Friday, December 31, 2010

Mugen Final Fantasy Character

Ein Mensch schaut in der Zeit zurück und sieht: Sein Unglück war sein Glück.

a beautiful good day!

is today then probably my first Blogger year end and with it an eventful year 2010.
like why I now can happen here again everything Revue:

end of February was there as the visit from my little mouse with which I have spent a wonderful weekend together in Oberhausen and Bochum . Friday night we went to the Tokio Hotel concert in Oberhausen, where we had a lot of fun, which is located mainly in certain fans. I mean "I meet the guys every day - along with their Dogs - in a kebab shop and then monitor their red van, are eye painted on the skulls Klaaaar." : D. We also had a great seat and a very fun weekend remaining together. Whether while driving at night or while shopping, we had to laugh basically. To this opportunity to again thank you to my dearest!

also of course my many stays in Munich, where I spent most of this time in a nursery. It just always made a lot of fun with the little children to work and I really wanted there and not to leave.
This is of course my final entry for the Au Pair year in the U.S.. It was finally completed all the forms and completed the au pair interview.

Then of course the class trip to the Provence in July, which was just incredibly beautiful, because one of my last trips together with my class was and we just had so much fun. Whether the days at the beach were the evenings or at the Blue Note or our nights in front of our hotel, where we are still grown closer together. Just a nice reminder of the year 2010.

course includes the driving school a beautiful memory of 2010 because the driving lessons were just always so funny. Whether I'm driving with my driving instructor to Burger King or have we stopped briefly at a snack or I was once again employed rarely stupid, it was always fun. Sometimes I really wonder how I first so a fear of driving a car could have, but that was only the first shock. At that Time is, of course then the license, which I was allowed in September in their hands. won

Of course, many other beautiful moments belong to such as the endless' phone calls with long Denise and Mandy that I really love in the time.

If I but all enumerate, I'm probably until next year to finish, so here are some pictures:

First sun rays
Tokio Hotel in Oberhausen, together with Clagla
After a seemingly endless winter, summer at last!
beautiful days with my loved
dogs visit

Unfortunately, I have many moments of no pictures taken, but I will try next year to take more pictures.

For so eventful year 2010 was even more eventful, the year 2011.
I celebrate not only my 18th Birthday, but will write this year, my Abi and thus end my last school year. I will also go away one last time with my class and indeed as Abifahrt to Lloret de Mar. After that it gets for me the most emotionalists moment of my life if pending the adoption ceremony, as we are still together already grown much in recent years and is now just do not see more almost every day.
And then starts even my year as an Au Pair in the USA, which means once again say goodbye to family and friends.

As you can see an incredibly exciting year and I will keep you repays up to date.

Celebrate now, but once all well and good slip 'inside the new 2011.
We read us again next year!

xoxo, Nathalie


Just tonight I will stay
And we'll throw it all away
When the light hits your eyes
It's telling me I'm right
And if I, I am through
It's all because of you
Just tonight

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Angelfire Ap Biology Lab 5

The sky's the limit!

Hello my friends!

Now I'm back to blogging and sometimes you can tell by the last two days.
Christmas was really like with us always as traditional. Afternoon there was coffee, bars and cookies at grandma, then we all went to church and then to our home. There was then goose, dumplings and sauerkraut. Then we have then all assembled in the living room and unwrapped gifts. It was really a nice evening with vieeeeeelen gifts for all:)

On 1 Christmas Day we went all went to grandma for dinner. There was also very traditional marinated beef or duck with potato dumplings or bread dumplings and red cabbage. Thereafter, then my aunt and my uncle and my cousin and her boyfriend have been with us for coffee. Then there was again a little mess between our two families, because we do not celebrate Christmas together so have. And in the evening we played a few games together.

Those were actually my two holidays so far. Papa's parents still come to drink coffee, and tonight there's still a second round of games with my grandma and my great-aunt. Then the holidays are over already.

