Sunday, August 29, 2010

Chevrolet Silverado Xd Rockstar


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ألحمدلله Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon Muhammad and his family Alotaibin Alothreinn

We sent down on the Night of Power * and to thee what the Night of Power * Laylat al-Qadr is better than a thousand months
"Wahrlich, Wir sandten ihn (den Koran) hernieder in der Nacht Al-Qadr. Und was lehrt dich wissen, was die Nacht Al-Qadr ist? Die Nacht Al-Qadr ist besser als tausend Monate. " (97:1-3)

19. Ramadan 1431 n.d.H.

Dear brothers and sisters in Islam
Assalamo Alaikom

In the name of "Islamic Youth Cologne" we want you on the occasion of the martyrdom of the Prince of the Faithful, Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as), . condole

On this occasion, we want you tonight 08/30/2010 to our meeting in the German "Asser Islamic culture community in Dellbrück invite.

start of the program: 19 clock to 20:30 clock

Address: Walter Street 80 - Building No: 2002 in Cologne Dellbrück

Then we will do with all the other congregational prayers and Iftar make. After the Iftar, the Persian-language program will start and we perform the rituals of the 2nd Qadirnacht (Laylatul Qadir / Night of Power, the powerful night).

We ask you to be on time Appear.

May Allah accept your fasting and hear your prayers.

Duaa power for the Ummah and your brothers and sisters in Palestine.

with Islamic greetings


Islamic Youth Cologne
Homepage: http://www.islam-verstehen . /

Saturday, August 28, 2010

90's Animated Cartoons Transformer

German-language special program on the occasion Layal-al-Qadr

بسم الله الرحمن Rahim
Praise the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon Muhammad and his family Alotaibin Alothreinn

We sent down in the night Destiny * Everybody knows what the Night of Power * Laylat al-Qadr is better than a thousand months
Wahrlich, Wir sandten ihn (den Koran) hernieder in der Nacht Al-Qadr. Und was lehrt dich wissen, was die Nacht Al-Qadr ist? Die Nacht Al-Qadr ist besser als tausend Monate. (97:1-3)

17th Ramadan 1431 NDH

On particularly blessed days, we want all our brothers and sisters expressions of grief and sympathy on the occasion of the death of Amir al Mumenin Ali ibn Abi Talib say a..

Mohammad Hanif, a son of the imam says:
"In the evening, the 19th Ramadan, my father from his children and those adopted in his house and just before he was martyred, he said, is death for me is not unknown and uncalled guest. For me, death as when a thirsty man after long Time on water meets and how if someone something of value, that was it lost, finds. "

the evening of the 21st Ramadan extinguished the light of life of a great man, a model for justice search and struggle against injustice was and is. After Imam Hassan had buried a. his father, he said sorrowfully:
has "Last night a man leave the world, surpassed only by the greats of Islam nor the Prophet of God. He has performed on the side of the Prophet and carried the banner of jihad. The angels Gabriel and Michael have supported him. He has been taken on the night in the divine mercy, to the sent down the Qur'an to the Prophet of God was. My father starts out of the 700 drachmas, which he has laid for the family apart, leaving in possession of nothing. "

Our German-language program from 29 August 2010 Khaneje Iran.

Friday we start as usual at 18.00 clock

first Night of Power:
Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 19.00 clock in Iran Khaneje

2nd night of the determination.
Tuesday 31 August 2010-19 : 00 clock in Iran Khaneje

3rd Night of Power:
Thursday 02 September 2010 - 18.45 clock in Iran Khaneje

Friday the 3rd September 2010 - 18.00 clock in the church in Dellbrück

to the other days we will give out another notice.

For questions you can mail us happy

The "Khaneje Iran" located in Köln Marienburg in the park road.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Talent Show Dance Music

Friday meeting with Iftar

of God the Merciful Praise the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon Muhammad and his family Alotaibin Alothreinn

month of Ramadan Which was revealed the Qur'aan, a guidance for us Q and evidence for the guidance and the Criterion you saw it then let him fast the month "The month of Ramadan is that in which the Koran was sent down. A guidance for mankind and clear proofs of guidance and (divine) character is who so because of you this month, let him through it fast " (2:185)

السلام علیکم و رحمة الله و برکاته
love siblings Assalamo Alaikom

do this is to you about our next meeting. This coming Friday the 27th August 2010, we gather up 18 clock. Please note that we will meet this time in a different location. We ask each of you (participants) modest admit to your friends and acquaintances and some food to bring so we can end up making inschaAllah there Iftar together.
City: Aser Cultural Association
Address: Walther Road 80 in Cologne Dellbrück


Time: 18 clock
Quran recitation: 18:15 clock
Lecture Start: 18:30 clock on "The elder grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), Hassan Ibn Ali (as)" 45-60 min

then question-answer session about 30 minutes and
connecting the invocation of the 9th Day of the month of Ramadan and the invocation of Kumayl ibn Ziyad. In connection
Dua Al-Faraj.

