Thursday, May 27, 2010

Swollen Paratid Gland And Swollen Gland

Still Alive

The family of Internet censorship is once again increased: Pakistan because of a cartoon competition (for now) may end up locked Facebook. should
background are once again the Danish Muhammad cartoons as inspiration for this Facebook group are ... Butterfly on a wheel and so on ...
Um, I remember now, I do not know whether Pakistan had been free Internet

Google may now no longer flash, but unlike Apple will also not h264. What makes a company wants to use the almost all areas of modern life in such a situation? Man tinkering just its own video codec for HTML5 (or much more simply buying a company has done something like this) is then called WebM.

climb into the car, strapped on the radio and suddenly heard in a deafening volume. The air conditioning heating to the highest level and the doors will not open anymore. What sounds like a bad horror movie, in rebelling against their car owner, is a demonstration by researchers at U.S. universities, Washington and San Diego.

Yes, it's so far we have (software) hack customizable cars! It is alleged that their software can delete after an accident even itself, which brings natural light into the darkness surrounding the death of the notorious Joerg Haider everyone ;-)

With a new strategy wants the U.S. military to stop their soldiers to to think first and then shoot first:
The U.S. military considered a completely new form of distinction for her soldiers: So it could be soon - as for soldiers, in Afghanistan or Iraq in use - a bravery medal given for that they do not fight.

Again, Facebook, and to link not only as "radical leftist" media such as the ORF this time "powered by Crown":
Hezbollah listened soldiers via Facebook Flirt from
Sowa By the way, (almost) accessible and is called social engineering division. Ne really quite nice and pretty embarrassing story for the Israelis.

How could it be otherwise in these days, even now you can get here a little economic crisis for all. On this week zurPolitik
was an interesting article on "Globalization of thought .
An idea not unknown to me, in one aspect of this representation, however, is missing and which I think is very important is that every person, every organization, every region should have the greatest possible autonomy of.
Does that mean that while some (and really only the main ones) have rules and laws globally, but each "administrative level" is just as powerful as necessary.

clear words on the crisis by Karl-Heinz Brodek (Professor of Economics, Economic policy, business statistics and creativity techniques at the Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt):
If I were once somewhat speculative, as many bankers say: That was the shot across the bow of the policy, could document the financial institutions their power and wanted . If you like, was the message: You can not control us. If you tried, we ruin the market. You always fear of terrorism. But that's just a different and quite more dangerous form of terrorism, which moves in financial markets. The politicians must understand and take action at last.

an independent path from the crisis strive to the Dutch!
There is considering the legalization of various drugs on the one hand, to save money in the prosecution of drug offenses, but while contributing with new tax revenue. Such a discussion (at a high level), we could do here.

9 years after the G-8 protests in Genoa this week several (senior) police officers were in 2nd Instance sentenced because they were in a school that served as a camp for protesters and demonstrators injured, some seriously ill and filed false evidence.
The sharpest punishment, five years' imprisonment was imposed Vincenzo Canterini, the first instance already been sentenced to four years imprisonment was. The judge assumed that the senior police officials had been severely beaten about the fights at school Diaz, the protesters were informed. In the first instance verdict in November 2008, only 13 of the 29 defendants were convicted. It consisted of police officers who harassed globalization opponent, and not the tip of the forces that had been acquitted.

there yet och something like justice? And just in Italy? I'm surprised. There

Good news from the EU Data Retention Front :
The Supreme Court the Republic of Ireland has officially asked the ECJ to rule whether the event-free storage of telephony and Internet data is generally consistent with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

Sure, that must mean nothing, but at least a small step in the right direction.

to domestic policy today I will even say anything except: "Typically F P Ö .

already last week after an e-mail the Salzburg Unirektors has surfaced in which he reports that, according to Science Minister Karl 2015 Unibudgets at best be frozen this week Rectors' Conference chief Sünkel announced it was embarrassing for him (?!?) that may study in Austria each.
In view of such developments is to burn only a matter of time until the re-Unis ...

2 small pieces of Volker Pispers I've found that I will not hide from you:
A forecast of the economic crisis and a report on my "colleagues" .


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