So and now I will show you even a few gifts that I received:

books for small children care of Mom & Dad
New Chucks from my great aunt
John Frieda Shampoo by Grandma & John Frieda Sprühkur from my aunt & my uncle
book on the Properties / species "of the U.S. with the first dollar slips from my Great Aunt
Electronic Dictionary of Mama & Papa

Moreover, a huge blanket with the words "frost protection" and a hot water bottle from my sister and my brother in law - with the comment: "For the small frostbite! :). Heaps of DVDs, including Gossip Girl Season 1, She's the Man and The Dear John & my brother's girlfriend, Gossip Girl Season 2 of my aunt and my uncle and with you by my side, Ronja Robber's Daughter (my absolute favorite childhood film) and Eclipse from my mom & my dad. And many other beautiful things like candles, a calendar, earrings, a clock, etc.
Thanks also again to everyone for the lovely gifts! :)

Sun and now I will make myself ready first, that I this afternoon not too late to get coffee.
Oh here's a picture of my hair, I've been at Christmas.
Mom's commentary was, "I liked it plain better!" : 'D What say you?

So, that's about it again.
Enjoy the last holiday still and all pupils have a nice holiday! :)

xoxo, Nathalie


You got it, what I want,
Give it up, shawty,
Step it up, for me, And I'll give you
All my life, All my love.

Friday, December 24, 2010

How To Connect Honeywell 20p

It's Christmas time

Merry Christmas, my dears!

Actually, I would have long ago to be with my grandma, but I'm just not 'managed to cope.
So now just put a small Christmas greeting.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful evening with your family and / or friends. Let you give presents rich and enjoy the holidays.

It's Christmas time
There's no need to be afraid At Christmas time we let
in light
And we banish shade

Here's a video of a song that each of you is probably known, but of great importance. This song was recorded with various artists in 1984 to help the people of Ethiopia who have just suffered a famine. Bob Geldof was the founder of this group called Band Aid and, with this song millions of euros earned by those coming to Ethiopia to be good.

xoxo, Nathalie

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What Shoes To Wear With Chiffon Dress

Throw your arms around the world at Christmas time.

Hello my friends!

Today I finally after my last exam for 2010 brought me.
history and social studies was on the program.
After yesterday I fell asleep in learning, I had this morning been terribly afraid that I have not learned something important, but I must say that it actually went quite well. Better than I expected. Only I had once again not enough time. I could have written much more, but now it does not matter! :)

Two more days and then finally Christmas holidays.
I just can not expect real. I'm just tired. I just want to still have my graduation from school and never hear another word! : 'D
164 days yet and all exams are over. I'm finally free again Man!

Tomorrow is the "revival of the seminar paper tax holidays" and the "Pre-Christmas" in my step. I'm looking forward to it really well. One must indeed look like this: This is the last party that one has with his grade. Soon we are all mostly do not anymore again.
I tell you, at any rate at some point the next day like this then! :)

And finally a video that made my day even better!
"Oops ..." : 'D

xoxo, Nathalie

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Funny Messages For A Wedding Card

Use your precious moments to live life fully every single second of every single day.

Hello my friends!

I'm sorry that I have blogged so long, but somehow I was totally calm and the blog just did not know what to blog. Maybe it was in the dreary weather or just because my life right now, for the most part only of school and therefore is not really interesting.

now - in my enthusiasm because I have tomorrow because the next snow storm, no school - is something occurred to me. I've searched my pictures folder a bit, in which there really is an absolute mess, and I found that I totally have a lot of pictures of cities or moments that really make me laugh sometimes. Therefore, I would like to now share with you. So let's take you away
... - Okay, no, that sounds like shit - have fun watching! :)


Paris, 27.12.2006

" One of the most beautiful gift you could give me for Christmas I was allowed for three days together with mine. brother and sister to fly to Paris. It was not just the first time I was in France, no, it was also the first time I've flown. We visited the Eiffel Tower, the Centre Pompidou, the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe, the Champs-Elysées and much more.
An unforgettable trip well in a breathtakingly beautiful city, because it does not mean nothing 'city of love':) "


Zurich, 14.04.2007

"After an infinitely long train journey I finally arrived after 8 1 / 2 hours in Zurich and died immediately fell into bed. This was the following day, however, the more beautiful and relaxing and gave me one of the most beautiful and unforgettable concerts of my life! "


