Friday, March 20, 2009

Margarita's In A Bucket

PBIC - Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center

If someone wants to read about what projects in other countries for the improvement of non-motorized transport are being launched, I have to display information about these measures from the U.S. and Canada found:

"USA / Canada: Practical examples from North America

The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC), in a publication several practical examples from the areas of pedestrian and bicycle traffic from

The PBIC Case Studies Compendium is a 200-page collection of case studies and best-practice examples of bicycle and pedestrian projects in several U.S. states. There are also some examples from Canada. The collection is updated regularly on the website and available for free download. "


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Open Closed Patella Difference

are potholes in the dark for cyclists dangerously

potholes are already annoying for drivers and can lead to considerable damage to the car. If these sections of road cyclists used, then the road surface damage for these users to adopt a life-threatening danger.


"We demand no pothole program, but of course the seasonal damage will be eliminated as quickly as possible when the security . Endanger This requires financial resources are made available. We would however need to regularly point out that the road pavement as well as evidence of the pads on the bike paths intact and adequate. Unfortunately, there just for the bike paths a major backlog of rehabilitation. The road surface must also be roadworthy, if the cyclist, as the Senate wanted to use the roads. It also makes sense to move more and more bicycle lanes on the carriageway, to those who are traveling by bike, to make way for other road users more visible. These strips are wide enough for the streets, of course, they should also decent state can be. "

are unfortunately not in Siegen corresponding damage repaired with due haste. A roadway damage that endangers motorists still no threat, but can be for a cyclist already an accident. Also they are not acting in victories with the intention to be connected, cyclists away from road traffic. A worldwide effort is seen to integrate the non-motorized-motorized traffic in the entire traffic plan, but victory will be clearer stance faithful. We are fortunate in Siegen still some intrepid derived from this negative environment can not be put off, but unfortunately there are also these missing measures no more.