Saturday, November 27, 2010

Kelly Erickson Online

Snow is falling, all around me...

Hello my friends!

Yes, I know I have my promise is not met, but the school and the learning marathon me back.
I wanted now that I'm still a little time before I begin to learn, etc. to report shortly, so you know, that I still live!

Sun and now a small update to all that is happening lately with me:

I have my entire fall break to spend this "wonderful" work to end. It prepared me not only my last nerve, no, it is only in the evening was finished before the levy. Well since I probably still should start sooner rather what I had done so well and what I really felt also had been recommended 500 times. So you should ever write a professional business, then begins soon enough , it annoys you or you yourself afterwards about it, but hey, I can understand it even if you do it at the last minute. I've also done and done! : D
The presentation is also to run quite well, but I get my score until January / February, ie, continue to wait.

Au Pair preparation:
am with my documents, I then start the holiday was well done, they've sent me and then right after that was already sent everything else for the hotkey press!. I had then on the weekend after the holidays and it was really good. Have also also already made a step to my Au Pair year. Now is the wait for me first - to February - to my birthday, because only then can I send the contract and my real driver's license and only then will my entire dossier sent to America. However, I was told that it is then unlocked fairly quickly, that is for me that the first families could sign as early as February. I am so excited and at the same time I am so very much. My earliest departure date will probably be the 4th Be July and I hope very much that I can go so soon because I really can not expect's.

The school currently runs, I would say on average, could be better, but I 'm never happy with me that most people know, yes. Damn perfectionism! Two examinations of eight I've now already behind me and they're both gone better than I had thought. This weekend I will content myself now with geography, but I'll do so gladly! :)

a babysitting job I have now also been found for me in the street. The two are so sweet. Have a small 5-year-old and a 1 1/2-year-old. We were already walking together, feed the ducks and on the playground. I've bathed, played with them, ate together and I'm just a lot of fun. Children are simply something terrific. Alone when the little me smiles, all is forgotten and others I have to smile. I'm looking animal on my time with the kids in America! :)

falls the more I now no longer.
've probably something I forgot, but then I add just one day when I get time again to blog.

And because it has snowed the last day with us so much, I was made shortly before time out and took a few photos, but it was soo cold that have not become the best, because I am such a hurry: D
As you know, I'm not a fan of snow, but for those who would like to have snow and not as much as we have here in Bavarian-Siberia, ein kleiner Vorgeschmack:


"Advice is like snow - the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper in sinks into the mind. "
Samuel Taylor Coleridge


Ultimately, I like the winter pictures actually quite good!
As long as there are only pictures and it's not cold outside, not covered in snow and gray.
Summer is just me rather than the winter!

So, that's about it for today.
See you soon! :) Xoxo


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Facebook Chat Grayed Out

A street name for Christl-Marie Schultes

Waldmünchen / Bad Heilbrunn (christl-marie-shoulder blog) - Why are there so far in Bavaria no Christl-Marie-Schultes Street, no Christl-Marie-Schultes-Weg and no Christl-Marie-shoulder seat? This question raises the authors Ernst Probst and Theo Lederer, which just released the paperback "Christl-Marie Schultes. have published the first aviator in Bavaria "(GRIN).

Christl-Marie Schultes (1904-1976) learned in 1928 from such famous women as Liesel Bach, Elly Beinhorn, Vera Bissing, Hanna Reitsch, Melitta Gräfin Schenk von Stauffenberg and Beate Uhse, born Köstlin, flying. Because of their origin was from a family of foresters they "Ranger Christl" called. In their adventurous flying life there were ups and downs.

Maria Rosalia Schultes came on 6 November 1904 as one of four children from the second marriage of the Bavarian Forest manager Otmar Schultes peace rock with Theresa Schulte, Koller was born in Munich in forest Geigant (Upper Palatinate) to the world. From 1907 the family lived in Schultes Oberenzenau in Bad Heilbrunn (Upper Bavaria), where the father had been transferred.

learned in 1928, the adventurous Christl-Marie without the knowledge of her parents in Berlin-Staaken flying. Under the so-called A bill she received soon after the aerobatic certificate. With a borrowed engine from its flight school, she joined airshows in the province , and was cheered as the first Bavarian aviator.

In March 1929, Christl-Marie bought with the financial support of the City Tölz and their parents in England, a private plane, they should fly for Bad Tolz and its operating baths advertising. This machine was on 4 August 1929 in the name of "Bad Tölz" baptized. So they stepped up to the German air idols Ernst Udet and Gerhard Fieseler, both at home and abroad. Solely with the air show in Munich, estimated admired 50000-150000 viewers inside their flying skills.

In the summer of 1930 the aircraft was "Bad Tölz" during a flight over the Fichtelgebirge of a Gewitterbö to Bottom torn and shattered. Christl-Marie and her passenger escaped unhurt. Soon after, she received a second plane, called "Bad Tolz.