Hamburg, 02.09.2008

" Hamburg. One of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen. As a Christmas present I was finally allowed to fly to Hamburg and I have to watch the musical "Dirty Dancing". Wonderful time there and especially wonderful beautiful city! "


Lyon, . 04/16/2009

spent "as an exchange student I have two months in Lyon Lyon is located in southeast France and is - I think - the third largest city in France The time there was really nice and most of all I enjoyed it. to live in such a 'big city that still has a lot to offer. From ancient Roman churches and buildings to shopping streets and magnificent buildings there was everything "


Berlin, 07.21.2009

"Four days spent my class and I got together in Berlin. We visited a Jewish museum, which was really scary under the skin strolled along the Kurfürstendamm, visited the Bundestag, the Brandenburg Gate and more. We also visited the" Blue Man Group : a group of blue-painted people who knew in a very fun way to inspire the audience. "


Oberhausen, 26.2.2010

"Together with Clagla I spent a wonderful Weekend in Oberhausen and Bochum. Crucial for the journey across Germany - as it should be otherwise - was our favorite band: 'D. We enjoyed a wonderful concert strolled through Bochum and laughed a lot, especially weird. Not just because we got along so well, no, because we are so well understood that we needed not even words to tell us our thoughts. Thanks for the great time, little mouse! :) "

Red circle, our seats:)


Provence, 07/12/2010

"ten memorable days I spent with my class in the southern region of France. The shock of our flophouse was forgotten after the first few days, because we should not only see our little town of Arles, but many other beautiful towns and places. These included Nîmes, Avignon, Roussillon, Gordes, St Maries de la Mer, and many more. Our days consisted of fill daytime sun and night celebrating , celebrate, celebrate, to celebrate because there's always something;) course was not all without problems. from, but that's just part of a school trip. A memorable time it remains in any event all! "


" Life consists of rare individual moments of utmost importance and innumerable intervals in which us at best hover around the silhouettes of those moments. The love of spring, every beautiful melody, the mountains, the moon, the sea - everything speaks only once at the very heart, if it ever ever quite comes to words. Because many people have those moments do not and are themselves intervals and pauses in the symphony . Of real life "
Friedrich Nietzsche


So, that's it now again
I hope you has it fallen.!)

See you soon!
xoxo, Nathalie

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Rent A Gym In San Antonio, Tx


The U.S. Air Force has apparently launched "Star Wars Episode 2"!
have the time just seems a robot shuttle seven months long, more or less unnoticed, can revolve around the earth.
The soldiers spoke of a successful maiden flight, had taken the "more than 220 days." On further details of a "top secret" current company was silent. Remains open include whether the shuttle was already on its maiden flight some transported into space. Officially, the mission was used to test the navigation and flight control systems, materials and seals to face the reality test. The space shuttle in orbit should open its cargo bay and deploy its solar arrays.
is now speculating whether the shuttle may have transported weapons into orbit, as then, with the "Star Wars" program planned ...

Now to Wikileaks: as probably the most noticed for some time Wikileaks is no longer to get from the media. What exactly makes
Wikileaks and above all why it is here together very well!
And it may be thanks to the efforts of U.S. Senator Lieberman that the site of their usual URL is not available, there are now a long list of alternate servers .

After that is done now we come to Terror! Immediately after the
Anschlg in Stockholm, the Swedish foreign minister said the public informed via Twitter which there has caused quite a stir at . Besides the failure to Consultation with the investigating authorities has ensured mainly the choice of a short message service for resentment. In my opinion, the Minister has acted, however exemplary, and his attempts to inform citizens quickly as possible. The fact that all the bureaucracy and was left lying next to him is of course also be counted yet.

These terrorists are now also getting younger and have better camouflage In England, an anti-terrorist squad to get a twelve year old student from the class keep and threatened to arrest him. Why? To intimidate him because of enrolled by the demo, sort of a damning testimony when the state still not afraid of disposable teens hat...
Wishart said that after the school was contacted by anti-terrorist officers, he was taken out of his English class on Tuesday afternoon and interviewed by a Thames Valley officer at the school in the presence of his head of year. During the interview, Wishart says that the officer told him that if any public disorder took place at the event he would be held responsible and arrested.
"He said even if I didn't turn up I would be arrested and he also said that if David Cameron was in, his armed officers will be there 'so if anything out of line happens ...' and then he stopped."

