Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Electro Tortur /sounding

Nazis have no chance in Wilnsdorf

Joint press statement by the Groups in the Council Wilnsdorf


All four of the Council representing the community Wilnsdorf Factions of the CDU, SPD, FDP and free citizens and of Alliance 90/Grüne presented now in a joint press statement behind closed Wilnsdorf Mayor Werner Büdenbender.

"In his capacity as Returning Officer for the forthcoming local elections, he has dutifully and legally compliant examined the admission of candidates from the NDP," the group chairman Werner Koelsch for the CDU, Petra Weskamp for the SPD, Ferdi Heimel for the FDP and free citizens and Dr. Henning von Puttkamer for the Greens.

know, the NPD has brought criminal charges against Mayor Büdenbender and throws him the breach of his duty of neutrality and Influencing choice before. To connect the established parties from Wilnsdorf against very clearly.

As Returning Officer Werner Büdenbender had been struck by the inconsistencies in supporting signatures for several NPD candidates for the municipal election, were this check directly into talks with the signatories to its use. Through these inquiries, some supporting signatures are no longer counted. This had then with the unanimous decisions of the Election Commission Wilnsdorf the non-admission of NDP candidate result. Against this, the NDP had lodged a complaint. In 6 of 9 cases, the Wilnsdorf Election Committee received from the district election committee confirmed that the exclusion of the choice made was lawful. Only in 3 instances, the NDP candidates are admitted, because to collect the supporting signatures deceptive conduct could not be detected.

The NDP has collected according to the decisions of the Municipal Election Commission and the District Electoral Committee announced very severe allegations and the exhaustion of all legal possibilities to check the illegal actions of the mayor and the election committees.
All four democratic parties in Wilnsdorf Council agree that Mayor Büdenbender and the election committees have decided factually and legally clean.

ask you in the press release concluded all citizens, their right to vote make sure to use. For not to vote, helps such extremes.



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