Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hire Czech Glamour Models

We use five characters for undermining democracy

"Against right - We use five characters for democracy

human dignity, democracy, tolerance, openness and courage -... concepts and values that we take a lot, of course, but they are not every day they have to be fought again

brutal attacks speak for themselves and the increasingly large presence of neo-Nazis -. all led by the NPD - in the county characters must be opposed. especially since the NPD has made our group to focus region.

The population has done so remarkably. Time there were hundreds, sometimes thousands of people who took in recent months against the NPD rallies on the streets. This is good and right. However - and this makes the optical visibility significantly - there were hardly any posters that the "pro democracy - against right wing extremism and xenophobia" showed. For many countries, it is unusual winner, shows with posters to literally flag against neo-Nazis.

can, and we want to change. However, not with relatively unimaginative "Gegen Nazis" posters. We want to occupy the subject of positive and promote democracy, tolerance and human dignity. Values that are also on the (demo) Day also important.

because such messages are not just demos. They belong in each administration in each company and in every school. Thus we can show that these values in Siegen-Wittgenstein at home.
posters and stickers available free of charge

The five poster designs and the associated labels can be picked up at our office at the station 4-12 in victories on Monday. They are available free of charge, are available individually or get a set.

If schools, clubs, associations or political parties want to have longer runs, it is also possible. Such inquiries should be directed to the editor: Phone: 0271-23237-41 Fax: 0271-23237-32 or e-mail at "