Wishart, who describes himself as a "maths geek" said he was frightened by the encounter. "I was really scared. Normally I'm a confident speaker but I lost all my confidence. My mum was worried, and I was worried and I did not know what to do. "

That one is a stranger in Europe has not necessarily easy, is so well known, but in terms of deterrence, the Czechs but ordendlich provided slightly : penis controls on asylum seekers
The tests were asylum seekers heterosexual sex films shown them is measured in blood flow to the penis thus should be reviewed after Prague information on whether the asylum seekers who make a persecution claim because of homosexuality in their home country, in truth. heterosexual.
alone the idea that someone is a man who, just want to live in peace, such treatments expose is so disgusting that I am almost ashamed I have the good fortune to have been born here to ...

Now to 'journalism such as the world does not need ", has since the newspaper" Austria "this time excelled in particular:".? "Wetten, dass" although the latest edition of was aborted because of an accident printed this "medium quality" on the following Sunday a great article about a successful program and mentioned the (non-execution) of the announced performances Stars.
true journalism should look like you can in the intro when Lawblog a commendable contribution read to Wikileaks.

So long, until the next time. And watch out if you people at railway stations with suitcases or bags you see that might be terrorists!

Friday, December 10, 2010

How Long Before A Trip Should You Tan?

Open my eyes, it was only just a dream!

Hello my friends!

Finally, a more stressful school week is over.
Only two more weeks, with 3 exams, it sounds ever for a bright spot, do not you also ?

Somehow I'm looking forward to Christmas right now, not only because I've got holidays, but because the whole Family is together again.

After I had during the week not feel like doing some pictures of my presents to Santa Claus, I'm now at least once the gloves, which I have spoken in Twitter, photographed. Otherwise, I'm actually really get a lot: care products, chocolate, money, a necklace, gauntlets and gloves.

I really like, above all, they are really warm, even if the fingertips are covered, the hands are not cold. But they are fed too much inside.

also I have to imagine a really great YouTube Künslter.
I've yet heard a cover of him that I did not like the very first time.
I find it really very good. He also has recorded a song with Christina Grimmie also a great singer.
's Just listen to it!

artists: Christina Grimmie & Sam Tsui
section and produced by: Kurt Hugo Schneider
original: Nelly

Sun that's about it for today.
must still the same matter now and then I have to share time with my German essay, I have not done yesterday, because I'm asleep, 'D.

you soon!
xoxo, Nathalie

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Is Walgrrens A Good Place To Work

New Layout!

Here it is now: the new layout!

I personally like it very well. Is simply not overloaded so extreme and rather plain.
There is now finally a comment function.

I hope you like it too!

xoxo, Nathalie

Sims 3 Skins With Nipples

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try

Hello Love!

I hope you all have spent a great Santa Claus, and perhaps one or the other get paid. I've also got really cute stuff. But had no time / desire to photograph it, so you've got to wait until the weekend! :)

school today was modest.
had only two hours while math, two hours and two hours of bio art, but today I was so tired that I fell asleep in the afternoon half of art.
I've also written math today.

Accordingly yesterday was my day to learn from math. I had such a panic over stochastic, because I had understood that in recent weeks in the classroom never really. 've Got it then after much back and forth but finally understood.
Today when I got the words, then I have seen just the first page and I thought: Well first make Infini, which you can and understand?
Well went stupid, I'm already failed at the first task , while it was sooo easy - well you all know hindsight is always wiser! Well at least I was totally desperate because nothing has it worked and I was afraid that I have the second page, so that the Stochastic hinbekomme not, but on the contrary: I'm in the stochastic part of almost any task and I get out there with security and much more points. Ultimately, it was actually quite okay, but bad for my math relationships, I think. I reckon there with a three, like this 8 / 9 points.

