Saturday, May 10, 2008

Where Do I Get Cat Structure Rope

Wikipedia: militarism


  1. usually a ideology which is of the opinion that is guaranteed only through military strength security or even peace ; weakest in its This form is used Ideology to justify, prophylactic upgrade ; Today (2007), militarism often defined as a counterpart to the contemporary peace movements , and the special shape of the oriented sea power militarism is referred to as navalism, which in an extreme form of existing contrary of militarism is the pacifism ;
  2. during the Brazilian to the sociologist Willems with "militarism," the fact describes that a whole society in military traditions-oriented, military honor ideas cares, already have children in uniform like to see, etc. without that belligerent therefore necessary ( belligerent ) should be; opposite of this concept of militarism is then farmers, civil or military intellectual contempt or disregard, as shown in the anti-militarism .
  3. After Walter Benjamin militarism is forced to full application of force as means to ends of the state.

militarism as an ideology

Historically, the militarism of Sparta , Rome, Prussia or modern imperialist States brought the name, including the Japanese Empire before World War II, when navalism the British Empire, with the "Third Reich" in Germany, Italy under Mussolini . Further, one can associate militarism with (still existing) communist states such as North Korea , where the military is given top priority.

militarism as a cultural style

militarism as a cultural style is characterized by the excessive appreciation of military hierarchies , weapons, medals, uniforms (which, for social occasions or dress suit black suit can replace), parades, myths, rituals (eg, the lancing step ) and the pattern of command and obedience . Often the use of force (as in war) and glorified associated states of consciousness and emotions (eg Ernst Jünger ) and appear as a hero-worship. The soldier becomes a role model for society (the soldier, the soldier is the first man in our state) and develop the appropriate conceit. A transfer of military principles to the civil society is sought or has taken place. Examples of such a social order dominated include the Wilhelmine and Nazi (where even the enemy's military and more religious-oriented SS their wartime and postwar legitimacy most of the Waffen-SS moved).
Extremely militaristic states, as it was just under the Prussian "Soldier King" Friedrich Wilhelm I. resulted in almost no (war there was only later Frederick II), or as the German Reich 1871-1914 few wars, on the other hand, forced societies where the military is not a model, but they were belligerent (the U.S., France) many wars.
The Third Reich, however, set out the long-standing socially entrenched militarism advantage by focusing mainly on the upgrading of the renamed Wehrmacht Reichswehr concentrated, while it had to be very few resources, a strong revanchist belligerence to fuel . This meant that the Nazi Germany and its fascist allies (who was also a widespread but essentially superficial militarism as in Germany), dare to conquer large areas, so that when Bundeswehr today on these issues - even compared with other European Nations - there is relatively large reserve.
The large and strong military of a country does not automatically lead to militarism. Nations where the prevailing liberal gun laws and a great admiration for the most powerful military are therefore not immediately militaristic, not even when a large proportion of the population is involved in a tight reserve system. In this case play the dominant system in the state, the ratio of citizens to the national government and the military gave the orders for instance, and their perceived threat a major role, with the above factors or reinforcing key elements of an appropriate there can be militarism. Especially crucial to the variety, frequency and intensity of the military itself practiced military rituals that go beyond the need of discipline and strengthen the esprit de corps , where are the boundaries blurred.


"I have discovered too late that the battle zeal is nothing more than human, but sub-human, not a mystical revelation, but a reminiscence from the realm of animality, a revival of bestiality." Watch Bertha von Suttner

Sunday, January 27, 2008

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Russian war games

NATO forces - Russian convoy to journey to the North East Atlantic

MOSCOW, 23 January (RIA Novosti ). NATO reconnaissance shows an increased awareness of the actions of the Russian Federation use Seekriegsflotte during his trip to the northeastern Atlantic region. This was announced by the adviser to the commander of the Russian Seekriegsflotte and Chief of Information Office, Captain Igor Dygalo, RIA Novosti on Wednesday.
had, according to the spokesman for the reconnaissance cruiser San Jacinto, the U.S. Navy, the ship's on its route from Toulon (Mediterranean) to the area of the exercises in the Atlantic Ocean at a distance of 20-50 cable lengths observed.
were also accompanied by aircraft of the Russian anti-submarine forces during flight over the North Atlantic from F-15 aircraft of the air defense of the Norwegian Navy and British Tornado aircraft. According to Marine spokesman
be flown to the Russian task force belonging to NATO ships periodically patrol aircraft of the type Orion.
Dygalo said that the convoy to follow with the aircraft carrying heavy cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" at the top continue to exercise its functions under the Atlantic trip.

more articles on this topic

21:08 22/01/2008 Russia's navy training Together with Air Force in the Atlantic - day two

14:55 22/01/2008 Russian naval exercise in the Atlantic: Ta-bombers fired missiles

13:55 01/22/2008 cruiser "Moskva" of the Russian Black Sea Fleet fought in the Atlantic sea target

01/22/2008 11:40 Russian air force joins the Navy exercises in the Atlantic Ocean to


Humanity is impressed by the superior military power, but now it would be very nice if Russia zurückschippert again in the home ports, and Gazprom is investing his rubles in the development of civil society.

Greetings Mark Rabago>> discussions