Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thank You Notes To Pastors Funerals

on saddles!

Germany's first campaign for pedestrian and bicycle traffic has started

of 31.03.2009, in Berlin was the start of the campaign head on: engine . For zero CO2 on short-range "given.
Under this slogan, the government wants citizens move in the next two years to to drop in everyday life increases their car and walk or get on your bike.

cycling and walking saves millions of tonnes of CO2

"It keeps you fit, saves money and protects the environment, as might Germany alone by a doubling of the foot and kilometers by bike in the medium term five to six million tonnes of CO2 will be saved, "Astrid Klug, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Environment Ministry said on the occasion of the launch of Germany's first cycling and Fußkampagne.
The Federal Ministry of Transport supports the initiative of the environmental ministry in According to the common goal of reducing greenhouse gas from transport. Ulrich Kasparick, Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Transport, praised the campaign, specifically as a valuable motivational boost for more emission-free mobility. "The image campaign is hopefully as many of the necessary kick to the wheel switch" and Kasparick said at the campaign launch in Berlin. Especially in the city, it is important aufzusatteln. . On the first three miles, the bike is the fastest means of transport "

The campaign also undergoes prominent female support: Judith Holofernes, the singer of the pop group" We are heroes, "the double Olympic swimming champion Britta Steffen, and the Star chef Sarah Wiener profess different reasons to the campaign objectives. Holofernes climate change will make it part of pop culture. "We reach many young people and can put a lot of moving," she said at the project start. Britta Steffen called on the body consciousness of citizens. "It must do so not like any competitive sport, but travel the ordinary way under its own power, brings quite a lot of fitness and health."
Sarah Wiener, who wants to improve its foundation the dietary habits of children, even more sports calls in the Schools. "Similar to the fast food, we also lose the human scale in the mobility of the eye, "said Wiener at the Brandenburg Gate on foot to explore a city, a much more immersive experience than just the car had to drive through



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