it ABSOLUTELY nothing for the faint hearted!

Now that probably some stomachs were empty I will recommend you to loosen up two delicacies of Fefe: first, a Chinese human rights report about the U.S. and the other a incredible report on the Texas justice system.

But now to more serious issues that the defense industry can not be impressed by "small" economic crises in times of "global struggle against terrorism," most have probably already rhymed together. Quite the contrary who enjoy not only a good order, but also have great new developments, better, more lethal!
A little quote from the second Article complacent?
The older generation of bunker busters was some time ago in the fight against Osama bin Laden used. Bin Laden was suspected in an extensive cave system on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. With the help of the bunker busters, the U.S. wanted Bin Laden killed at that time.

The bunker busters, however, can just as well massively against built nuclear power plants or are used in construction equipment, such as in Iran.

moment, bombs against nuclear power plants? What was that again with the fear terrorists could hijack a plane and guide it in such a plant?
terror is probably only if the Others do, I'm sure we will then re-sold as a "preemptive strike". What is to be prevented with such bombs then but is (apparently not) I do not understand!
Oh, just so on the side: although the weapons systems will rise more "intelligent" with any conflict, the civilian casualties in relation to fallen fighters! And
nochwas, bombs should only be called intelligent if they refuse to explode!

are news it by the Content Mafia ", he should have when it comes to the French, EU-wide Internet censorship on the" Three Strikes Out "principle will be introduced, something is natural," only "the Pöser pirates take that make the professional basis, whosoever believes ...
the way, the Austrian ISPs (internet service provider) do not (yet fortunately not implemented) retention from closed! My plea to our leaders: listening but also this time to the industry, it is rare enough before something sensible from there. Oh
respect and pirated software, has anyone ever actually made a pirated copy / steal / hold hands? I for one can deny that in any case, I have never forced anyone from a disk to create a copy and he / she then steals it. I make it clear why that ANYONE should, because it is easier to rob the original ...

news of concern have also reached me from northern Germany.

profile news Buwog in the scandal surrounding former minister Grasser that was the pattern son of the nation, at least when we had a black and orange-blue government were: young, stylish, successful. Today he is mostly
asoziiert with other terms, as more traditional concepts such as corruption and cronyism so ... Well, times change.
Between 25 September 2009 and 3rd February 2010 were Meischberger and Hochegger four times each by the prosecution at Vienna for their alleged role rigged sale of Federal housing associations (Buwog) to a consortium led by the listed real estate finance company in 2004 interviewed. The two were then on the road as a "lobbyist" for the real estate finance, and therefore part of that rope team, which is now the focus of official Investigations is: the long-term real estate finance chief Karl Petrikovics, the Vienna real estate agent and former Buwog-Chairman Ernst Karl Plech, but also a certain Karl-Heinz Grasser, who is responsible from February 2000 to January 2007 Federal Minister of Finance of the Republic of Austria and, as such, for the sale of federal housing associations. The judicial investigation for secret treason, abuse of office and incitement. The defendants deny any misconduct. Pending any final conviction without exception, the presumption of innocence.

somehow already striking how often explicit in this respect the presumption of innocence it is mentioned only because of the number of allegations against Grasser believe it is somewhat difficult to hold on innocence. Of course it is possible that these are all just unfortunate coincidences , but whether that is really believable, everyone should decide for yourself!

The Verfassungsschutzbericht for 2009 has also been published in the last week, the accompanying headlines Austria would have been to sink into chaos (caused by terrorist attacks, all the rest can not sell so well anyway). Of particular interest is the statement perfectly in relation to left wing extremism:
a "huge increase" Fekter recognized in left-wing extremist crimes. In fact, the number of reports increased year on year from 64 to 90,

compared to 791 crimes right, but yes, if we do nothing against the left-anarchists and violent offenders of the Soviet Union, Austria will rise from again! And once again, that's not all:
but reassure the details. This development is in fact almost exclusively due to increased lubrication action.

No more comment!

The Freedom Party has said the party academy amendment , basically, I'm not sure whether those changes are not actually more risks than benefits, but I come here primarily the saying "made dogs bark" in the sense why should the FPÖ complain when someone else suggests something like this:
funds for the party academies will in future have to be repaid in certain circumstances: namely, when the means for hate speech, vilification of religious teachings, Libel or reactivation be abused.

One feels drawn?

should already be more than enough, so now the rest very briefly
was assassinated the occasion of the 84 year old this week, the ORF even drawn up a list with all " deadly firearms operations by the police "
this article the press, I want to comment not at all, it's just sad.
And for all who are interested here you can read the Austrian Constitution!