Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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The U.S. Air Force has apparently launched "Star Wars Episode 2"!
have the time just seems a robot shuttle seven months long, more or less unnoticed, can revolve around the earth.
The soldiers spoke of a successful maiden flight, had taken the "more than 220 days." On further details of a "top secret" current company was silent. Remains open include whether the shuttle was already on its maiden flight some transported into space. Officially, the mission was used to test the navigation and flight control systems, materials and seals to face the reality test. The space shuttle in orbit should open its cargo bay and deploy its solar arrays.
is now speculating whether the shuttle may have transported weapons into orbit, as then, with the "Star Wars" program planned ...

Now to Wikileaks: as probably the most noticed for some time Wikileaks is no longer to get from the media. What exactly makes
Wikileaks and above all why it is here together very well!
And it may be thanks to the efforts of U.S. Senator Lieberman that the site of their usual URL is not available, there are now a long list of alternate servers .

After that is done now we come to Terror! Immediately after the
Anschlg in Stockholm, the Swedish foreign minister said the public informed via Twitter which there has caused quite a stir at . Besides the failure to Consultation with the investigating authorities has ensured mainly the choice of a short message service for resentment. In my opinion, the Minister has acted, however exemplary, and his attempts to inform citizens quickly as possible. The fact that all the bureaucracy and was left lying next to him is of course also be counted yet.

These terrorists are now also getting younger and have better camouflage In England, an anti-terrorist squad to get a twelve year old student from the class keep and threatened to arrest him. Why? To intimidate him because of enrolled by the demo, sort of a damning testimony when the state still not afraid of disposable teens hat...
Wishart said that after the school was contacted by anti-terrorist officers, he was taken out of his English class on Tuesday afternoon and interviewed by a Thames Valley officer at the school in the presence of his head of year. During the interview, Wishart says that the officer told him that if any public disorder took place at the event he would be held responsible and arrested.
"He said even if I didn't turn up I would be arrested and he also said that if David Cameron was in, his armed officers will be there 'so if anything out of line happens ...' and then he stopped."

Wishart, who describes himself as a "maths geek" said he was frightened by the encounter. "I was really scared. Normally I'm a confident speaker but I lost all my confidence. My mum was worried, and I was worried and I did not know what to do. "

That one is a stranger in Europe has not necessarily easy, is so well known, but in terms of deterrence, the Czechs but ordendlich provided slightly : penis controls on asylum seekers
The tests were asylum seekers heterosexual sex films shown them is measured in blood flow to the penis thus should be reviewed after Prague information on whether the asylum seekers who make a persecution claim because of homosexuality in their home country, in truth. heterosexual.
alone the idea that someone is a man who, just want to live in peace, such treatments expose is so disgusting that I am almost ashamed I have the good fortune to have been born here to ...

Now to 'journalism such as the world does not need ", has since the newspaper" Austria "this time excelled in particular:".? "Wetten, dass" although the latest edition of was aborted because of an accident printed this "medium quality" on the following Sunday a great article about a successful program and mentioned the (non-execution) of the announced performances Stars.
true journalism should look like you can in the intro when Lawblog a commendable contribution read to Wikileaks.

So long, until the next time. And watch out if you people at railway stations with suitcases or bags you see that might be terrorists!


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