Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Talent Show Dance Music

Friday meeting with Iftar

of God the Merciful Praise the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon Muhammad and his family Alotaibin Alothreinn

month of Ramadan Which was revealed the Qur'aan, a guidance for us Q and evidence for the guidance and the Criterion you saw it then let him fast the month "The month of Ramadan is that in which the Koran was sent down. A guidance for mankind and clear proofs of guidance and (divine) character is who so because of you this month, let him through it fast " (2:185)

السلام علیکم و رحمة الله و برکاته
love siblings Assalamo Alaikom

do this is to you about our next meeting. This coming Friday the 27th August 2010, we gather up 18 clock. Please note that we will meet this time in a different location. We ask each of you (participants) modest admit to your friends and acquaintances and some food to bring so we can end up making inschaAllah there Iftar together.
City: Aser Cultural Association
Address: Walther Road 80 in Cologne Dellbrück


Time: 18 clock
Quran recitation: 18:15 clock
Lecture Start: 18:30 clock on "The elder grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), Hassan Ibn Ali (as)" 45-60 min

then question-answer session about 30 minutes and
connecting the invocation of the 9th Day of the month of Ramadan and the invocation of Kumayl ibn Ziyad. In connection
Dua Al-Faraj.

Community Prayer: 20:53 clock

After the prayer, we will break the fast together and then we can go home.
It would be nice if some of you would help clean up after the re :-)

Location / Directions

Directions: Take the S-Bahn line 11 from Central Station / Deutz or Müheim station in the direction of Bergisch-Gladbach. Get off at Dell bridge and go the opposite direction. Min go under the tracks then go through about 4 on the "Diepeschrather road" to the roundabout. In the roundabout take the first right onto Walther Road and go about 2 minutes until house number 80 on the left side.

We look forward seeing you again tomorrow and ask you to be on time.

والسلام علیکم و رحمة الله

Islamische Jugend Köln
Homepage: http://www.islam-verstehen. /

Oh God, I want you in a dignified country Taiz in Islam and his family and humiliated by the hypocrisy And his family and us to the obedience of the preachers and leaders to your path, and Trozkna the dignity of the world and the Hereafter


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