Have I already told you also that I get back last week, the art exam? - I do not think so. I have no fewer than 13 points, so 'ne 1 -. I am totally satisfied and I like my picture, exceptionally times
The exam consisted of two parts, 50: 50 - Theory (about architecture): practice.
One should be in practice part of a pond and a tree inspiration for an organic house can be. And here is my result: Drawing in approximately 35 minutes)
I feel I bring more beautiful drawings into being when I am pressed for time: 'D

Oh by the way I was today again to form Spring! Did I somehow
and then I totally forgot the "pennant" back on it landed.
you can continue the course, like to use for asking the questions:)

So that's it for now for today.
Werd me now probably time to put my German essay I have to give on Friday.
And then I'll me the story about Bill Kaulitz and Wolfgang Joop look of yesterday and then tonight, so time for Desperate Housewives and Vampire Diaries!

xoxo, Nathalie

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Blondor Bleach Technical Support


... Weekend! Or working period!
For me, the weekend lately only make or anything that I have not done during the week and / or learn for the next exam.
The geography exam, I've more or less survived unscathed, I'm not somehow so optimistic about my grade, but maybe. Well next week is so in math and I have a terrible fear. I usually can mathematics yes, at least when it comes to Infini, but I am a stochastic absolute zero!
also have our teachers once again they thought we could just give up on the weekend even more than usual already, because we have to do anything anyway. Has always been beautiful, yes ...
Well is all this so soon over. Only 26 weeks! Then, both the written and oral Abiprüfungen over and it is finally relax again! :)

've Yesterday I tried again the way to create a new layout, but I failed miserably trying.
I get no picture in the header, the title did not want to go where I wanted and still many 'other things have not worked the way I wanted, so I've given up's. Maybe I try it again another time! : 'D

Oh and because I' has brought a girlfriend to the taste.
I am, as some may know, a person who drinks a lot of terrible coffee, latte macchiato, cappuccino, etc., and, as I carry from home unfortunately can not because the cold is so fast and I have no thermos for I've after advice from 'nervous friend, then another bought one:

the first one just shakes and then drink the cold. But tastes totally delicious, so I's can only recommend it! :)

Have you all been for the trailer of the new film seen in the Channing Tatum plays along
I'm actually not that the boyfriend of action movies, but Chan looks as so damn good? that I would even hurt the movie.

xoxo, Nathalie

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Woman Sudden Pain And Numbness In Right Arm

One kind word can warm three winter months.

a very good evening, my friends!

Did you all have your first two advent calendar door open?
That is for all of us really now that Christmas is just around the corner. I'm kind of at the moment at all in the Christmas spirit. Time went by so fast that I can not believe that in three weeks' time are Christmas holidays and thus the new year is also not far away.

However, I am already on the Christmas season, as the first means for me less stress. Do the holidays get only for the French exam and an estimated the model for the project seminar build done, so sometimes less stressful than it otherwise.

also glad I am animal on New Year's Eve, for there I will finally meet for the first time Denise and Mandy and celebrate with them purely in the new year 'and spend a few days together!

Today I had fortunately not in school because it snowed yesterday so much that this morning a total chaos reigned on the streets and community workers to clear snow does not come afterwards are.
my day I could enjoy, however, as I write geography exam tomorrow, and thus the day was then run again. On the other hand, I'm really happy that I still had the time to do!

Here are some "snow" impressions! :)

xoxo, Nathalie

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Painting Woman In Red Dress

The Dirty Dozen

Hehe, since should I apply it once right?
at least, empty, abandoned suitcase I could have somewhere to deposit at a station about video editing looks slightly worse. How

at least those that know me personally know I am sometimes a bit paranoid, but then when I read how far the various technical developments (such as in this article ) at least I know: to right!

Fefe reveals: "The probability to get a body scanner cancer is about as high as that blow up terrorists the plane. "
Sun, and I can now ask ANYONE explain why I have fear of the evil terrorists, but should our politicians also should be thankful? ? The logical consequence from the perspective of the United States would actually be a preventive war against the manufacturer of the body scanners are, drone attacks on politicians, secret special forces to switch off targeted lobbyists ... think
I hear because someone "Now he is exaggerating, but" - ACH JA ? Are you sure?

On this action on December 7, I want to point you all yet!
More infos here and here.
the more people join the better, because we are the people we are the power!

