Sunday, March 7, 2010

Watch South Park Online Fast Stream

Islam Youth Cologne starts his blog

name of God
BismilLah ir Rahmanir Rahim
name of Allah YUSUFALI
Im Namen Allahs, des All-Erbarmers, des All -Barmherzigen!

Alarba 29 Rajab 1430

Mit dem Blessing of Allah, the Almighty, we begin our German blog and hope this offer by Islam in the German language to explore and understand better. In our weekly meeting in the "Ehl-i Beyt Camii Köln eV" (Bergisch-Gladbach-Strasse 180, Köln-Mülheim - bus stop "Mülheim Ring" with bus line 159) we will begin Friday at 18:00 clock - regularly 1 lecture scheduled for a period of minutes about 45 minutes. and a discussion session afterwards.
The meetings are suitable for young women and men aged 15-35 and are open to all faiths and countries of origin. The presentations by community members arranged and prepared to the best of my knowledge and belief and care.

ask any questions to us an email to mailto:


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