Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Full Brazilian Wax - Salons In Brampton

"flying must be more expensive!"

... Quote: Environment Minister Angela Merkel on 9 February 1995

"14 years later, of course, long since forgotten how to fly would be more expensive. 14 years later, flying is not so expensive but still cheaper. Accordingly, much is flying through the world.

with devastating Consequences for the climate. Carbon dioxide emissions in the transport sector increased according to surveys conducted by the European Environment Agency since 1990 to almost 36 percent. . To blame for this fiasco, especially the aviation emissions growth of 89 percent, "

" No tax, no eco-tax, no fuel tax, no stamp duty is - flying is artificially cheaper. This goes back to the Chicago Convention from the year 1944. At that time it was believed that "can help the future development of civil aviation in heavily in finding ways to friendship and understanding among the countries and peoples of the world." Certainly true, but this form of international understanding heats up the human problem of the 21st Century force. Because climate change will bring with it greater economic turmoil than the two world wars together, "warned Sir Nicholas Stern, former chief economist of the World Bank, November 2006 sensational in his report for the British government.

The air pollution caused by a plane per passenger is up to five times as large as the one that causes an ICE. And compared with the number of customers of the railway in the aviation industry exploded. Since 1990, the number of flight movements in Europe each year by five percent. End of the nineties, the global air traffic of 3.5 percent was about man-made greenhouse effect at. Today there are probably nine percent "

extracts from source.


graphic below shows you the growing air traffic problem:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Do You Need A License Plate For A Camper

Happy Easter ...

Mugeres. Foyando. Con. Animales

RWE is top ...

... with dirty coal power plants!

Eleven of the EU over thirty dirtiest power plants are German energy companies. The news agency Reuters reported, following an assessment of emission figures from the European Commission. But these eleven plants were expelled in 2008, 165.9 million tons of carbon dioxide (slightly less than those determined for 2007, 172.7 million tons).

The largest CO2 polluter of the EU is therefore a Polish power plant Belchatow. Alone, there were 30.9 million tons of air expelled Gifts - caused quite as much as Croatia and nine percent more than last year. The filthiest German coal power plant, RWE's plant in Niederaußem (NRW), came to 24.9 million tonnes. According to Reuters RWE has only four of the seven dirtiest power plants in the EU.

The data suggests that the European carbon dioxide emissions of heavy industry in 2008 by four to five per cent has fallen. Experts attribute this to the economic crisis, because of the many farms, production was cut back, but even that is in power plants, dirty coal increasingly replaced by the relatively clean natural gas.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

Quotes About Congrat On A New Job


... Advertising agency of RWE trying to intimidate critics by legal means.


"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you and win then thou"
(Mahatma Gandhi)

"RWE enlists the German New Wave Group Trio for the so-called" ProKlima "electricity. The trio planned to seek proposals for three year price guarantee, on the T-shirts the musician is therefore" 2009 ", .. "2010", "2011" The current offered is two-thirds from nuclear power The fact that no means climate-friendly want urgewald and broadcast in the brochure: "show nuclear electricity from RWE expensive, dangerous, dirty" In their parody. from RWE campaign FingeRWEg campaign: On the T-shirts of the trio is "expensive" "Dirty" and "dangerous." Developed was the subject of a nationwide week of protest against RWE early March, the people had participated in some 60 cities, "

http://www.wir-klimaretter.de/content/view/2657 / 70 /

letter from RA Christian nonsense, law department of the Jung von Matt advertising agency group to urgewald:
http://www.urgewald.de/_media/_docs/Jung v. Mattbrief.PDF

reply urgewald of the threatening letter from RWE / JVM: http://www.urgewald.de/_media/_docs/SchrAnRAUnsinn-020409.pdf


Embarrassing, embarrassing ... but is a way:

Changes the current provider:

... as power of bright spot

Thursday, April 2, 2009

House Of Dereon Queen Comforter

The greatest enemy of cyclists ... We

... is the cyclist? More and more I experience, that the oppressed Species of the cyclists themselves through illicit actions as such into the corner of the bully and chaotic traffic. This morning, I will follow the bike path attacked by a cyclist who makes the signs to the contrary, carried away by a maneuver in which he almost caught me in an accident. An isolated case? Unfortunately not. I get angry every day about the thoughtlessness and insolence of many car and truck drivers. But we must cyclist derived from inside the right to behave the same way?

