Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Special K With Bread Crumbs

Don't Stop Believing!

Yesterday was the final presentation of the stands at Lamilux what actually went really well. And I also had the Feel that the stands have come really well. Was then given each of us even a cashmere scarf in Burberry style, which is really perfect for the season.

school today, however, was not quite so successful on Tuesdays only have up to 1 clock, but today's products, which Today, not at all contributed to my satisfaction, but I can change that now no more. In the next and thus the last half year I have to just make it better again!

After school I went with Mom then buy some hair color quickly, so I finally tomorrow I can color again. I hope it is, as I do my imagine.
And tomorrow's finally released so far and I'm 18th How time flies ...

Apropo time. I have it now no longer just a lot. Must be quick shower first and then it goes even going for pizza with my W-seminar. As a kind of conclusion and in gratitude to our teachers:)

xoxo, Nathalie


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