The crash of Christl-Marie in the Fichtelgebirge prevented their planned participation in the Europe-flight in the summer of 1930, where she had been the only German pilot. Was not achieved after a long flight scheduled for November 1930 Japan. In the spring of 1931

Christl-Marie wanted to achieve together with the young pilots Gustav Sackmann from Cannstatt the bold plan for a flight around the world. But the two fell on 21 May 1931 during a storm in an attempted emergency landing in Schaibing near Passau (Niederbayern) and was seriously injured. In this accident lost her left leg Christl-Marie and had to wear a prosthetic leg now.

was from April 1933 Christl-Marie his own magazine called "German Flugillustierte" out. Because they are not the "Nazi" and had joined a Jewish fiance, she was confiscated by the Nazis. In the following years she was monitored by the "Gestapo."

After the death of German President Paul von Hindenburg, who had been their patron, Christl-Marie emigrated to Switzerland in August 1934, 1936, first to Spain, where civil war broke out soon, then to Portugal and finally to France.

In France, half-Marie Christl poor children and persecuted, until they are arrested and brought to the internment Brens. After 14 months in this camp, she was deported in 1942 to Germany, came to the Ravensbrück concentration camp, but was due to the help of an apparently released in SS man she fell in love again. Her work in the aircraft industry, they lost in March 1943 for "political unreliability."

In spring 1944, Christl-Marie criticized in the post office in Bad Tolz and then when driving from Bad Tolz in Bad Heilbrunn in a packed bus, the "Nazis" and called on soldiers to not to go to war. Then they wandered in Germany, in October 1944 before she voluntarily Authorities provided.

That Christl-Marie was not executed for military morale, she owed the Americans, who on 1 May 1945 with tanks in the prison yard of Munich-Stadelheim rolled. Christl-Marie has used even after the Second World War and over again for other people. For example, for German prisoners of war or for earthquake victims in Morocco.

On 9 March 1976 died Christl-Marie Schultes at the age of 71 years impoverished and forgotten in Munich. Her adventurous life would provide ample material for novels or movies, say the authors of Ernst Probst, a native of Wiesbaden Bayer, and Theo Lederer from Bad Heilbrunn. Both advocate that the services the first Bavarian pilot, with its "rich imagination" hurt sometimes, be duly appreciated at last.

A Short Biography of Christl-Marie Schultes is also found in the pocket books "queen of the skies from A to Z," "queen of the skies in Germany" and "queen of the skies in Europe" by Ernst Probst and "three queens of the skies in Bavaria "by Ernst and Joseph Probst Eimannsberger (Munich).

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Everlast Mini Exercise Cycle Manual

Trud Project: Give Beauty by Calvin Klein

Perfume to spray one of my daily morning routine, but I really always wear the same two scents. Although I shot from and in perfumery for a new fragrance, but so far I have not yet committed, as my favorites! :)

Calvin Klein has decided to make his new fragrance "Beauty" in Germany is known among other things, Trud. In this project, I had the opportunity to test beauty right after the launch.

The bottle and packaging look very noble, the scent itself, in my opinion is very light and feminine. Ensure Top notes of warm musk grain marks, followed by the white jasmine in the heart note. A sensual base is replaced by the perfume of the warm amber notes of cedar.

With "Beauty" Calvin Klein has written a scent that could be a classic. To my personal classics he has already become! :)

I have to award four samples of the fragrance, most middle who want to leave just a brief comment by e-mail address.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Intervention Caylee 2010

Winning Eleven


A good example of new quality journalism I have this week at the levels found:
Addendum: Later on "Call of Duty: Black Ops" turns out that the character is not a virtual Castro, but a doppelganger was killed. As participants in the SPIEGEL ONLINE Forum this surprising turn have now disclosed, the reader should be denied here either.

has an editor, since it seems not even played the game for about to write ... There we go!

climate change? but there is no problem, God has already promised to save humanity !
Exactly, and then comes over and plays the Easter Bunny brings us beam technology and the hypocrisy of Mr. Bush Jr. will be resurrected after his death and continue with all its wisdom (and enough people Kawumms) provide eternal world peace, or what? If any rednecks to believe something in the Texas desert, the already bad enough, but in reality these politicians should be strictly on the basis loss ...

had almost exactly a year ago Heise an interview with Michael Moore because of his (then) latest film, "A-Kapialismus Love story "in the course of which he was questioned over the Internet.
It is the greatest invention in my life. We can communicate across continents. I can quickly search online a lot. Before, I would have had months to travel through the archives to to find what I find today in a single day online research. I think the internet is great. We just have to make sure that in the hands of citizens remains.

nothing to add.

From the category "security arrangements" without need and sense : An Australian school wants to introduce fingerprint scanners to absenteeism control better. Apart from the fact that in my view, is deviant and perverse to take fingerprints of children in the devices are thought to be far from being truly secure. As with most similar advances the actual benefit is negligible, the damage to such technologies in the everyday life can cause it not even be estimated.

And if we are so here, the superintendent of the police department for "professional standards" in Liverpool hints at :
However, I would like to stress that CCTV images can never show the whole story.

