Friday, June 23, 2006

How Often Wax Hollywood

economic process successfully completed

on 16.06.2006, the economy has stopped here described the criminal LG Mühlhausen after a legal call. An interesting aspect might be that the actual indictment was not read completely, but rather a self reading analog § 249 Code of Criminal Procedure II was ordered. In the present process, this was quite reasonable, since only the reading of the charges, the process would have been significantly delayed. To my knowledge, it has such a self-reading Indictment to date not given. Unfortunately it will not come to a higher court test of this approach in this process since waiver of appeal was told. In my opinion, should the analogous application of § 249 II StPO here, however, be admissible as judicial, prosecutorial and defense are always able to gain knowledge through self-reading of the contents of an indictment. The

writes the "Thüringer Allgemeine " to the process:


The previous most expensive Thuringian investigation against white collar criminals is been terminated unexpectedly yesterday after a legal conversation between the parties.

MÜHLHAUSEN. Because of their confessions were the two accused fraudster like this with very light sentences. After a year of detention were the bosses of the leave under the name "Marbella Connection" known network for business, the Court first burials as free men. Only in a few weeks to the ailing health of vocational school teachers (65) and a co-defendant Electronics (46) begin their five-or a three and a half years in prison.

The verdict itself presented yesterday afternoon is not surprising: the court was right in a conversation succeeded in bringing the duo to a confession. In exchange for approximately 1,200 of the total 2000 charges were dropped. Thus, two birds with one stone. The process went after only four days of negotiations ended. Also had to because their tables a listener hardly reasonable indictment will not be read.

However, the court had previously positioned clear: if an indictment is so difficult to understand how this is a misreading not reasonable. Because then it serves no purpose. The jury got the 296-page pamphlet to read. All the other knew what has determined prosecutor Frank Erdt in the four years of investigative work: The two accused to let the buying up of companies whose registered office renaming and pay creditors, and thus run into the void. The scam they have pulled at least 500 times - even in Thuringia ten companies. "The large number of crimes has had a harsher sentence," it is the presiding judge Axel Schur brought the verdict to the point.

remained, according to Schur still 338 cases of false certification and 440 violations of the accounting requirement. On the whole trial of 500 defendants Insolvenzverschleppung was waived partly because each had the time of insolvency must be determined. Three, four years would it take, according to Schur.

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