Community Prayer: 20:53 clock

After the prayer, we will break the fast together and then we can go home.
It would be nice if some of you would help clean up after the re :-)

Location / Directions

Directions: Take the S-Bahn line 11 from Central Station / Deutz or Müheim station in the direction of Bergisch-Gladbach. Get off at Dell bridge and go the opposite direction. Min go under the tracks then go through about 4 on the "Diepeschrather road" to the roundabout. In the roundabout take the first right onto Walther Road and go about 2 minutes until house number 80 on the left side.

We look forward seeing you again tomorrow and ask you to be on time.

والسلام علیکم و رحمة الله

Islamische Jugend Köln
Homepage: http://www.islam-verstehen. /

Oh God, I want you in a dignified country Taiz in Islam and his family and humiliated by the hypocrisy And his family and us to the obedience of the preachers and leaders to your path, and Trozkna the dignity of the world and the Hereafter

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Australian Retriever Poodle Mix

Important message regarding the beginning of the month of Ramadan 1431

the name of God
Thank God the Merciful Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon Muhammad and his family Alotaibin Alothreinn

month of Ramadan, which Revealed the Qur'aan, a guidance for us Q and evidence for the guidance and the Criterion you saw it then let him fast the month
"Der Monat Ramadán ist der, revealed in which the Koran was a guidance for mankind and clear proofs of guidance and (divine) character. Who, then, because of you this month, let him through it fast " (2:185)

Dear brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu
Alaikom Wa Rahmatollah

We hereby inform you that the holy month of Ramadan will start Thursday inschaAllah 12/08/2010. This year we would get even with respect to two different viewing principles, ie local and global principle, but the same result.


geocentric The new moon of the month of Ramadan occurs on Tuesday, 10th August 2010 at 5:08 EDT clock. At this point in time, from the Center of the Earth as seen from the moon past the sun.

That evening, there is little possibility that the young crescent moon can be seen with large telescopes of South Africa. A sighting with the naked eye or even with binoculars, there should not be possible. Any sightings on that day from other areas are classified as scientifically impossible and therefore not acceptable Islamic law. See graph of the visibility zone the 10th August/29. Ša `bān after Yallop criterion, source program Accurate Times by Muhammad Odeh - ICOP. The calculation of the visibility zone of the Yallop criterion based on the analysis of hundreds of sightings or non-sighting of the Hilal for the past 150 years.

(note the visibility zones: Green - Hilal with the naked eye to sift easily; Yellow - viewing with the naked eye can only be expected under favorable conditions; Magenta - There are visual aids (eg binoculars) needed to Hilal in the sky find, after which sighting with the naked eye are possible; Blue - Hilal can be found and seen only with strong visual aids; white and red - no views of the Hilal with the naked eye or with optical aids available)

Am. the following Wednesday, the 11th August is the young crescent moon can be seen already in wide areas of the world when the weather permits: Central and South America, Australia, Asia, south of Russia, Arabia, Africa. Also, the central and southern Europe is in the expected viewing area that day. See graph of the visibility zone 11 August/30. Ša bān `after the Yallop criterion:

(explanation of visibility zones, see above)

Applying the principle of" local sighting "(Ikhtilāfu l-Matali`) and under consideration by Europe as a coherent viewing horizon (Matla `), the following opinion:

the month of Ramadan 1431 AH begins in Europe with the sunset of Wednesday, 11 August 2010. The first day of fasting is therefore Thursday, the 12th August 2010. Allah u wa-a `lam.

Note: The same statement also applies to the case of application the principle of "global sighting" (Ittiḥādu l-Matali `). A sighting in South Africa could on Tuesday 10 August only with powerful telescopes, weather permitting. It remains to be seen whether there will be corresponding sighting reports. This type of screening would also Islamic law, at least questionable. As for sightings in South or Central America, you would only take place if in Europe the sun has already gone a long time, and therefore included in the new Islamic day, ie 30th Sa `bān has begun. Also in this case would be the `Ša bān to complete 30 days of Ramadan begins at sundown on Wednesday evening. Allah u wa-a `lam.

SOURCE: moon sighting

We wish you all a blessed fasting month and you ask us in your supplication for each and every Iftar (fast breaking) miteinzuschließen. With fraternal greetings


Islamic Youth Cologne
Homepage: http://www.islam-verstehen . /

اللهم انا نرغب اليك في State decent Taiz in Islam and his family and humiliated by the hypocrisy and his family and make us the advocates of obedience to the leaders to your path, and the Trozkna كرامة الدنيا والاخرة

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pros Of Buying And Selling Organs

Fat Boy hammock

I liiiiiiiebe hammocks ... recently I've discovered while furniture shopping for my brother something nice: a hammock by Fatboy.

I could not resist and had to put me in direct ... and would have stood no longer the best. The mattress is padded and 1.40 m wide! Since loose fit two adults on it side by side (maximum weight 150 kg).

After my brother had then forced me to get up to weiterzushoppen, I've looked at the price ... All € 369.00! That's pretty heavy ... but sooooo great! Mhhh think sometimes that I'll probably buy me despite the high price, but not until next year when the house is finished and we have plenty of space in the garden.