Och ne, non-true until all explain how great because everything is, but as soon as time police officers acting like the same (some, containing reminds <100% der) Polizisten benehmen dann zeigen die Kameras natürlich nicht die ganze Wahrheit...
Somehow me to the action film official in demos , and of course the handling with the evidence .

There is indeed the saying that the NPD would no longer ban if all the V-men would be deducted perhaps take this reflects on the German Al-Quaidaableger to !

And small update Gibts also to get the thing with Stuttgart21.

a (somewhat) objective picture of our society, it is quite helpful to foreign media reports to heart, and it shows not all that great moment from "The amateur draft to a savings budget, the government gambled their reputation !

For this has caused great excitement interview with the Turkish ambassador. So completely do I understand this (excitement), however, and if so then get some Politkaschperln and the severance of diplomatic relations with Turkey ask me if I ask those who are upset as this have actually read the interview itself. This requirement can not otherwise be explained, however, the ambassador does say in the first sentence that everything which follows his personal Opinion. If it comes along, however, a Mr Strache and diplomatic consequences demanded it means nothing more than that, according to this interpretation, someone with a public office (as ambassador) no one can have private opinion, someone with a different public office (eg, party leader of the ( unfortunately) major parties in Austria) but may secrete any nonsense, we ham since then A freedom of expression. Well, obviously this is not freedom of expression for people who do not take minorities with their statements.
Edit: Robert Misik seems to look very similar , and has some of the highlights in the same packed with the video.

And finally, a warning: Beware Nazi !
And yes, that agrees exactly with the Skins!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tachycardia With Chest Pain

newspaper article about Christl-Marie Schultes

Regensburg (christl-marie-shoulder blog) - Under the headline "She was the first Bavarian aviatrix" reported in Regensburg Waldmünchen published "means Zeitung" about the 1904 Geigant born in, remember 1907 in Bad Heilbrunn, and grew up impoverished in 1976 and died in Munich Christl-Marie Schultes. Occasion of the article by "MZ reporter Thomas Dietz was the paperback" Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria "by Ernst Probst from Wiesbaden and Theo Lederer from Bad Heilbrunn. This title has appeared in "GRIN for academic texts" (Munich) and on the Internet at \u0026lt;a href = " html% 22% 3E: / / 3C / a > as well as in any good bookstore order.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Herpes Foreskin Penis

The parameters of Bell Fischer

order to shorten time to wait until the next regular review a little history, the very nice for (Un) sense in capitalism shows

An American businessman makes on the orders of his doctor in a small Mexican coastal village holidays. On the very first morning he gets up early in a hasty phone call from the office. Because he can not sleep more then he comes down to the pier, to regain a clear head. A small fishing boat with one fisherman creates it. In the boat are some large yellow fin tuna. The Americans congratulated the Mexican on the quality of his catch.

"How long did it take you to catch her?" He asks.
"Not so long," replies the Mexicans in surprisingly good English.
"Why do not you stay out longer and catch more of it?" Asks the American.
"I have enough to feed my family and some friends to give something," says the Mexicans, while transhipment, the fish in the basket.
"But ... what do you do with the rest of their time?"
The Mexican looks up and smiles.
"I sleep long, then I fish a little, play with my children, do siesta with my wife Julia - and every night I go to the village where I drink my wine and play guitar Amigos. I have a full and busy life, senor. "

The American laughs and is directed to its full size.
" My Lord, I'm an economist, I have done my degree at Harvard. I can help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat. Of the larger catches, then make regular basis, you could buy several boats in no time. . You will soon have a whole fleet of fishing boats "He continues:" Instead of selling your catch to middlemen, You can offer it to consumers directly and offer some point your own cannery. You will control product, processing and distribution then himself. Of course, you have to leave this small fishing village behind and move to Mexico City to Los Angeles and finally to New York, from where you will lead their expanding Unternehmnen with the right management. "

asks the Mexican fisherman," But ? Senor, how long will it take for all this "
replied the American," Maybe 15 to 20 years. ? Very most 25th "
" And what then, Senor, "laughs
The Americans and says:" This is the best of it. When the time is is right, you go public, sell your shares and get really rich. They will make millions! "
" Millions, senor? And then? "
" Then you sit down to rest and repair to a small fishing village. You sleep late, fish a little, play with the children, a siesta do with your wife and go in the evening to the village where they drink their Amigos wine and play guitar ... "

found out not Have the author, unfortunately, text is from here. tach

Monday, November 8, 2010

Cute Chapstick Sayings

me once the pizza box, i want another song shows

With Vibeholic, a handy sound system for the move, one from each hollow body quickly conjures a speaker with a respectable sound.

So far I have not only the videos and reviews, but also the price of about 28 € convinced. A nice gift idea for birthdays or Christmas.

Have to be a little afraid that soon nothing but I-am-so-soooo-cool-heard-by-my-great-music-nerve-children with the thing in the web environment the sound for ... : - /