Thursday, June 17, 2010

Can I Put Two Different Light Bulbs


In the case of the arrested alleged Wikileaksinformanten Breadley Manning there is movement. After the first message has Wired published Mannings are some chat logs, even when I recently said that this is yet to enjoy the safe level of detail of the descriptions indicated that Manning actually now out of the informant was. The same circuit also places the announcement Wikileaks near him in court to defend or legal counsel to send.

Although executions by firing squad in Utah since 2004 are no longer possible is now a convicted just as die against which encourages resistance. Mind you not to kill someone on the other hand, only contrast this to take place by shooting.
That alone is not what has led to global terror. It is the way of enforcement, unique even for the USA: Gardner should be shot out of five state-appointed sniper. This provides even in the well-known for grotesque Mormon state of Utah for discomfort.
"The firing squad is archaic, it is brutal, and it makes the violence that our society already suffered by arms, only worse, "complains Salt Lake City Bishop John Wester.
anyway nice if he armed force rejects the bishop, but with poison injections and electric chairs he has no problem or what? hypocrisy as far as the eye ...

And if we ever in hypocrisy and the U.S. are on the Gulf of Mexico, obviously the big side of the pond so highly praised speech and press freedom limits her, and come for a change, not by the government but "TADA by BP (anyone surprised? If so, you have a lot to learn ...). If you want to take pictures in the affected areas and the adoption by either need a Supervisor to make or do it from a great height. But I'm sure that serves only the safety of journalists ...

from the heading " stories as only life writes !
As I once simply add nothing to add.

The story of the blockade of the Gaza Strip takes in part now almost bizarre traits, a group of German Jews now wants to send a relief ship! I think that's so awesome times, besides the immediate aid to the people of Gaza that is of course above all a very good sign against generalizations and sweeping statements!

as reported in the Bavarian pirate be locked up in local schools, all sorts of web pages, so far so nothing new there at almost every school eventually filter for porn, Nazi or otherwise not suitable for children and young people and illegal websites. The special thing about this filter, but the pages that are blocked, including, inter alia, are as per report, and! Where would we be if someone were to take hours (or as I'm Also during the lesson) carry messages to heart. Mhh just when I think about it is perhaps even justified, because some messages may look to be really depressing ...

The Swiss People's Party (SVP) wants to Switzerland by inclusion of adjacent regions (such as Vorrarlberg or Bozen) enlarge!
No, really! Seriously! Okay, so I keep my credible: HERE!
Ah yes, the SVP has a similar political position rather than of FPÖ ÖVP (and as far as I know of shares of votes).

ORF get a new law, and they are accompanied by the end of the Future Zone ... This also means that
me in the future, unfortunately, a (relatively) good source is less available.

Our oh-so-technophile federal government will once again do barriers to Internet as if they would do something, I will to simply say nothing, so just the links: 1



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