Does anyone remember to Ms Malmström? That was the strange with the views of what a child is (according to the statement submitted by their EU policy at any person in the younger than 18 years). It is precisely this policy has now a lawyer closer look, and drawn a similar conclusion from it as I :
The 19 year old who makes a 17 year old Webcam, or the 18 year old, his 16 year old wife on the beach in skimpy bikini photographed, for example, are the future with (at least) one foot in Crime. They are only spared from punishment if the judges assigned to them a "similar age" and a "comparable mental and physical development and maturity" and also does not see (but given) abuse "indexed". In fact, such basic realities of young people under the general crime suspect identified and provided impunity in free judicial discretion, which can all too easily tip into arbitrariness.

Good news there from Berlin, where the prosecution has to the police attacks on the "Freedom not fear" demonstration in September last Year brought charges. Kongret it comes to the two policemen have fired all the time. The question is, of course, whether resulting from this charge and consequences ...

New forms of direct democracy are being tested in Iceland.
is there not the new constitution written by politicians but "ordinary" citizens.

After I have just been called the "war against body scanner now" politicians are terrorists !
And not just because of the reasons mentioned in the linked article, because who in this day in Europe spread fear and terror? Exactly, they are not the idiots who are in Afghanistan or Iraq every day even blow up, it is the army of politicians, "terrorism experts", intelligence people and the media constantly tell us how we are not gefärdet. Just look a little bit let's back:
mid-2007, "Schäuble keeps suicide attacks in Germany for possible "
Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) considers suicide bombings by radical Islamists in Germany "for possible". He said on Friday corresponding to a question. One can see that people in the border region between Afghanistan and Pakistan to travel to training in terrorist camps. The risk of attacks in Germany was "serious".

Germany was, as other states also, for quite some time "in the crosshairs of Islamist terrorism." That is why it is so important to get as much information as possible, "said Schäuble and reiterated its call to quickly create a legal basis for online searches of computers. "The interception of communications is vital."

early 2008 were "? attack on synagogue in Berlin planned "
The Israeli embassy and Jewish community was warned of assassination, said the "Focus". State Guards were concerned that a van should be used as a rolling bomb.

basis the alarm messages are clues that have the Federal Criminal Police (BKA) was obtained from an informant, told the news magazine "Focus", citing Berlin's safety circuits. Then be in Berlin-Mitte four Arabs in several objects have been caught spying. Three suspects have been released, the fourth man remained in custody for other offenses a BKA spokesman declined to comment on the report on Saturday on request.

that the comment I will accept with joy: WTF? As well, the professionals at work, 4 and no arrests could be something Accused in relation to the bottom of the arrest? This is what truly made of good police work! Well, continue as planned:
summer 2009: " fear of attacks "
Stadler criticized the constant terror warnings from the CDU - just at the same time explained the deputy chairman of the CDU parliamentary group, Wolfgang Bosbach, he saw "no reason to panic, but to" increased care "for possible terrorist attacks in Germany before the election. The "Ruhr Nachrichten" said the politician, that concern was well founded, terrorists might try "by attacks impact on the German contribution to participate in the Afghanistan mission.

as demanded by the Union's constitutional amendment to the armed forces in an emergency at home use to fight terror to be able to Bosbach deems just finished. "The constitutional amendment is urgently needed."

autumn 2010: "Germany is bracing itself for attacks "
Fearing a bloody terrorist attack by Islamists before Christmas Germany tightened its security measures. Federal Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere (CDU) in Berlin on Wednesday warned of an attack in late November and called for the first time a specific date. To protect the public armed police patrolling at airports and train stations. At borders is strictly controlled. Experts fear that Christmas markets could be target of an attack

If somebody something? So aside from appearing almost monthly intervals with the warnings? For example, that have not yet announced the attacks was carried out. Or that there are state representatives are here to stir up panic.

match: (potential) terrorist who is now the wrong music stops !
I mean WTF? Belongs to such basic rights as freedom of speech and the freedom not to listen to what I want? We live in a society which, instead of enjoying themselves at the now possible cultural diversity, responding with prejudice and suspicion.

So, enough for now, but in the end I still have 2 links:
Addendum ambassador's interview last time
We have no fear!