Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How Long Does A Sewn In Weave Stay In

666 - The Number of the Beast

values readership Welcome to a new portion of media terrorism (and yes, I'm not a better title occurred).

At the very beginning is also a powerful look-up with regard to Israel: The
mirror Mankell a report about the attack has something which is unfortunately meaningless. As mentioned
last post, the leaders in Tel Aviv have recently been so allows a few missteps, who thought that because something changes after the action you're wrong, because according to the standard have killed four Israeli sailors extremists. The evidence of the inhuman attack plans: they were on a boat and divers wore suits!
A patrol of the Israeli navy has killed off the coast of the Gaza Strip at least four suspected Palestinian extremists. The patrol had identified a boat with four men in scuba gear, said a military spokesman said on Monday. They wanted to perpetrate a terrorist attack. The goal is not the spokesman said.

When this "logic" (perhaps someone could also something "bad" to make, so we put him just a precaution at times, was also from the USA, Russia and many others followed already applied) could actually say yes and somebody HC Strache wants to endanger our state and then ...

And if that was not enough for the Israeli Parliament MPs who took part in the auxiliary fleet, well, more or less (ok, somewhat less, but still) outlawed. "The 41-year-old politician should Examples which no longer allowed to use diplomatic passport and received no state-funded legal assistance."

And now to something completly different: rumors (or a Wired article ) According to the source of Collateral Murder videos have been arrested. The whole one should until an official confirmation is enjoy with caution.

Krautrock poorest ... herb Terror: In San Francisco, an aircraft was evacuated before the flight because the crew had noticed a strange pungent, chemical smell. This was due to herbs!

Apple does not Gizmondo to WWDC! it may well be understood as retaliation for the leaked iPhone prototypes, on the other hand, the Apple, if that really need an excuse for such actions ...

I had always been skeptical whether work Microsoft Natal, but is now a A former . "The ability to control, with his whole body instead of the controller games, would split the community of developers, so Bayless. So completely I can not understand his criticism, however, and continued doubts about the technical implementation, the presentation at the last E3 was already almost too nice.

economic crisis and an end: As I have already informed the universities will also contribute its part in the planned Butgeteinsparungen. In Germany, it goes a step further, in Lübeck the whole university is about to out as planned if the medical courses will be deleted.

As I learned this week had there since January in Austria, a law whereby any person of a security camera operates on request information on records must be , you mean you can now go to the operators of the cameras and demand to know when to was recorded! For this I'll probably post in the near future further information, until then always beautiful smile in the lenses.

Finally, I have three nice links for you: Google
feat. Pacman
feat violins. System of a Down (just GREAT!)
oil leak feat. Your Hometown


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