example Berlin:

"Nico Hildebrandt was served: 86 € (Including fees) and a point in Flensburg - the punishment was the sad record of the current working path. But he places it does not - as one might think - with the car back, but with the bike. On that same he had seen the crossing despite a red light and crossed the patrol officers directly behind him. Hildebrandt offenders had still try to discuss with the officials, but this could not listen to reason. As a cyclist, he must also follow the rules of the road traffic regulations to keep as any other - that's over, "

http://www.welt.de/finanzen/article1856815/Wenn_Radfahrer_in_Flensburg_Punkte_sammeln.html #

... Fines for cyclists - as of 01/02/2009

http://www.polizei-nrw.de/muenster/stepone/data/downloads/26/01/00/bussgeldkatalog-fuer -radfahrer.pdf

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thank You Notes To Pastors Funerals

on saddles!

Germany's first campaign for pedestrian and bicycle traffic has started

of 31.03.2009, in Berlin was the start of the campaign head on: engine . For zero CO2 on short-range "given.
Under this slogan, the government wants citizens move in the next two years to to drop in everyday life increases their car and walk or get on your bike.

cycling and walking saves millions of tonnes of CO2

"It keeps you fit, saves money and protects the environment, as might Germany alone by a doubling of the foot and kilometers by bike in the medium term five to six million tonnes of CO2 will be saved, "Astrid Klug, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Environment Ministry said on the occasion of the launch of Germany's first cycling and Fußkampagne.
The Federal Ministry of Transport supports the initiative of the environmental ministry in According to the common goal of reducing greenhouse gas from transport. Ulrich Kasparick, Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Transport, praised the campaign, specifically as a valuable motivational boost for more emission-free mobility. "The image campaign is hopefully as many of the necessary kick to the wheel switch" and Kasparick said at the campaign launch in Berlin. Especially in the city, it is important aufzusatteln. . On the first three miles, the bike is the fastest means of transport "

The campaign also undergoes prominent female support: Judith Holofernes, the singer of the pop group" We are heroes, "the double Olympic swimming champion Britta Steffen, and the Star chef Sarah Wiener profess different reasons to the campaign objectives. Holofernes climate change will make it part of pop culture. "We reach many young people and can put a lot of moving," she said at the project start. Britta Steffen called on the body consciousness of citizens. "It must do so not like any competitive sport, but travel the ordinary way under its own power, brings quite a lot of fitness and health."
Sarah Wiener, who wants to improve its foundation the dietary habits of children, even more sports calls in the Schools. "Similar to the fast food, we also lose the human scale in the mobility of the eye, "said Wiener at the Brandenburg Gate on foot to explore a city, a much more immersive experience than just the car had to drive through

http:// www.kopf-an.de/

Labeled Parts To A Engine

From May: scrapping for bikes in Mannheim

There is always ... pay

"After May, the city of Mannheim and BIOTOPIA for the purchase of a City-bike 50 EUR scrapping with delivery of the old bicycle in the bike BIOTOPIA station at the Mannheim Hauptbahnhof. Here are the conditions for the nationally unique action:

The scrapping is exclusively in the Biotopia Fahrradstation paid on Hbf
need to get the premium following items are allowed: a) the original receipt from an as of May at a Mannheim Radfachhandel (no discount chains, no online shipping) newly purchased city bike (no road bikes, mountain bikes, children's bikes), b) the own ID card for proof of residence (only Mannheimer received the premium), c) a ground-state drivable Alt-wheel (not a charge of bicycle parts like frame or handlebars, no indication of children's bicycles, tricycles, etc.)
per person is paid the premium only 1 x 4th

The premium is paid only to adults (bring ID)
A legal claim is not
is scrapping the time being limited to 100 bikes. The premium is paid to the first 100 people that come to pass, Altrad and original for the bike station. Reservations or written applications are not possible.
In contrast to the scrapping of the motor vehicle is not scrapped Alträder but will be repaired in the operation of the financial support BIOTIOPIA and fed by social and environmental aspects of a meaningful re-use. First day of validity of the scrapping will be Saturday, 2nd May 2009. "


http://www.rad-im-quadrat.de/2009/03/31/ab-mai-abwrackpraemie-fuer -bikes /